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Ökotehnoloogia Hoone energiavajadus, passiivsed kütte- jahutustehnoloogiad

Ökotehnoloogia Hoone energiavajadus, passiivsed kütte- jahutustehnoloogiad. Tõnu Mauring tonu.mauring.001@ut.ee. Süsteemi piirid. Energiaturg. Elektri ja sooja tootmine. Elekter. Ressursi ammutamine. Energia allikas. Küte. Soe vesi. COP. . Netovajadus. Energia vajadus.

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Ökotehnoloogia Hoone energiavajadus, passiivsed kütte- jahutustehnoloogiad

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ÖkotehnoloogiaHoone energiavajadus, passiivsed kütte- jahutustehnoloogiad Tõnu Mauring tonu.mauring.001@ut.ee

  2. Süsteemi piirid Energiaturg Elektri ja sooja tootmine Elekter Ressursi ammutamine Energia allikas Küte Soe vesi COP  Netovajadus Energiavajadus Lõppenergia (= ostetav energia) Primaarenergia (summaarne energiavajadus) Allikas: Erlandsson 2005

  3. Module I Version 1.0 “About SONNENKRAFT”

  4. Hoonete energiavajadus 10% 10% 15% 15% kWh/(m2 a) 19% 25% 19% 80% 25% 70% 62% 33% 33% 33% 50% T.Mauring

  5. “Through intelligent construction and • design” • ~- 90 % 160 kWh m²a Energie effizienz 14 kWh/m²a

  6. Passiivmaja Darmstadt Kranichstein / PHPP mittekasutatavpäikeseosa lõuna- aken lõuna- aken bilanss põhja- aken põhi Energiavoog kWh/(m2 a) katus sise-misedallikad võrdluseks: välis-sein mõõdetudväärtus küte pinnas vent. Sisend Kaod T.Mauring

  7. design of a energy system • kui süsteem on kirjeldatud n parameetriga • ja igaühel neist on 3 sõltumatut olekut • siis kombinatsioonide arv on 3n • probleem hoonete puhul: n on suur • nt kohaloleku profiil, ventilatsioonihulk, soojustus, mass, klaasi tüüp… • isegi suhteliselt väike arv parameetreid annab väga suure arvu kombinatsioone: • n = 10 võrdub näiteks 59 000! • lühidalt, energiasüsteemid on keerukad

  8. b) CSDE - computer-supported design environment … mathematical model, to represent each possible energy flowpath, … to emulate the reality • tool-box approach • …to reduce the complexity • … lessen the computational load • (“handbook”) (J A Clarke 2004)

  9. resolution of the model – that is the number of nodes – is the function of analysis objectives building energy flowpaths (J A Clarke 2004)

  10. tool-box approach, “handbook” klaaspindade orienteeritus ilmakaarte suhtes, mõju energiavajadusele (Oberländer)

  11. tool-box approach, “handbook” päikese mõjuta koos päikese mõjuga akende võrdlus arvestades orienteeritust ilmakaarte suhtes (Oberländer)

  12. tool-box approach, “handbook” akna suuruse mõju U-arvule (Oberländer)

  13. Building orientation and overshadowing analysis • 2D / 3D static or animated visualization of shadows and daily shadow ranges on selected surfaces. • Numerical overshadowing analysis on selected windows or surfaces for specified time-scale. • Visualization of 3D daily and annual sun-paths and seasonal variability of overshadowing. • Generation of sun-path diagrams for selected viewpoints.

  14. Solar access analysis • Cumulative insolation analysis to visualize distribution and availability of solar radiation over an entire building surface. • Numerical calculation of incident solar radiation levels on selected objects or surfaces on selected timescale. • Based on detailed hourly weather datasets

  15. Dynamic building performance simulation Energy efficient building core laboratory Institute of Technology, University of Tartu http://www.tuit.ut.ee/171975

  16. Hourly data Brightest sunny day

  17. Hourly data Most overcast day

  18. Solar shading design • Optimal dimensioning of solar shading devices. • Numerical calculation of solar radiation reduction from overhangs, louvers, blinds and sidefins. • Numerical calculation and 2D/3D visualization of overshadowing from solar shading devices.

  19. Solar thermal simulations Daily maximum collector temperature [ °C] Solar fraction total [%] Energy efficient building core laboratory Institute of Technology, University of Tartu http://www.tuit.ut.ee/171975

  20. Windows: example *Specification of materials *Manufacturer´s drawing *Distribution of temperatures in window

  21. Distribution of temperatures and linear thermal transmittance (ψ) − W/(m*K)

  22. www.tuit.ut.ee/eetl T. Mauring

  23. Daylighting calculations and visualizations • Calculation and visualization of daylight factors and worst-case daylight levels on selected surfaces (Geometric split-flux method). • Numerical calculation of daylight factors and worst-case daylight levels on selected surfaces (Radiosity-based diffuse reflection method), photorealistic visualization of 3D scenes and numerical data overlay. • Numerical comparison of alternative design strategies.

  24. EnergyPlus simulation Max temperature 36.41°C 20 °C line

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