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The Most Prominent Business Leaders In Gulf

u2018The Most Prominent Leaders in Gulfu2019 including Madhav Kurup, Akbar Moideen Thumbay & Mr Rizwan Sajan, All these leadership phenomena are leading their respective Groups<br><br>Read More : https://ciolookindia.com/the-most-prominent-business-leaders-in-gulf-august2022/<br>

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The Most Prominent Business Leaders In Gulf

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  1. I N D I A VOL 08 ISSUE01 2022 NovelPerspective The Emergence of Modern Leadership intheGulfRegion The Most Prominent Business Leaders IndustryInsights How Business Leaders Can Embrace Digital Transformation ofIndustry4.0? InGulf MadhavKurup, RegionalCEOforthe MiddleEast,andSouthAsia HellmannWorldwideLogicsticsLLC Madhav Kurup

  2. Editor'sNote AbhishekJoshi DeputyEditor abhishek.joshi@insightssuccess.com EVER-SHININGSTARSONTHE GULF’SBUSINESSHORIZON Jwheelofglobalizationandthemachineof ustasaheartfuelsthebodilyeconomy,Gulfhas ThewayCIOLookIndia’s‘TheMostProminentLeaders inGulf’–includingMadhavKurup,theRegionalCEOof Hellman Worldwide Logistics, or Akbar Moideen Thumbay,VicePresidentoftheThumbayGroup,orMr Rizwan Sajan, the Founder and Chairman of Danube Group,andothers–aredoingit. constantlybeenfuellingtheglobaleconomy’s industrializationsincethediscoveryofoilandgas reservesinthe40s.Andjustlikeaheart,Gulflies prominentlyatthecentreoftheworld’spast,present, andfutureprogress. Alltheseleadershipphenomenaareleadingtheir respectiveGroupswiththeirintegrated,passionate, transcendental,andinnovativeleadershipqualities. Similarly,decadeafterdecade,itsindustryandbusiness sectorhaveevolvedtremendouslyduetotheregion’s globally recognised investment prominence. Further, regionalbusinessleadershiphasbeenevolvingwiththe emergenceofnewdevelopmentsandadvancementsin areasasdiverseaslogisticsandhealthcare. They are constantly battling the avalanche of adversities and storms of challenges like the Global EconomicCrisis,Pandemic,GlobalClimatechange,etc., yet emerging triumphant after successfully defeating eachchallenge. Thisnewleagueofyoung,dynamic,andvisionary leadersisfastlearningthenew-agemantraofbusiness prominence:human-centrictechnologicaladoptionand integration. They are championing the cause of healthcare, as well as other sectors, by bringing togetheraninnovativeapproachtoproblem-solving. Theyarebuildingontheircapacitytogaugetheexisting issues and then develop novel products, services, and solutionsthatcatertotheheartofthatissue. Whilereadingontheirjourneysinthefollowingpages, youwillalsomeettwotrendyarticlescraftedbyourin- houseeditorialteam,whichwillwidenyourperspective onthegrowingbusinessprominenceofthegulfregion. Flipthroughthepagesandenjoytheread!

  3. The Most Prominent Business Leaders InGulf

  4. Madhav CoverStory Kurup

  5. CONTENT 20 AkbarMoideenThumbay ACourageous TransformerofDreams intoReality 28 RizwanSajan AResolute LeadershipCharisma Articles 24IndustryInsights 16 Novel Perspective The Emergence of ModernLeadership HowBusinessLeaders CanEmbraceDigital Transformationof intheGulfRegion Industry4.0?

