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Hybridization Reaction Analysis

Hybridization Reaction Analysis. 2003.2.6 Eun-Jeong Lee. Purpose. To know the time and the concentration of initial amonut of DNA that composes the final strand. Graph. DNA Strands. Kinetic constant of reactions.

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Hybridization Reaction Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hybridization Reaction Analysis 2003.2.6 Eun-Jeong Lee

  2. Purpose • To know the time and the concentration of initial amonut of DNA that composes the final strand

  3. Graph

  4. DNA Strands

  5. Kinetic constant of reactions • Hybridization kinetic constants of all case are k for forward reaction and k` for reverse reaction.

  6. Substitution of strands

  7. Hybridization reaction equation

  8. Hybridization reaction equation using substituted characters

  9. Case I • If no reverse reaction, consider only forward reaction rate

  10. Reaction rate equations

  11. Steady-state approximation • The steady-state approximation assumes that, after an initial induction period, an interval during which the concentrations of intermediates rise from zero, and during the major part of the reaction, the rates of change of concentrations of all reaction intermediates are negligibly small.

  12. Apply to eqs about intermediate • de/dt=df/dt=dg/dt=dh/dt=dl/dt=dm/dt=dn/dt=do/dt=dp/dt=0

  13. Initial conditions and Solution • a=b=c=x=y="" , at t=0 • q=fct(t) The concentration of final double strand, Ae1Be2C is expected to be derived to the form of function of time and concentrations of initial strands.

  14. Case Ⅱ • There is a reverse reaction only for reactions that is related with final ds, i.e. Ae1Be2C.

  15. Case Ⅲ • There is a reverse reaction for all reactions.

  16. Finding kinetic constant, k • How?

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