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Vocab 3

Vocab 3. Voc 3. noun. LASSITUDE. Laziness; torpor; listlessness. Link: Lazy dude. A LAZY DUDE with LASSITUDE. Voc 3. noun. COTERIE. Circle of friends. The guy and his COTERIE in a COAT FOR THREE. Link: COAT FOR 3. Voc 3. noun. CRANNY. Small opening or crack.

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Vocab 3

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  1. Vocab3 Voc 3

  2. noun LASSITUDE Laziness; torpor; listlessness Link: Lazy dude A LAZY DUDEwith LASSITUDE. Voc 3

  3. noun COTERIE Circle of friends The guy and his COTERIE in a COAT FOR THREE. Link: COAT FOR 3 Voc 3

  4. noun CRANNY Small opening or crack Also: crannied GRANNY found a CRANNY. Link: GRANNY Voc 3

  5. noun Art that uses geometric shapes + forms CUBISM Also: cubist By the look of these CUBES, you are an artist of the school of CUBISM. Link: CUBES Voc 3

  6. cubism Voc 3

  7. cubism Voc 3

  8. cubism Voc 3

  9. cubism Voc 3

  10. verb ENRAGE To infuriate; to anger Link: HEN CAGE An ENRAGED farmer discovering a fox in the HEN CAGE. Voc 3

  11. adj PROPULSIVE Having propelling force or thrust Also: Propulsion (n) Propel (v) Link: PROPELLER PROPELLERS provide the PROPULSIVE force that PROPEL many transportation vehicles. Voc 3

  12. adj ASKEW Crooked, awry Curly’s pool CUE had become ASKEW. Link: CUE Voc 3

  13. noun GIRTH Distance around; an encircling measurement Before giving BIRTH, ladies are quite large in GIRTH. Link: Birth Voc 3

  14. “went ballistic” = metaphor for angry noun BALLISTICS Study of flight dynamics Link: LIPSTICK Voc 3

  15. noun AMBIANCE Mood; general atmosphere Also: Ambient (a) George did not enjoy the AMBIANCE in the AMBULANCE. Link: AMBULANCE Voc 3

  16. WORD PARTS Greek + Latin Know these, know 1000’s! Voc 3

  17. Word Roots: Your chart Voc 3

  18. ROOTS Word Roots: Your chart Voc 3

  19. Greek + Roman Mythology-based SAT Vocab A common core standard These words will be on the List 3 test Voc 3

  20. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab _______________ Homer opens his epics with a prayer to the nine Muses, goddesses who inspire the arts and sciences. “Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story…” Museum / _______________ Check out the museums in Washington DC: both science and art on display… Voc 3

  21. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab Muse Homer opens his epics with a prayer to the nine Muses, goddesses who inspire the arts and sciences. “Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story…” Museum / Music Check out the museums in Washington DC: both science and art on display… Voc 3

  22. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab Tantalus Tantalus, a mortal son of Zeus, revealed his father’s secrets. He is sent to Hades where he is forced to stand in water with fruit hanging over his head. Whenever he tries to drink the water or eat the fruit, he cannot reach it. _______________ The smell of pizza tantalized me. Voc 3

  23. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab Tantalus Tantalus, a mortal son of Zeus, revealed his father’s secrets. He is sent to Hades where he is forced to stand in water with fruit hanging over his head. Whenever he tries to drink the water or eat the fruit, he cannot reach it. tantalize The smell of pizza tantalized me. Voc 3

  24. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab Narcissus Narcissus was a handsome youth but cold to all who loved him. The gods doom him to fall in love with his own reflection. When Narcissus tries to embrace his reflection in the water, it disappears. Narcissus finally dies from grief, he is changed into a flower, which we call narcissus. _______________ Having an undue, vain self- fascination. Voc 3

  25. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab Narcissus Narcissus was a handsome youth but cold to all who loved him. The gods doom him to fall in love with his own reflection. When Narcissus tries to embrace his reflection in the water, it disappears. Narcissus finally dies from grief, he is changed into a flower, which we call narcissus. narcissistic Having an undue, vain self- fascination. Voc 3

  26. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab Mars Greek= Ares Mars is the Roman god of war, combat, and military power _______________ _____ arts = combat skills _____ law = military control _____ people = warlike Voc 3

  27. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab Mars Greek= Ares Mars is the Roman god of war, combat, and military power martial Martial arts = combat skills Martial law = military control Martial people = warlike Voc 3

  28. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab _______________Greek = Demeter ?? is the Roman goddess of corn and grain, fertility and harvest. After Hades kidnaps her daughter Persephone, ?? stops crops from growing. When Persephone returns, ?? inspires crops to grow again. cereal MMM cereal! It grows from the earth! Voc 3

  29. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab CERES Greek = Demeter Ceres is the Roman goddess of corn and grain, fertility and harvest. After Hades kidnaps her daughter Persephone, Ceres stops crops from growing. When Persephone returns, Ceres inspires crops to grow again. cereal MMM cereal! It grows from the earth! Voc 3

  30. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab VULCAN Greek= Hephaestus Vulcan is the Roman god of fire and metalworking who creates beautiful things and instruments of war. He lives under various mountains. When he works, smoke and fire spews from the mountains. volcano Voc 3

  31. Holt p. 978 Mythology Vocab JOVE Jove is another name for Zeus (based on his Roman name Jupiter). People who bear his influence are hearty, joyous, warm. jovial A jovial person is terrific to have at a party. Voc 3

  32. Vocab 3 Which word? Quiz Voc 3

  33. List 3 1. Circle of friends Voc 3

  34. List 3 2. Study of dynamics of flight & projectiles Voc 3

  35. List 3 3. Style of art = geometric Voc 3

  36. List 3 4. weariness, torpor, listlessness Voc 3

  37. List 3 5. Mood, feeling, atmosphere Voc 3

  38. List 3 6. Small opening in wall Voc 3

  39. List 3 7. Having Propelling force Voc 3

  40. List 3 8. To infuriate, to make angry Voc 3

  41. List 3 9. Distance around; an encircling measurement Voc 3

  42. List 3 10. crooked, also a look of contempt Voc 3

  43. WORD PARTS 11. LOVING FOND OF [root] List 3 Voc 3

  44. WORD PARTS 12. FEAR [root] List 3 Voc 3

  45. WORD PARTS 13. Fear of heights List 3 Voc 3

  46. WORD PARTS 14. Lover of books List 3 Voc 3

  47. WORD PARTS 15. Fear of open spaces List 3 Voc 3

  48. WORD PARTS 16. A person fond of helping other people List 3 Voc 3

  49. Answers1 1. Coterie N 2. Ballistics N 3. Cubism N 4. Lassitude N 5. Ambiance N Voc 3

  50. Answers2 6. Cranny N 7. Propulsive ADJ 8. Enrage V 9. Girth N 10. Askew ADJ Voc 3

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