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The rules

The rules. In groups of five you are going to answer the following questions . Write them down on your sheet. You have 40 seconds to think of the correct answer . Every group wins a price , only the group with most correct answers can pick first , etc

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The rules

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The rules • In groups of fiveyou are going to answer the followingquestions. • Writethem down onyour sheet. You have 40 seconds to think of the correct answer. • Everygroupwins a price, only the groupwith most correct answerscanpickfirst, etc Goodluck and may the Forcebewithyou!

  2. Mentionas many items as possiblethat a ‘full cookedbreakfast’ consistsof

  3. Whichcharacterfrom Star Trek greetsotherlifeformswith the quote Live long and prosper

  4. Whichword is pronounced the samewaybefore and afteryoutakeaway 4 letters?

  5. Which 4 countries does the United Kingdomconsist of?

  6. What are The Seven Wonders of the World?

  7. Whosang the song ‘Missing’? I step off the train I'm walkin' down yourstreetagainAnd pass your doorbutyoudon't live thereanymoreIt's yearssinceyou've been thereAnd nowyou'vedisappearedsomewhereLikeouterspaceYou'vefoundsomebetterplaceAnd I miss you (Like the deserts miss the rain)

  8. Thinkof as manytouristattractionsin Brightonyouremember

  9. What is the fifth word of the British nationalanthem?

  10. Think of as many Britishstreetartistsas youcan!

  11. Who is the Greek God of music?

  12. Mention the fournames of the TeenageNinjaTurtles

  13. Wherewere the Olympics held in 2012?

  14. In whichyeardidEngland win the World Cup?

  15. Howmanystrings does a violin have?

  16. Mention as many clubs as possiblethatplay in the Premier League.

  17. What are the names ofPrinceCharles’sparents?

  18. Which is the only US state to begin with the letter P?

  19. Howdo yousayHet is half 10 inEnglish?

  20. Wheredid we go for a hikealong the coast duringour schooltrip in 2011?

  21. How is the painting La Giocondamore commonlyknown?

  22. Apart fromEnglish, whichotherlanguages are spoken in Britain?

  23. In which country was Rudolf Steinerborn?

  24. What is thiscalled in the UnitedKingdom? And in the United States? Think of as many things of whichyouknow the British and American synomyms

  25. Whichside is ‘portboard’ and whichside is ‘starboard’ whenyou are sailing?

  26. Which ‘hood’ are we talkingabouthere?

  27. On a Monopoly board, what are the four corners called? Bonus ifyouknowthem in English

  28. What is thisdishcalled?

  29. In whichyearwere the composers Verdi and Richard Wagner born? (the inventor of barberwire was alsoborn in thatyear, maybethiswill help Guido answerthisquestion)

  30. Which of these charactersfrom King ShilohSoundsystemis Nathalie’shusband?

  31. Ifyou are over 18 and want to come to a soundsystemsession @ MC Theater onSaturday 28 June, let me know and I’ll put your name on the guest list. Casper and Hendrik’snames are top of the list!

  32. What is Nathalie’sfavouriteStar Wars charactercalled?

  33. thankyou!

  34. Have anamazingsummer

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