Cappuccino MCT Coffee that Burns fat
The Details Increases Satiety Tastes Great Reduces Fat Storage
What is MCT? MCT is a saturated fat. MCT is found in coconut oil.
Coffee Vs Tea Coffee drinkers want their coffee, although everyone seems to enjoy the benefit of weight loss tea, after a while even with good result non tea drinkers don't want to keep drinking tea. Our coffee is a coffee drinkers treat. Replace even one cup of your usual "Joe" with Cappuccino MCT and you will experience reduced appetite and increased fat burning.
How Does It Work? 1. The combination of MCT Oil and natural coffee makes Cappuccino MCT an official "bulletproof coffee". 2. The best part, you don't need to make your own recipe. Just mix Cappuccino MCT with water (hot or cold) and you're good to go.
What's In it? Liked by Keto participants and Intermittant fasters. non GMO Gluten Free Vegan Friendly 100% Natural & Organic MCT Oil Powder Instant Coffee Powder Inulin Brown Seaweed extract & Grape Seed Extract Guarana Seed Green Coffee Bean extract Garcinia Cambogia Chromium Perfectly stimulates and boosts energy, Affects leptin receptors, extending satiety for hours, It inhibits hunger pangs, Accelerates fat burning, Increases performance during exercise.
Results Result 1 Result 2 Inulin - for gut health and detox. Caffeine - Keeps you alert and energetic. Guarana - fat metabolizer and reduction. Garcinia Cambogia - reduces to eliminates hunger pangs Chromium - Blood sugar stability and alertness. MCT - reduces fat storage, burns calories, and increases satiety.
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