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Desired Results for Children and Families Program Self-Evaluation

Desired Results for Children and Families Program Self-Evaluation. A Project of the California Department of Education, Child Development Division. - Recognize strengths - Identify areas needing improvement -Continuous improvement process. Program Self-Evaluation.

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Desired Results for Children and Families Program Self-Evaluation

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  1. Desired Results for Children and FamiliesProgram Self-Evaluation A Project of the California Department of Education, Child Development Division

  2. - Recognize strengths - Identify areas needing improvement -Continuous improvement process Program Self-Evaluation

  3. By June 1, CDD should have your Program Self-Evaluation: Annual report (CD 4000) The DRDP Summary of Findings and Program Action Plan (CD 4001A) for each age group

  4. What do you need to complete the PSE? • Desired Results Developmental Profiles Agency Data by Age Group • Desired Results Parent Survey Data • Environment Rating Scales (ERS) Agency Data by Age Group

  5. A Focus on Educational Goals Focus on the DRDP data to write educational goals.

  6. Program Self-Evaluation Annual Report (CD 4000)

  7. Program Self-Evaluation Annual Report (CD 4000)

  8. DRDP Summary of Findings and Program Action Plan (CD 4001A)

  9. Look for trends and patterns 70% of preschool children are at the Exploring and Developing Levels in the domain of Language and Literacy

  10. Educational Program Goals 70% of preschool children are at the Exploring and Developing Levels in the domain of Language and Literacy 70% or more preschool children will be at the Building or Integrating Levels after the second assessment period in FY 2011-2012.

  11. Action Steps 70% of preschool children are at the Exploring and Developing Levels in the domain of Language and Literacy • Program teaching staff will receive an introduction to the Preschool Learning Foundations (PLF) for language and literacy, and English-language development. • The PLF training will include the companion Curriculum Framework chapters. • Parent education will be provided quarterly to encourage book reading to children. • Classroom schedules: Review and ensure outdoor play time includes language and literacy activities. 70% or more preschool children will be at the Building or Integrating Levels after the second assessment period in FY 2011-2012.

  12. Consider including: • Pedagogical approaches • Professional development • Curriculum modifications • Instructional materials required • Staff or program schedules • Child-staff interactions • Program or classroom use of space • Parent education, or community outreach • Child Development Division resources

  13. 70% of preschool children are at the Exploring and Developing Levels in the domain of Language and Literacy • Program teaching staff will receive an introduction to the Preschool Learning Foundations (PLF) for language and literacy, and English-language development. • The PLF training will include the companion Curriculum Framework chapters. • Parent education will be provided quarterly to encourage book reading to children. • Classroom schedules: Review and ensure outdoor play time includes language and literacy activities. Sept 23 CPIN Regional Training all teaching staff Sept/Nov/Feb/April Parent education meetings—Director First week Sept. Asst director review class schedules with Leads 70% or more preschool children will be at the Building or Integrating Levels after the second assessment period in FY 2011-2012. Completion Dates and Persons Responsible When Who

  14. 70% of preschool children are at the Exploring and Developing Levels in the domain of Language and Literacy • Program teaching staff will receive an introduction to the Preschool Learning Foundations (PLF) for language and literacy, and English-language development. • The PLF training will include the companion Curriculum Framework chapters. • Parent education will be provided quarterly to encourage book reading to children. • Classroom schedules: Review and ensure outdoor play time includes language and literacy activities. Sept 23 CPIN Regional Training all teaching staff Sept/Nov/Feb/April Parent education meetings—Director First week Sept. Asst director review class schedules with Leads 70% or more preschool children will be at the Building or Integrating Levels after the second assessment period in FY 2011-2012. Refer, Reflect, Record The DRDP Summary of Findings and Program Action Plan you are developing is for use next year. • Refer to it throughout the year to accomplish your goals. • Reflect on progress • Record modifications or changes.

  15. Keep it Alive! • Keep up the continuous improvement process and implement the plan throughout the year. • Keep all documents in view!!! • Educate staff about the plan and continue to reflect and refine throughout the year.

  16. Questions

  17. For More Details Please view the Child Development Division's Program Self-Evaluation Webinar to learn more details about the requirements for this year. (See Attachments)

  18. CDD and WestEd Contact Information California Department of Education Child Development Division 1430 N Street Room 3410 Sacramento, CA 95814 916-322-6233 (See Field Service Consultant Attachment) Desired Results Training & Technical Assistance Project 333 N. Lantana St #277 Camarillo, CA 93010 800-770-6339 www.desiredresults.us

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