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The Big Bang Theory has been studied extensively, it in truth only describes the event that formed the Grossest Matter of the Universe as observed in Hubble Deep Field and from the latest observations of the James Webb Telescope.
The Subtle Big Bang The first event of the Subtle Big Bang involves the manifestation of the Five Fundamental Pure States of Matter (PURE SPACE, PURE GAS, PURE PLASMA, PURE LIQUID, PURE SOLID), which, together, comprise all the Subtle Matter of the Universe. These Five Fundamental Pure States of Matter, manifest in a specific order, from the most rarefied to the least, with each successive state of matter manifesting directly out of the previous one.
Thus, Space is the first to manifest, followed by Air (Gas), Fire (Plasma), Water (Liquid), and Earth (Solid). Each of these pure states of matter also contains its associated sensory property: Space contains Sound, Air contains Touch & sound, Fire contains Sight, Touch & Sound, Water contains Taste, Sight, Touch & Sound and Earth contains Smell, Taste, Sight, Touch & Sound. (This is undoubtedly an extremely brief overview of this subject; interested readers can explore this material further in the forthcoming book Who Banged the Big Bang?, where these subjects are treated in full.) Alternately, can also visit the YouTube Channel @VedanticOrg for a detailed Video Classes on the above subject.
Present in each of these pure states of matter are also the three intrinsic properties mentioned previously, which now assert themselves in a specific sequence. First, the intrinsic property of Knowledge asserts itself. It does so initially through each of the pure states of matter individually, which gives rise to the five power centers of perception, power to Hear, Touch, See, Taste and Smell. Each power center derives from the state of matter that contains the sensory property relevant to its specific sense organ.
Then, the intrinsic property of Knowledge asserts itself through all five pure states of matter together, collectively – resulting in the formation of the five components of the inner personality—the Ego, the Memory, the Gross and Subtle Intellects, and the Mind. With this, the intrinsic property of knowledge has fully expended itself; then the intrinsic property of Action is next to arise.
As before, the property of Action first expresses itself through each of the pure states of matter individually, which give rise to the five power centers of action, Speech, Manipulation, Locomotion, Excretion, and Reproduction.
The property of Action next asserts itself through all five pure states of matter, which collectively give rise to the five power centers of physiological function, the synthetic systems that enable life. With this, the intrinsic property of action has fully expended itself, and all 20 subtle components of the human subtle body have been formed.
Of course, it must be noted that the above only describes the formation of the human subtle body; similar sequences of events, guided by the interaction between the intrinsic properties of knowledge and action and the five pure states of matter, give rise to the subtle bodies of animals and plants as well. These formation events unfold simultaneously with the corresponding events described above. Summarily, the entire Subtle Body, all Thoughts, Subtle Universe made of Subtle Matter, combination of the Five Fundamental Pure States of Matter. An unswerving conviction on this in itself is a state of Vedantic Meditation! The implication of this statement shall be further understood with a consistent, systematic study of these subtle concepts for a sustained period of time.
One final point should be noted here as well—the role of inert matter. Inert matter does not possess any manner of subtle body or thoughts, so there is no phase of subtle creation that pertains to it; however, it is imbued with a subtle power of inertia. This is not the same as the intrinsic property of inertia, but rather is the causally derived power that permeates all subtle matter that simply allows it to EXIST! As such, it is present in all matter right from the beginning of the Subtle Big Bang. So, while inert objects do not possess a subtle body, they do nonetheless hold this one subtle power.
The Gross Big Bang, and Beyond Once all the above has occurred, the Subtle Big Bang ends and gives way to the Gross Big Bang. The entire spectrum of Scientists, Astro-Physicists, Quantum Physicists, begin their analysis of this GROSS BIG BANG from SINGULARITY! – totally not open to discuss or admit the possibility of a potential Subtle Universe! as explained above.
This Gross Big Bang, also unfolds in two distinct phases. The first of these is defined by the exertion of the third and final intrinsic property of the universe—that of Inertia. As we saw above, this property exerts itself in two stages as well, but not in quite the same way. First, INERTIA acts through each of the Five Pure States of Matter, manifesting each of the corresponding gross states of matter. However, because each state of gross matter cannot, by definition, exist in isolation, its PURE STATE!
In other words, the tangible water, Gross Water can never be a PURE STATE OF WATER, the reason being it occupies equal amount of Space, as it holds a positive or negative temperature, potential in it to be in other states be it Solid, Gas, or Plasma. Therefore, it is logical to conclude the Gross Tangible Water that we see is a combination of 50% Pure Water (Liquid) and 12.5% of Space, 12.5% of Gas, 12.5% Plasma, 12.5% Solid. Likewise, it can be extended to the remaining 4 Gross States of Matter.
Once this has occurred, the second phase of the Gross Big Bang begins. This phase corresponds to what people generally think of when they consider ‘THE’ Big Bang: from the entrenchment of the physical laws of the universe to the manifestation of the first elements of the periodic table; from subtle agglomerations of trace elements in space to the formation of stars, planets, galaxies, and all other astronomical bodies; and from the origin of microscopic life forms to the arrival of mankind. The nature and sequence of each of these processes has been well documented by scientific observers and forms the so-called history of our universe, Hubble Deep Field images, the latest observations of James Webb Telescopeetc.
Of course, we have just seen how this history did not even commence until after the true origins of the manifest universe had been enacted. As such, any accounting of the history of the manifest universe that excludes the true nature of the Subtle and Gross Big Bangs will inevitably be incomplete. There is no doubt that incorporating the schema of the universe detailed here into ongoing rigorous scientific inquiry will lead to meaningful discoveries—perhaps even to the Grand Unified Theory of Everything that has so far remained elusive.