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Annual Operating Plan 2005

Annual Operating Plan 2005. Connecting Strategy to Action. Everything we do will directly serve or enable the strategic plans and objectives. We will demonstrate progress against strategic objectives.

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Annual Operating Plan 2005

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  1. Annual Operating Plan 2005 NCMA Proprietary

  2. Connecting Strategy to Action • Everything we do will directly serve or enable the strategic plans and objectives. • We will demonstrate progress against strategic objectives. • We will have a published annual plan that describes for the Board what we intend to accomplish this year, and how. • We will measure progress against the annual plan periodically, and adjust the plan as conditions require. NCMA Proprietary

  3. Strategic Objective 1 We enable people in the contracting profession to be recognized as the professionals they are and to develop personally and professionally. To that end, we will: • Define the profession and develop professional standards; and • Continue to serve the entire contracting community, both commercial and government. NCMA Proprietary

  4. 1.a. Define the Profession and Develop Standards • Develop a standards setting process and hierarchy. (1-1 Procedure) • Possible operational Committee on Professional Standards. • Identify candidate standards and schedule. (1-2 Plan) • Publish first standard. (1-3 Publication) NCMA Proprietary

  5. 1.b. Serve the Entire Community • Understand the community better through research and analysis. • Conduct membership survey (1-4 Report). • Conduct market research (1-5 Report). • Expand Communities of Interest in accordance with the 2004 COI plan. • Launch between 3 – 6 new communities (1-6 COIs) • Evaluate conference expansion and make recommendation. (1-7 Report) NCMA Proprietary

  6. Strategic Objective 2 We will set and maintain the ethical standards of our profession through our Code of Ethics. NCMA Proprietary

  7. 2. Ethical Standards • Provide a series of brief, inexpensive, multimedia e-courses on procurement and business ethics. (2-1 ECourses) • Develop a monthly article (case studies) on ethics for CM magazine. (2-2 Articles) • Publish procurement ethics standard (s) for the profession. (2-3 Publication) • Possible operational Committee on Ethical Standards. NCMA Proprietary

  8. Strategic Objective 3 We set the minimum expectations of our profession through our Body of Knowledge and accredited certification program. We will: • Complete the full Contract Management Body of Knowledge; • Continue to develop a world-class, fully accredited, competency-based certification program by pushing full validation of all three certification modules (accomplished); • Establish appropriate linkages between certification and educational programming; and • Seek recognition of NCMA certification equivalency to Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Certification. NCMA Proprietary

  9. 3.a. Complete the CMBOK • Conduct a formal job task analysis (through survey methodology) to build on the 1996 baseline (augmented by 2002 focus groups). (3-1 Report) • Publish full text CMBOK, complete with descriptions, examples, diagrams, tables, etc. (modeled after the PMBOK). (3-2 Publication) NCMA Proprietary

  10. 3.c. Link Exam, Education and CMBOK • Conduct comparative analysis of exam, education content, and CMBOK to assess consistency. (3-3 Report) • This report will be used in 2006 to revise exams and education content to improve consistency with CMBOK. NCMA Proprietary

  11. 3.d. Obtain Certification Equivalency • Obtain statement of equivalency from DAU for DAWIA Level II – CFCM. (3-4 Statement) • Obtain statement of equivalency from FAI for Clinger-Cohen professional development requirements – CFCM. (3-5 Statement) • These statements will be used in the marketing of the certification programs. NCMA Proprietary

  12. Strategic Objective 4 We provide tools, resources, and leadership opportunities to enhance our members’ careers and professionalism, and we celebrate their accomplishments. • Recognize and reward professional excellence and superior individual achievement in support of the contracting profession; and • Publish a peer reviewed professional journal. NCMA Proprietary

  13. 4.a. Recognize and reward excellence and achievement • Develop new award (s) programs for contracting achievements. (4-1 Plan) • Through the Awards and Honors Committee (Operation) • May include collaboration with other organizations involved in the profession. NCMA Proprietary

  14. 4.b. Publish Journal • Publish journal. (4-2 Publication) • Will evaluate alternative development, production, and distribution methods. • Chief Knowledge Officer will assume lead in expending development of research level materials for publication. • Will involve the Education and Training COI. • Will access the university community. NCMA Proprietary

