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人力資源管理之當前問題: WORK-LIFE BALANCE

人力資源管理之當前問題: WORK-LIFE BALANCE. 運管 102 9832004 蕭志穎 運管 102 9832027 李佳芸. 1-11 組. 事業 ? 家庭 ? 如何抉擇. 多數家庭早晚都會面臨到這個選擇 然而對企業來說這也是個相當頭痛的問題 如何使員工能夠兼顧家庭與工作呢 ?. 幾個好方法. Child care On-site child care Summer day camps Leave for personal matters Flextime Job sharing

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人力資源管理之當前問題: WORK-LIFE BALANCE

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  1. 人力資源管理之當前問題:WORK-LIFE BALANCE 運管1029832004 蕭志穎 運管102 9832027 李佳芸 1-11組

  2. 事業? 家庭? 如何抉擇 • 多數家庭早晚都會面臨到這個選擇 然而對企業來說這也是個相當頭痛的問題 如何使員工能夠兼顧家庭與工作呢?

  3. 幾個好方法 • Child care On-site child care Summer day camps • Leave for personal matters • Flextime Job sharing Flexible job hours 讓我們來看看美國的FWI做的研究數據 (This surveys a representative sample of 1,057 for-profit (84 percent of the sample) and not-for-profit companies (16 percent of the sample) with 100 or more employees.)

  4. Website : Families and Work Institute This isa nonprofit center, founded in 1989 dedicated to providing research for living in today’s changing workplace, changing family and changing community. FWI’s research takes on emerging issues before they crest and includes some of the most comprehensive research on the U.S. workforce available. 這個網站在1998和2005年時分別進行了一項調查實驗,讓我們來看看兩筆數據之間的差距

  5. Child care • Programs for Parents of Young Children and Teenagers 1998 0%  2005 5% (No statistically significant differences were found in 10 types of child care assistance assessed in 1998 and 2005, includingprograms such as on- or near-site child care)

  6. Elder Care • 1998 23%  2005 34% • 對於這個逐漸高齡化的社會,這是一個好現象

  7. Leave for personal matters • The maximum guaranteed leave 1998 13.1 weeks  2005 14.5 weeks. • And fathers are allowed longer leaves following the birth of their child. • 並且他們發現到,相較於1997年,這幾年的年輕爸爸比較會花時間關心孩子,這無疑是一項好的發展

  8. Flextime • In daily flextime 1998 24%  2005 31% • In workweeks flextime 1998 37%  2005 44% • 由上圖可知,大型企業較不支持彈性工時;而小型和中型企業較能接受這樣的想法

  9. 企業支持理由 • 2005年,在 92%支持以上想法的企業中,此單位詢問他們的主要理由,分別是: 47% to recruit and retain employees 25% to enhance productivity and commitment 39% they want to support employees and their families

  10. 結論 • 對於員工來說,企業能夠支持這些計畫是極大的助益,除了能夠使他們無後顧之憂的工作,也可以兼顧孩子的身心發展,一舉兩得 • 對於企業來說,推行這些方案能使員工維持高效率的工作品質,此外,也能夠藉此留住高績效的員工,使業績蒸蒸日上,何嘗不作此嘗試呢?

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