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María Sobrido Prieto (1) Mª Carmen Rodríguez Otero (2) Uxía Gutierrez Couto (3)

Statistics management in the virtual library “BiblioSaúde”. María Sobrido Prieto (1) Mª Carmen Rodríguez Otero (2) Uxía Gutierrez Couto (3) Javier Osorio Calles (4) Amelia Cibeira Badía (5) Carlos González Guitian (1).

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María Sobrido Prieto (1) Mª Carmen Rodríguez Otero (2) Uxía Gutierrez Couto (3)

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  1. Statistics management in the virtual library “BiblioSaúde” María Sobrido Prieto (1) Mª Carmen Rodríguez Otero (2) Uxía Gutierrez Couto (3) Javier Osorio Calles (4) Amelia Cibeira Badía (5) Carlos González Guitian (1) Biblioteca Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña (CHUAC). Bibliosaúde. SERGAS. Biblioteca Complexo Hospitalario de Ourense (CHOU). Bibliosaúde. SERGAS. Biblioteca Complexo Hospitalario Area Sanitaria de Ferrol. Hospital Arquitecto Marcide. Bibliosaúde. SERGAS. Biblioteca Complexo Hospitalario de Pontevedra (CHOPO). Bibliosaúde. SERGAS. Biblioteca del Hospital Nicolás Peña. Bibliosaúde. SERGAS.

  2. 1. Creation of a working group (2008). SubdirecciónXeral de Docencia e Investigación Sanitaria. “Grupotécnico de BiblioSaúde”. Decentralized cross-organizational model, coordinated by a member of the group. 2. Selection of a "library portal" to manage the digital collection.(2008) 3 Creation of a unique collection for the entire system (2009) 4. Statistics Standardization and development of quality indicators of activity. (2010)

  3. 1. Creation of a working group (2008). 2. Selection of a "library portal" to manage the digital collection.(2008) BiblioSaúde (Intranet portal) Mergullador (Metalib and SFX link manager) Sharepoint (Group's knowledge management platform.) 3 Creation of a unique collection for the entire system (2009) • Electronic resources common to the whole system • Other specialized resources, latter distributed to other hospital libraries. 4. Statistics Standardization and development of quality indicators of activity. (2010)

  4. 1. Creation of a working group (2008). 2. Selection of a "library portal" to manage the digital collection.(2008) 3 Creation of a unique collection for the entire system (2009) • Electronic resources common to the whole system • Other specialized resources, latter distributed to other hospital libraries. 4. Statistics Standardization and development of quality indicators of activity. (2010)

  5. 1. Creation of a working group (2008). 2. Selection of a "library portal" to manage the digital collection.(2008) 3 Creation of a unique collection for the entire system (2009) 4. Statistics Standardization and development of quality indicators of activity. (2010)

  6. Spanishexperiencesstatistics Virtual libraries • SastreSuárez. S, Paez Cervi V, Pastor Ramón E, OrdóñezNieva R, Costa Marín N ¿Tanto Monta, Monta Tanto?: lase-revistas y sus estadísticas. XIII Jornadas Nacionales de Información y DocumentaciónenCiencias de laSalud. 14-16 de octubre de 2009. P.78-9. • Paez V, Pastor Ramón E, SastreSuárez. S, OrdóñezNieva R. Planificación estratégica y elaboración de procedimientosenla Biblioteca Virtual de Ciencias de laSalud de lasIslas Baleares. XIII Jornadas Nacionales de Información y DocumentaciónenCiencias de laSalud. 14-16 de octubre de 2009. P.84-5. • Medino Muñoz J, GrifolClar E. Cuadro de mando integral: Evaluación de resultados de 2006 a 2008. XIII Jornadas Nacionales de Información y DocumentaciónenCiencias de laSalud.

  7. AIMS • To present an automated integrated management system statistical indicators of activity in the Virtual Library BiblioSaúde and centers that comprise it. • Preparation of monthly reports that will increase the visibility of the activity of libraries and professionals to the Administration.

  8. Methods • Indicators • 1.-Access activity reports to the Virtual Library a. Number of visits b. Daily development c. Timetables of queries

  9. Methods • 2. Services provided reports in each of the centers • a. Document Supply Service (DSS) b. Bibliographic searches c. Interlibrary Loan d. Training courses about the platform.

  10. Methods 3.- User satisfaction degree. • Suggestions and complaintsformavailableonthewebsite.

  11. Methods 4.- Usage report of electronic resources • a.- Databasesaccess statisticsreports b.- Electronic books Access statistics reports c.- Electronic journals Access statistics reports

  12. Databases access statistics reports Searches and Sessions by Database COUNTER reports

  13. Electronic books Access statistics reports

  14. electronic journals COUNTER Usage Report (successful Full-Text Article, ítem requests and turnaways, searches rum) Summary usage statics (Current Issue TOC, All TOCS, Searches Abstracts, Full Text: HTML, PDF, …) Extended-Detail Usage Report (Total-Usage Statistics Current Issue TOC, All TOCS, Searches Abstracts, Full Text: HTML, PDFs, …)

  15. Conclusions • Make visible on an ongoing Bibliosaúde activity. • Knowing the impact and feedback from users on an ongoing basis and to detect errors. • Conduct an annual assessment of continued development in the collection, and the services offered. • Evaluate the cost of each resource..

  16. Conclusions • Make visible on an ongoing Bibliosaúde activity.. • Knowing the impact and feedbackfrom users on an ongoing basis and to detect errors. • Conduct an annual assessment of continued development in the collection, and the services offered. • Evaluate the cost of each resource..

  17. Conclusions • Make visible on an ongoing Bibliosaúde activity.. • Knowing the impact and feedback from users on an ongoing basis and to detect errors. • Conduct anannual assessment of continued development in the collection, and the services offered. • Evaluate the cost of each resource..

  18. Services provided reports in each of the centers

  19. Conclusions • Make visible on an ongoing Bibliosaúde activity.. • Knowing the impact and feedback from users on an ongoing basis and to detect errors. • Conduct an annual assessment of continued development in the collection, and the services offered. • Evaluate the cost of each resource.

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