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Reporting to Parents Parent Meeting 14 June 2010

Reporting to Parents Parent Meeting 14 June 2010. Agenda. Introduction Current Practice National Standards Where to from here? Please complete the feedback form throughout or at the end of the meeting. Introduction. Our beliefs about assessment and reporting... Benefits learners

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Reporting to Parents Parent Meeting 14 June 2010

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reporting to ParentsParent Meeting14 June 2010

  2. Agenda Introduction Current Practice National Standards Where to from here? Please complete the feedback form throughout or at the end of the meeting.

  3. Introduction Our beliefs about assessment and reporting... Benefits learners Involves students Supports learners and their next steps Language clear and easily understood Honest and transparent No surprises Strengthens partnerships between school, students and families Does no harm

  4. Current Practice We have a comprehensive assessment schedule

  5. Current Practice We have a comprehensive assessment schedule

  6. Current Practice We have a comprehensive assessment schedule

  7. Current Practice We have a comprehensive assessment schedule

  8. Current Practice We have a comprehensive assessment schedule

  9. Current Practice We have a comprehensive assessment schedule How much assessment is too much? What are the priority areas for assessment? How important are the competencies for assessment?

  10. Current Practice We send home a learning journal at the end of Term 1 and the end of Term 3 Are these documents worth the considerable amount of time that is invested in them? What needs to be added? What could be omitted?

  11. Current Practice We produce a written at the end of Term 1 and the end of Term3. We follow these up with parent teacher ,meetings Should students attend / lead the parent / teacher meetings?

  12. Current Practice Of course our doors are ALWAYS open and we are very happy to discuss student achievement, progress or concerns AT ANY TIME throughout the year. And we do.

  13. National Standards The legislation that applies to schools has changed. This is new for this year...... NAG 2 Where a school has students enrolled in years 1-8, the board of trustees, with the principal and teaching staff, is required to use National Standards to: (a) report to students and their parents on the student’s progress and achievement in relation to National Standards. Reporting to parents in plain language in writing must be at least twice a year;

  14. National Standards Year 6 What is plain language? What terms / jargon should be avoided?

  15. Assessment Resource Map Reading

  16. Assessment Resource Map Writing

  17. Assessment Resource Map Maths

  18. We are moving from this...

  19. To this...

  20. Overall Teacher Judgements An OTJ is a judgment made for the purpose of reporting in relation to the National Standards Teachers make a series of judgments to inform teaching and learning. They will use these to make OTJ’s. OTJ’s will be based upon Interviews with the student Observation Formal Testing A skill or knowledge must be demonstrated “independently and most of the time” to achieve the standard.

  21. How many students will meet the standard How well do you feel that you understand the national standards? What else would you like to find out? • http://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/National-Standards/

  22. MOE ExamplesMid Year Report

  23. MOE ExamplesEnd of Year Report

  24. MOE ExamplesEnd of Year Report

  25. Challenges Moderating data between schools? When should we report to you? What about other events? What about students who are ‘late bloomers?’ What about students who will never meet the standard. How can they treated sensitively? How do we ensure that we keep extending and motivating gifted students? How can we avoid narrowing the curriculum? How can we best support you in supporting your child (parent evenings – timing? Website? Resources?

  26. Questions... What are the best descriptors to use for students? Could report in relation to: The standard the student meets (ie best fit) The year level standard (above, at below well below or a scale the school is currently using) Can use positive language i.e “is working towards the Year 6 standard” not “is below the year 6 standard.” When should we report to you? When is most beneficial for learning?

  27. Any further comments... Thank you VERY much for giving us your time this evening!

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