  15. Strategic Objective 5 We serve as the advocate for the contract management profession, whether to our members, employers, policy makers, or the public at large. We will: • Advocate the importance and value of competent contract management to businesses and government; • As stewards of our profession, take public positions on important issues that affect our profession; and • Monitor public policy, providing timely information and opinions to members and organizations on legislative and regulatory actions that affect the contract management profession. NCMA Proprietary

  16. 5.a. Advocate the profession • Secure positions in government and industry boards, panels, and working groups, to provide access to influential people. • Conduct VIP visits with government and business leaders to discuss the profession. • Identify the top 50 candidate groups and VIPs to reach, develop a consistent “message”, and make assignments. (5-1 Plan) • These are important roles for the officers and directors to assume. • Publish articles in leading business journals on the theme of contract management as ‘core business competency’. (5-2 Articles) NCMA Proprietary

  17. 5.b. Take public positions on issues of the profession • Establish a process for monitoring developments in the external environment that affect the profession. (5-3 Plan) • May require establishment of ad hoc committees to address specific issues. • Produce a ‘startup’ list of issues to begin tracking, including an analysis of each issue. (5-4 Publication) NCMA Proprietary

  18. 5.c. Monitor public policy and provide information and opinions • Establish a process for monitoring developments in the legal and political environment that affect the profession. (Re: 5-3 Plan) • Will involve operational Committee on Legislation and Regulation. • Produce a ‘startup’ list of issues to begin tracking, including an analysis of each issue. (Re: 5-4 Publication) • Select a ‘test case’ application for obtaining member comments, assemble comments, and submit summary comments to appropriate body. (5-5 Publication) NCMA Proprietary

  19. Strategic Objective 6 We introduce new literature, ideas and improvements to enhance the profession. We will: • Serve as the premier resource for career development in contract management; • Improve and expand our portfolio of programs, products and services; • Engage and support development of empirical research and professional literature in contract management; • Using the Contract Management Institute (CMI), support research and professional literature; and • Use CMI to obtain certain grants for which NCMA may otherwise be ineligible. NCMA Proprietary

  20. 6.a. Career development in contract management • Develop job descriptions and knowledge, skills and abilities standards for typical contract management positions. (6-1 Publications) • Conduct a salary survey. (6-2 Publication) • Expanding and enhancing 2002 baseline. • Implement CMLC career development tools including Individual Development Plan, Self-Assessment Instrument, and PeerNet. (6-3 CMLC services) • Take full advantage of the technology we own. • Establish contract management societies/clubs at colleges and universities. • Develop plan. (6-4 Plan) • Implement at 2-3 candidate institutions. (6-5 Student clubs) • Working with the Education and Training COI and the operational Committee on University Outreach. NCMA Proprietary

  21. 6.b. Improve and expand our portfolio • Publish first professional standard. (Re: 3-Publication) • Launch between 3 – 6 new communities (Re: 6-COIs) • Evaluate conference expansion and make recommendation. (Re: 7-Report) • Publish full text CMBOK, complete with descriptions, examples, diagrams, tables, etc. (modeled after the PMBOK). (Re: 12 - Publication) • Improve the value of certification credentials through Federal equivalency. (Re: 14-Statement from DAU and 15-Statement from FAI) • Publish job descriptions and standards. (Re: 6-1 Publications) • Publish enhanced salary survey. (Re: 6-2 Publication) • Implement CMLC career development tools including Individual Development Plan, Self-Assessment Instrument, and PeerNet. (Re: 6-3 CMLC services) • Establish 2-3 contract management societies/clubs at colleges and universities. (Re: 6-5 Student clubs) NCMA Proprietary

  22. 6.c. Empirical research and professional literature • Obtain publishable materials relevant to the profession from university professors and students. • Draft a Plan, identifying candidate institutions, the solicitation approach, review process, and publication media. (6-6 Plan) • Issue the first ‘call for papers’. (6-7 Call for papers) • May mesh with awards, CMI, Journal, CM, or Congress NCMA Proprietary

  23. 6.d. CMI research and professional literature • Refer to CMI’s operating plan. NCMA Proprietary

