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ABE Administrator 101 Inaugural ABE Manager Webinar

ABE Administrator 101 Inaugural ABE Manager Webinar. Brad Hasskamp, Minnesota Department of Education Karla Vien , Literacy Action Network. Agenda. Adult Basic Education is not basic; it is a complex, comprehensive system. Today’s orientation topics include: ABE delivery system Funding

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ABE Administrator 101 Inaugural ABE Manager Webinar

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  1. ABE Administrator 101Inaugural ABE Manager Webinar Brad Hasskamp, Minnesota Department of Education Karla Vien, Literacy Action Network

  2. Agenda Adult Basic Education is not basic; it is a complex, comprehensive system. Today’s orientation topics include: • ABE delivery system • Funding • Policy & accountability

  3. Minnesota ABE The mission of Adult Basic Education in Minnesota is to provide adults with educational opportunities to acquire and improve their literacy skills necessary to become self-sufficient and to participate effectively as productive workers, family members, and citizens.

  4. Minnesota’s Adult Basic Education System

  5. Minnesota’s Adult Basic Education System

  6. Minnesota’s Adult Basic Education System

  7. State ABE Delivery System

  8. ABE Consortium Grants Due: June 1 each year Every Year: ABE Performance Report • Table A and NRS Tables 1-13 Every Five Years: ABE Program Narrative Explained at Spring Grant Application Meetings

  9. Minnesota’s ABE Funding Trends

  10. Funding Sources

  11. FY 2014 ABE State Aid State ABE appropriation segmented into 4 components: • Base population aid = $1.73 per resident, $3,844 minimum • Contact hour rate = $5.31per prior year contact hour • K-12 Limited English Proficient (LEP) rate = $45.98 per K-12 LEP Unit • Over age 20 no diploma rate = $5.72 per district resident without a high school diploma To view your consortium’s state aid spreadsheet, go to the MDE website

  12. Increase in State ABE Aid 2.5% annual increase in State ABE Aid • Subject to a corresponding statewide ten year average growth in contact hours • ABE base aid will increase every year by 2.5% if ABE contact hours grow by 2.5% or more annually on average over the prior ten year period

  13. Federal ABE Aid Federal Distribution Formula: • States receive their federal allocation based on census counts of adults without high school diplomas. Minnesota’s Federal Money to Consortia: • Local consortia receive federal funding based on the number of prior year contact hours for ABE enrollees who are below the Adult Secondary levels. FY 2014 federal contact hour rate = $0.56

  14. What does all this mean? • You coordinate an ABE site. Last year, you normally had 11 students come per day for a 2-hour ESL class, 9 students come for 3 hours per day for GED instruction, and 6 students typically come for about 90 minutes per day for drop in tutoring. Looking at this year’s contact hour rates: • How many contact hours did your site generate on an average day? • How much state funding (contact hours portion) did your site generate last program year per class day? (Remember that the FY2014 contact hour rate is $5.31.) • How much federal fundingdid your class generate last program year per class day? • How much state and federal contact hour fundingwould your site lose if all students typically came 30 minutes late to class?

  15. Contact Hour Growth Cap • The amount a consortium receives in contact hour revenue may not increase over the previous year by more than the greater of 11% or $10,000.

  16. Gross Revenue Per Contact Hour • A consortium may not receive more than $22 per prior year contact hour in total state aid revenue

  17. Other Sources of ABE Funding Other state & federal grants • EL/Civics • FastTRAC Foundation grants • United Way Contracts for service Private donations

  18. ABE Administrator Question 1 WHOdoes ABE serve?

  19. ABE Student Eligibility Adult Basic Education means services or instruction below the postsecondary level for individuals: • At least 16 years old; AND • Not enrolled or required to be enrolled in high school; AND • Meet at least one or more of the following: • Unable to speak, read, or write in English; • Do not have a high school diploma; OR • Need basic literacy skills development.

  20. To increase our understanding, let’s play… Now That’s Accountability!

  21. Now That’s Accountability! • A potential learner comes in asking for GED classes. He is 15 years old. Is he ABE eligible? Student: JB

  22. Now That’s Accountability! Student: Selena • A potential learner is 17 years old. Is she ABE eligible?

  23. Now That’s Accountability! • A potential learner is a high school graduate. Is he ABE eligible? Student: Taylor

  24. ABE Administrator Question 2 WHATdo we need to know about ABE students?

  25. What information do we need from ABE students? • Student First Name • Student Last Name • Student Sex • Student Ethnicity • Student Date of Birth • Student Intake Date • Student Pre-test Info • Student Entry Level • Student’s Last Grade Completed • Location of Last Grade Completed • Student Labor Force Status • Student Contact Hours • Student Class Participation • Student Post-test Info • Current Student Level • Student Exit Date

