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Is turkesterone a cheating code of profit or an outright fraud

Turkesterone (or turk in the locker room of the gym) is a "natural steroid", which is said to provide the same muscle enhancing effect as anabolic steroids without serious side effects - and you can buy it online without violating any laws.

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Is turkesterone a cheating code of profit or an outright fraud

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  1. Is turkesterone a cheating code of profit or an outright fraud With the arrival of the swimming pool season, men all over the world are working hard to make great profits in a short time. But if you only have a few weeks to be torn apart and you are searching for shortcuts on YouTube, you may have heard about turkesterone: the hottest new supplement on the market. Turkesterone (or turk in the locker room of the gym) is a "natural steroid", which is said to provide the same muscle enhancing effect as anabolic steroids without serious side effects - and you can buy it online without violating any laws. Joe Rogan, scientists and countless TikTok celebrities all tout the potential of Turkish. So far, bold statements about turkesterone have been driven by rough online reviews and marketing hype. But how does science explain it? What is Turkesterone? Turkesterone is a molting steroid from a plant called turkestanica. It is basically an arthropod (also known as insect) version of the male steroid hormone testosterone, which is naturally produced by your body. Note: There are several types of ecdysone, such as ecdysone. However, since turkesterone is by far the most popular, we will pay attention to it. Protrusive testosterone contributes to the growth of insects and plants, just as testosterone contributes to the growth of human muscles. In terms of molecular structure, turkesterone and testosterone are actually very similar. Because testosterone is anabolic (meaning it increases muscle mass), some people think that turkesterone can have the same effect in humans - so it is very popular. Turkesterone supplements usually come in the form of tablets, and you can buy them online for about $50 per bottle. So far, the purchase of turkesterone is 100% legal, and it has not been listed as a prohibited substance by the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA).

  2. Conclusion: turkesterone is a bacterial steroid/hormone, which theoretically replicates the effect of anabolic steroids. In order to verify whether turkesterone is as advertised, we dug up some old papers from the Russian laboratory (not kidding). Does Turkesterone work? At present, there is no reliable scientific evidence that turkesterone (or any other ecdysone) can significantly improve exercise performance. This does not mean that it is completely false - it simply means that there is not enough data to make any assertions. The first study on turkesterone dates back to 1978, when Russian scientists injected mice with this compound. This stimulates protein synthesis in the liver, but it is different from muscle protein synthesis. Let's fast forward 41 years to see the latest human research on ecdysone. The researchers gave 46 men 10 weeks of training and gave them a placebo or topical steroid supplement. The muscle of the supplement group increased more than that of the placebo group. But as Jeff Nipard, a youtube user, pointed out, those who use these data to hype Turkish people do not realize that this study uses ecdysterone, not turkesterone. Not to mention that these results have never been replicated. Turkesterone is far from the cheating code that some people want. Brands that sell turkesterone supplements online advertise a variety of health benefits, such as improving body composition, accelerating recovery time, and increasing muscle mass. A bodybuilder on YouTube said that he improved his strength 30 days after using Turkish. Others call it a placebo, and some even call it a hoax. Turkesterone still has a long way to go before it can be recognized as a mainstream supplement. For example, clinical studies have taken decades to prove that creatine, a compound found in many pre exercise supplements, promotes muscle growth. At the same time, turkesterone supplements have been on the market for only a few years. Side effects of Turkesterone

  3. One of the main attractions of turkesterone is that you can avoid the adverse androgen side effects of traditional anabolic steroids. These symptoms include low testosterone levels, hair loss, acne, testicular atrophy, and so on. According to a website claiming to be "the most trusted source of turnestone on the Internet", the main disadvantage of taking this kind of thing is the lack of research on what happens when people take it. How to reassure people! Youtube user leimington james said that the only side effect of taking turkesterone without eating any food was stomach discomfort. After all, you never know how your body will react to unregulated supplements, especially when there are few human trials. Attention of buyer. Adhere to weight lifting and protein powder The human brain is born to love shortcuts. If you see a video where someone is talking about a legal and affordable plant steroid that can inflate your biceps brachii and six abdominal muscles, you can't help clicking. But if you want to make real, sustainable progress, stick to two strategies that have proven to improve muscle mass: resistance training and a high protein diet. Just watch out for protein farts.

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