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dx.doi/10.1021/nl203434g | Nano Lett . 2012, 12, 655−660

Three-Dimensional Ni/TiO 2 Nanowire Network for High Areal Capacity Lithium Ion Microbattery Applications. Daniel C. Ralph, Cornell University, ECCS 0335765.

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dx.doi/10.1021/nl203434g | Nano Lett . 2012, 12, 655−660

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  1. Three-Dimensional Ni/TiO2 Nanowire Network for High Areal Capacity Lithium Ion Microbattery Applications Daniel C. Ralph, Cornell University, ECCS 0335765 The areal capacity of nanowire-based microbatteries can be increased by increasing the length of nanowires, while the high aspect ratio of such wire is known to degrade their performance for lithium ion battery applications. As an alternate, a three-dimensional Ni/TiO2 nanowire network was fabricated using a 3-D porous anodic alumina template-assisted electrodeposition of Ni followed by TiO2 coating using atomic layer deposition. Compared to the straight Ni/TiO2 nanowire arrays the 3-D Ni/TiO2 nanowire network shows higher areal discharging capacity, increasing proportionally with the length of nanowires. This work paves the way to build reliable 3-D nanostructured electrodes for high areal capacity microbatteries. Comparison of the areal discharge capacitance of a nanowire netwerk versus nanowire arrays and a planar TiO2 layer on nickel foil W. Wang, M. Tian, A. Abdulagatov, S. M. George,Y. C. Lee, and R. Yang, University of Colorado Work performed at the Colorado Nanofabrication Lab dx.doi.org/10.1021/nl203434g | Nano Lett. 2012, 12, 655−660

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