  26. ABE Student Labor Force Status

  27. Labor Force StatusWho is counted as unemployed? Persons are classified as unemployed if they: • Do not have a job, • Have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, AND • Are currently available for work. From the Bureau of Labor Statistics

  28. Labor Force StatusWho is counted as unemployed? Actively looking for work: • Contacting: • An employer directly or having a job interview • A public or private employment agency • Friends or relatives • A school or university employment center • Sending out resumes or filling out applications • Placing or answering advertisements • Checking union or professional registers • Some other means of active job search From the Bureau of Labor Statistics

  29. Labor Force StatusWho is counted as unemployed? Passive methods do not qualify: • Attending a job training program or course, • Reading about job openings in newspapers or on the Internet.

  30. Now, let’s check your understanding with… Employed, Unemployed, or Not in the Labor Force?

  31. Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? • Faduma has completed applications with three hospitals for jobs. However, she won’t finish the FastTRAC CNA course until June and doesn’t want to start work before then. • Probable Answer : Not in the Labor Force Student: Faduma

  32. Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? • David has not had roofing jobs yet for this summer. He typically works only during the summer and not in the winter. He has been asking his buddy who has a construction crew about jobs. • Probable Answer :Unemployed Student: David

  33. Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? • Omar is 22 years old, and is about to be released from the county jail. He has been completing applications and resumes, hoping to find work. • Probable Answer : Not in the Labor Force Student: Omar

  34. Employed, Unemployed or Not in the Labor Force? • Mai is registering for classes. She has difficulty with conversation in English. When you ask her if she has a job, she says she helps her brother at his restaurant on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. That is all the information you get; you don’t know if she gets paid. • Probable Answer:Employed Student: Mai

  35. Now That’s Accountability! Question What is the NRS?

  36. Now That’s Accountability! Question: NRS • National • Reporting • System

  37. Now That’s Accountability! Question The NRS defines how many official adult student levels?

  38. Now That’s Accountability! Question: Student Levels • 12

  39. Now That’s Accountability! Question Name the adult student levels defined by the NRS.

  40. Now That’s Accountability! Question: Student Levels • Beginning ESL Literacy • Low Beginning ESL • High Beginning ESL • Low Intermediate ESL • High Intermediate ESL • Advanced ESL • Beginning ABE Literacy • Beginning Basic Education • Low Intermediate ABE • High Intermediate ABE • Low Adult Secondary • High Adult Secondary • These are also called EFLs, • or Educational Functioning Levels

  41. ABE Administrator Question 3 WHATdo we teach ABE students?

  42. ABE Eligible Content • Core Content Areas: • Reading • Writing • Mathematics • Speaking • Listening • ESL/ELL • GED/High School Diploma What’s the Policy?

  43. Now That’s Accountability! • You have a new potential learner come to your ABE class at the correctional facility. She just wants to study budgeting skills. Should she be an ABE student? Student: LL

  44. Conditional Content • Conditional content is supplemental to core content instruction • Conditional content areas: • Citizenship/civics • Basic technology skills • Employability skills • Study skills • Health or financial literacy What’s the Policy?

  45. Now That’s Accountability! • You have a potential learner who only wants to learn computer skills so she can get a job. Should you enroll her in ABE? Student: Snooki

  46. Computer Literacy Essential, but conditional content: • Must be an eligible ABE student; AND • The student must be participating (enrolled) in core literacy instruction What’s the Policy?

  47. Now That’s Accountability! • What do you need from this learner if she wants to only take a computer skills course? Student: Snooki

  48. Conditional Work Referral The following conditional content can be allowed without student participation in core content areas (and under specific referral conditions): • Basic Technology Skills (e.g.- Basic Computer Literacy) • Job Seeking Skills (e.g.- Résumé Writing, Interviewing, and Job Searching) • Soft Skills Necessary for Work (e.g.- SCANS skills)

  49. Conditional Work Referral Eligibility and Referral Requirements –the adult must be: • At least 16 years old; and • Referred in writing by a state or local governmental agency (Workforce Center, workforce investment board, or MFIP providing agency) specifically for one or more content areas. • Note: Referral by a college or other post-secondary educational/training institution does not count. What’s the Policy?

  50. Conditional Work Referral Exemption from NRS: • Conditional Work Referral Adults are not required to pre- and post-test. (However, programs encouraged to pre-test these adults to assess their literacy skills.) • The adult will not be counted in any of the NRS tables but will be counted on Table A for revenue generating (contact hour) purposes. What’s the Policy?

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