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HIS1000c Jeopardy

HIS1000c Jeopardy. Science, Art & Industry. Empires. Energy. Politics. Environment. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $100. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $500. Q $500. Q $500.

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HIS1000c Jeopardy

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  1. HIS1000c Jeopardy Science, Art & Industry Empires Energy Politics Environment Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 Question from H1 This muslim dynasty ruled India from The mid-16th c. to the mid-19th c.

  3. $100 Answer from H1 Mughal Empire

  4. $200 Question from H1 At its height in the 16th c., this Islamic Empire stretched from Iraq across North Africa to Morocco and included most of the Balkans and Hungary.

  5. $200 Answer from H1 Ottoman Empire

  6. $300 Question from H1 The last imperial Chinese dynasty, founded when the Manchus conquered China in the 17th c.

  7. $300 Answer from H1 Qing dynasty

  8. $400 Question from H1 16th – 17th c. maritime empires

  9. $400 Answer from H1 Portuguese, Japanese, Dutch

  10. $500 Question from H1 Russia, China, Mughal India, Ottoman

  11. $500 Answer from H1 16th-17th c. land empires

  12. $100 Question from H2 A Frenchman’s solution to the 19th c. energy crisis; a replacement for the energy supplied by whales

  13. $100 Answer from H2 Margarine

  14. $200 Question from H2 One of these energy sources powered the pumps that drained the mines; the other fueled the furnaces that produced it.

  15. $200 Answer from H2 Steam and coal

  16. $300 Question from H2 A source of power for spacecraft and home appliances alike, this clean energy is safe and abundant, but not in every region of the world

  17. $300 Answer from H2 Solar power

  18. $400 Question from H2 First applied to telegraphy, this energy source became a “General” way to power everything from phonographs to refrigerators

  19. $400 Answer from H2 Electricity

  20. $500 Question from H2 I power tractors and helped make Henry Ford a wealthy man

  21. $500 Answer from H2 Internal combustion engine

  22. $100 Question from H3 Transported troops across vast distances, and made savvy industrialists very rich

  23. $100 Answer from H3 Railroads

  24. $200 Question from H3 This “sequential” work process created greater efficiency in production, transforming the workplace and the way people worked

  25. $200 Answer from H3 The assembly line

  26. $300 Question from H3 19th c. self-made millionaire, philanthropist, and immigrant who made the United States surpass Britain and Europe in steel production

  27. $300 Answer from H3 Andrew Carnegie

  28. $400 Question from H3 These artists were inspired by speed, violence, technology

  29. $400 Answer from H3 The Futurists

  30. $500 Question from H3 After reading this scientist’s work, the artist Vasily Kandinsky was inspired to paint abstract art, suppressing all reminders of real objects.

  31. $500 Answer from H3 Ernest Rutherford

  32. $100 Question from H4 This political ideology holds that the state is founded on rules that rulers and citizens make and are bound by.

  33. $100 Answer from H4 Constitutionalism

  34. $200 Question from H4 This 19th c. Frenchman criticized the United States until he traveled there, concluding that its form of government was the way of the future. His name and the title of his book containing that form of government?

  35. $200 Answer from H4 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America

  36. $300 Question from H4 Early attempts to establish communities with this form of government failed, in part, because they were idealistic and did not allow private property.

  37. $300 Answer from H4 Socialist

  38. $400 Question from H4 Utilitarianism holds that what’s good for the majority should be government policy, said these two political economists, a teacher and his student.

  39. $400 Answer from H4 Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill

  40. $500 Question from H4 Bentham and Mill’s philosophy. It became the basis of the modern welfare state.

  41. $500 Answer from H4 Utilitarianism

  42. $100 Question from H5 This country has five of the ten most polluted cities on earth.

  43. $100 Answer from H5 China

  44. $200 Question from H5 Contrary to Malthusian predictions, this trend has not outstripped the food supply. . . yet.

  45. $200 Answer from H5 Exponential population growth

  46. $300 Question from H5 This “revolution” created hybrid foods heavily dependent on fertilizers and pesticides.

  47. $300 Answer from H5 The Green Revolution

  48. $400 Question from H5 Social consequence of rapid urbanization and creation of enormous cities.

  49. $400 Answer from H5 Creation of gangs and criminal organizations

  50. $500 Question from H5 Hydroelectric, nuclear, hydrogen, tides, wind.

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