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CHSWG Family Information Evening

CHSWG Family Information Evening. Children’s Hearing Services Working Group Nicky Edmondson, Speech and Language Therapist Clare Rule, Advisory Teacher for H earing I mpairment. What is CHSWG?.

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CHSWG Family Information Evening

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  1. CHSWG Family Information Evening Children’s Hearing Services Working Group Nicky Edmondson, Speech and Language Therapist Clare Rule, Advisory Teacher for Hearing Impairment

  2. What is CHSWG? • A multi disciplinary forum bringing together professionals from Health, Education and Social Care together with parents, who are either working in or associated with the delivery of services for all deaf children and young people in the London Borough of Hillingdon.

  3. Why was CHSWG formed? • Followed the newborn hearing screening programme (NHSP) and other good practice guidelines(NDCS Quality Standards, MCHAS protocols) • Requirement for all services supporting deaf children and their families within Hillingdon to work in close collaboration • Provide a co-ordinated quality service locally for deaf children • Ensure that children’s hearing services are on the agenda for planning and delivering services at a strategic level

  4. Purpose of the group • The overall purpose is to ensure a strategic approach to the development of hearing services taking into account the five Every Child Matters outcomes(2003) Achieved by: • Collaborative and coordinated planning • Joint identification of need and “gaps” in service • Monitoring of availability and appropriateness of services to meet identified need • Efficient and effective operational management ensuring best use of resources

  5. Who has been involved? • Professionals from Health These include: • Speech and Language therapist • Audiologist, • Consultant paediatrician • ENT consultant, • Audiology manager, • NHSP coordinators, • Health Visitors,

  6. Who has been involved • Professionals from Education These include: • Advisory Teachers for Hearing Impairment • Educational Psychologist • Professional from Social care: These include: • Community care workers from people with physical and Sensory difficulties team

  7. Objectives To ensure that the hearing services for children and young people are working together in an effective,seamless way underpinned by family friendly principles and meet national guidelines

  8. Universal hearing Specialist services for the deaf MedicaL Assessment Review and updates of policies and procedures reflecting good practice Consider NICE guidelines, NDCS recommendations etc Early Support programme Support,advice and health promotion Providing effective and efficient systems for: Families Early identification Referral Assessment and intervention Professionals Audit, research and development Share training Annual report Objectives

  9. So Far: • First meeting 15th May 2008- fantastic response 20 + attendees • Three meetings held a year • Chair changes every two years • Share responsibility for chairing across disciplines • Funding issues

  10. Areas covered • QA planning • NHSP Action Plan • Parent networking • NDCS feedback • Health Visitor feedback • Family Information evening

  11. Family Information evening • Need to bring families together as a group • Access to professionals in a welcoming, social environment • Availabilty of a range of relevant information with people on hand to explain it • Allow children in mainstream to mix with other hearing aid or cochlear implant users • Encourage parent/family networking • Bring together local professionals and voluntary groups

  12. Format • Information Stalls • Entertainment for children • Refreshments • Area for mixing • Parent representatives • Talks from past and present pupils from Glebe and Vyners schools re their experiences of growing up in Hillingdon

  13. All families with a deaf child were invited About 24 families attended Representatives invited from: Audiology Speech and Language therapy Teachers of the hearing impaired Educational psychology NDCS(National) Uxbridge college Crown centre (signing) Parent representatives Vyners and Glebe schools Social care Triple p Local NDCS Forest Books Outcome

  14. feedback • Questionnaires were given out- raffle format 89% filled in and returned • Parents asked about a number of areas- to allow for planning of future events . • 100% said they would like another of these events

  15. feedback Other questions looked at what was the most useful part of the evening Replies: 63% Meeting other parents and families 71% Children meeting other hearing aid users 71% Talks 80% Information 44% NDCS access

  16. Feedback • Parents were also asked to feedback comments: • “Would love ongoing family evets throughout the year • “Great to hear such confident young people” • “Thank you for a fantastic evening” • “It made me realise what she will be able to achieve” • “Could we have more for teenagers and school leavers”

  17. Plans • We are planning to hold one evening a year • Next meeting : Workshop format Presentation from local NDCS Signing parent support • Following year: Technology focus Presentaion from Uxbridge college

  18. Thanks This group is a wonderful example of professionals working together. We would like to thank all the people who gave up their own time to make this evening a reality.

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