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Human Resources Branch - 9/27 Conference Call

Human Resources Branch - 9/27 Conference Call. Chair: Maureen Johnson Vice Chair: Mario Varela Secretary: Barb Wisniewski Publication Coordinator: Kristina Speed Awards & Honors: Michelle Brady Conferences & Seminars: Open Membership Development: Trent Shuford

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Human Resources Branch - 9/27 Conference Call

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Human Resources Branch - 9/27 Conference Call Chair: Maureen Johnson Vice Chair: Mario Varela Secretary: Barb Wisniewski Publication Coordinator: Kristina Speed Awards & Honors: Michelle Brady Conferences & Seminars: Open Membership Development: Trent Shuford Web/Social Media: Tracy Linhart Body of Knowledge: Open

  2. Agenda • 11:30-11:35 - Opening remarks & "state of the Branch“ - Maureen • 11:35-11:50 - Branch Updates • Safety 2012/Safety 2013 - Maureen • Awards & Honors – Maureen for Michelle • Technical Publication – Tina • Website/LinkedIn – Tracy • Membership – Trent • 11:50-12:05 - Member Dialog • 12:05-12:15 - Volunteer Opportunities • 12:15-12:20 - Next Meeting • 12:20-12:30 - Open Discussion/Q&A

  3. Safety 2012/Safety 2013 • 2012 • 1st successful Branch roundtable • 6 sponsored sessions • 2013 • Several sessions reviewed for sponsorship • Roundtable ideas? (Due 10/1)

  4. Awards & Honors PAST 2012 Trent Shuford (significantcontributor) Rene Hilgemann (ASSE reconition) Volunteer certificates of appreciation from the Branch Rene Hilgemann Barb Wisniewski Volunteers FUTURE Publication. Individual awards. Significant contributor. Highlight those who have received awards at their companies

  5. Technical Publications - Newsletter Purpose • Provide up-to-date Health and Safety information for the busy Human Resource Professional • Newsletters submitted on time every time • 2013 editions due 2/18, 6/17, and 10/7/13 New or Challenging Thoughts? New Ideas or Best Practices? Email us at: newsletter@injuryfree.com

  6. Website/LinkedIn (Social Media) www.asse.org/ps/hr www.asse.org/ps/hr www.asse.org/ps/hr,www.asse.org/ps/hr,www.asse.org/ps/hr,www.asse.org/ps/hr,www.asse.org/ps/hr,www.asse.org/ps/hr,www.asse.org/ps/hr, www.asse.org/ps/hr www.asse.org/ps/hr www.asse.org/ps/hr www.asse.org/ps/hr www.asse.org/ps/hr www.asse.org/ps/hr www.asse.org/ps/hr GET ANSWERS www.asse.org/ps/hr Be Up To Date Find Out WHAT IS HOT ! Get The Word Out • Web pages are fresh (www.asse.org/ps/hr ) • LinkedIn site, current and a place to get help • See new “Hot Topics”, valuable links, valuable news feeds, and additional features on our web pages. • Content on the site is up-to-date and all links are active. • Share web page and LinkedIn brings visitors to the page • One of the most active LinkedIn in the Practice Specialties

  7. Member Dialog • How has the Branch met your needs? • What can we do better? • What topics would you like to see covered in articles, webinars and conference events? • How can we grow the Branch?

  8. Volunteer Opportunities Technical Publications Committee Members • Assist Coordinator in the following activities: • Solicit members and non-members to write articles for the triannual newsletter.  • Develop topics/authors/themes • Cover for Coordinator as requested at monthly Branch Executive Team conference calls

  9. Volunteer Opportunities Membership Development Committee Members • Assist Membership chair in the following activities: • Capitalize on membership recruitment opportunities. • Recruit via social media sites, at work events, social events, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. • Create a positive “buzz” about the Society and your group. • Participate in referral programs and awareness initiatives • Let staff know about industry events that are occurring so they can attend or send materials to maintain a constant presence in the safety community (2 week+ lead time preferred). • Create brochures and promotional materials as needed. • Devise recruitment tactics. • Cover as requested at monthly Branch Executive Team conference calls • Cover as requested at monthly Membership Committee conference calls (this is with other Membership Chairs, not the HR Branch)

  10. Volunteer Opportunities Website/Linked In Committee Members • Help monitor the Branch web pages & Linked In site on a regular basis. • Help develop new “Hot Topics”, suggest valuable links, valuable news feeds or additional features for the web pages. • Help ensure all content on the site is up-to-date and all links are active. • Help promote web page and Linked In to drive visitors to the page and increase awareness of the site. • Participate in a Branch Executive Team conference call if asked by Website Chair to do so • Actively participate in member recruitment during conferences and meetings.

  11. Volunteer Opportunities Body of Knowledge Chair • Keep abreast of BoK developments • Provide articles, white papers, links, research papers, resources, etc. that will enhance the wiki-like BoK site. • Develop a list of important topics within your niche/industry and experts that can function as resources for information on those topics. • Participate in a Branch Executive Team conference call or provide coverage or a report • Actively participate in member recruitment during conferences and meetings. Body of Knowledge Committee Members • Provide input and feedback on BoK developments • Provide articles, white papers, links, research papers, resources, etc. that will enhance the wiki-like BoK site. • Develop a list of important topics within your niche/industry and experts that can function as resources for information on those topics. • Participate in a Branch Executive Team conference call if asked by BoK Chair to do so • Actively participate in member recruitment during conferences and meetings

  12. Volunteer Opportunities Conferences & Seminars Chair • Provide comments and feedback on each conference. • Work with ASSE Staff to develop new ideas for the annual conference. • Solicit speaker proposals from your membership May-July. • Notify membership of the PDC annual advisory committee meeting via email, LinkedIn and Facebook prior to the conference • Work with the Publication Coordinator to include conference information (i.e., advisory committee meeting details, special events, sponsored session listing and roundtable information) in the newsletter issue that releases before the annual conference • Work with the Publication Coordinator to include a conference recap in the newsletter following the conference • Help with Branch webinars

  13. Next Meeting • In early 2013 • Ideas for topics?

  14. Open Discussion/Q&A • Any other comments, ideas? • Thank you for joining us!

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