  24. 6.e. Obtain grants through CMI • Refer to CMI’s operating plan. NCMA Proprietary

  25. Strategic Objective 7 Through our international network of local chapters, we foster a diverse community of professionals. We will: • Assess and evaluate long-term options for chapter structure, to include chapter-based dues and allowing the development of virtual chapters; • Continuously assess and refine the Association’s financial model to provide for sufficient capital investment, meet financial operating requirements, provide resources to all components of the Association to foster growth, and enable the achievement of the Association’s objectives; • Assess and realign as necessary the governance structure of the Association as currently prescribed in the By-Laws to foster efficiency and effectiveness of the management and leadership of the Association and achievement of its objectives; and • Improve the Association’s external and internal marketing competency. NCMA Proprietary

  26. 7.a. Assess and evaluate long-term options for chapter structure • Conduct research into chapter models, practices, and policies, and provide findings. (7-1 Report) • Recommend establishment of an ad-hoc Board Committee on Chapters. • To take the research and dialogue the issues, and develop alternatives and recommendations to the Board. NCMA Proprietary

  27. 7.b. Continuously assess and refine the Association’s financial model • Conduct research into association financial models, practices, and policies, and provide findings. (7-2 Report) • Recommend establishment of standing Board Committees: • Financial oversight. • Audit. • Asset management. NCMA Proprietary

  28. 7.c. Assess and realign the governance structure • Conduct research into association governance models, practices, and policies, and provide findings. (7-3 Report) • Recommend establishment of standing Board Committee on Governance. NCMA Proprietary

  29. 7.d. Improve the Association’s marketing competency • Produce a comprehensive marketing plan that addresses both internal and external channels and segments. (7-4 Plan) • Conduct market research. (Re: 1-5 Report) • Increase marketing budgets. (7-5 Budget) • Implement procedures to systematically assess effectiveness of marketing campaigns. (7-6 Procedures) NCMA Proprietary

  30. Strategic Objective 8 We enable the business community to know that the members they employ are high- achieving members of the professional community, and that they have ready access to skilled human capital, learning resources, and best practices, standards, and metrics. We uphold the professional standing of our members to improve our profession. We will: • Continue to strengthen the brand of the Association to advance the professionalism of the community of practice; and • Expand individual and corporate memberships to expose the widest possible membership base to the value of the Association. NCMA Proprietary

  31. 8.a. Continue to strengthen the brand of the Association • We strengthen the brand by being omnipresent, having an opinion, being perceived as influential, and providing quality products and services that are valued. • More than 20 goals listed under previous strategic objectives directly implement this objective. • Issue Press Releases of NCMA actions, positions, publications, activities, awards, etc. (8-1 Press releases) NCMA Proprietary

  32. 8.b. Expand individual and corporate memberships • Improve understanding of membership transactions and statistics, specifically the issue of ‘adjustments’. • Audit recent periods to identify and/or isolate data entry as a cause; monitor and tally individual transactions; test new ‘counting procedures’. Implement corrective actions based on findings (2004). Publish findings. (8-2 Report) • Develop and implement a series of new metrics to identify on-going short-term and long-term membership trends. (8-3 Metrics) • Implement recruitment and retention plans, to halt membership reductions. Objective is to achieve 19,000 members on June 30, 2005. • Publish detailed recruitment and retention plans. (8-4 Plan) • Recruit 3700-4600 new members. (8-5 Reports) • Retain 80-85% of existing members. (8-5 Reports) NCMA Proprietary

  33. Strategic Objective 9 We enable other external customers such as researchers, consultants, trainers, recruiters and universities to gain broad access to our community of practice and to our Body of Knowledge, for the purpose of advancing the profession and fulfilling their individual goals. We will: • Interact with universities and other academic institutions for the purpose of enhancing the academic credibility of the profession and advancing the research capability of the Association. NCMA Proprietary

  34. 9. Enhance CM academic credibility and NCMA research capability • Establish 2-3 contract management societies/clubs at colleges and universities. (Re: 6-5 Student clubs) • Research publication plan. (Re: 6-6 Plan) • Issue the first ‘call for papers’. (Re: 6-7 Call for papers) NCMA Proprietary

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