  6. IN D IA PoojaM.Bansal Editor-in-Chief CONTENT DeputyEditor:AbhishekJoshi ManagingEditor:GauravPRWankhade AssistingEditor:KedarBorgaonkar FOLLOWUSON www.twitter.com/ciolookindia www.facebook.com/ciolookindia/ WEAREALSOAVAILABLEON DESIGN Visualizer:SandeepTikode CONTACTUSON Email sales@ciolookindia.com For Subscription www.ciolookindia.com Copyright©2022CIOLOOK India,Allrightsreserved.The contentandimagesusedin thismagazineshouldnotbe reproducedortransmittedin any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK India. Reprint rights remain solelywithCIOLOOKIndia. SALES Sr.VicePresident:MeghaMishra BusinessDevelopmentExecutive:MeeraPatel TECHNICAL TechnicalHead:AmarSwant SME-SMO ResearchAnalyst: RenukaKulkarni sales@ciolookindia.com AUGUST,2022

  7. MadhavKurup, Regional CEO for the MiddleEast,andSouthAsia HellmannWorldwide LogisticsLLC

  8. Madhav COVERSTORY Kurup Today,with€4.07billioninturnovers, Hellmannispresentin59countrieswith 489officesandhasaround12,348 employeesaspartofthe HellmannF.A.M.I.L.Y.allovertheworld. “

  9. TheMostProminentBusinessLeadersInGulf “ TGoing by thename of Carl expanded and created specialized solutions in the fashion vertical in Sri Lanka, chemical in the UAE, healthcarein SaudiArabia, and also E- commercespecializationintheUAE. Madhavshares,"Sinceitsfoundation in 1871, Hellmann has developed into oneofthelargestinternationallogistics providers. With our high-performance productsAirfreight,Seafreight, Road and Rail, and Contract Logistics, we always offer the right solution for the complex logistics requirements of our customers and rely on future-oriented digital services for maximum transparency and more efficient supply chains.” AnAdmirable Leadership of Prominence According to Madhav, a prominent business leader should possess some unique traits like integrity, passion, ability to identify opportunities and translateintorevenueinasustainable way. He must be humble and always availableforpeople. herewasamantowhom familyalwayscamefirst. Aprominent HeinrichHellmann,theGerman businessleadershould foundedwhatistodayrenownedas possesssomeunique qualities/traits like integrity,passion,ability toidentifyopportunities andtranslateinto revenueina sustainableway. Hellmann Worldwide Logistics in 1871 in northern Germany's Osnabrueck, as a one-man transporting goods business with a single horse- drawn carriage. Carl's long-established legacy had been inherited and carried overbyhisfamilyasafamilybusiness, which has evolved over four generations into one of the largest internationallogisticsproviders. Today,with€4.07billioninturnovers, Hellmann is present in 59 countries with 264 offices and has 12,348 employees as part of the Hellmann F.A.M.I.L.Y.allovertheworld. ConsideringHellmann'sglobalpartner network, its reach spans across 173 countrieswith489offices. Madhav Kurup, Regional CEO for the Middle East andSouthAsia became a Hellmann F.A.M.I.L.Y. member during the most trying and testing times for the industries world over including Hellmann. He reveals, "My journey with Hellmann started duringoneoftheworstglobal financial crisis in 2008 that coincided withthelocalDubai real estatecrisis." Due to the challenging economic environment,Hellmannwasalso facing some serious challenges in the region to create a sustainable business model.WhenMadhavstarted,theyhad around 100 employees in the region and today they have more than 2500 of their own employees and more than 3500 through their contracts and partners. Today, Hellmann has achieved a leadership position in some niche verticals like automotive spare parts andhealthcare.Hellmannalsofurther “ Along with these prominent traits, there are some professional qualities andvalueswhichareadmiredthemost by Madhav's clients, colleagues, and employees in him. "I believe people find me easy to approach and genuine, someone who is reliable and can always be counted on, yet also a visionary who can turn ideas into reality,"says Madhav.

  10. ThinkingAhead–Moving Forward AsperMadhav,therearesomeunique offering and aspects which makes Hellmann not only stand out in the Gulf region's economy but also constantly provide forward momentum. Hellmann is represented in the MESA region for more than 20 years, in 19 countries with around 80 locations and all product segments through its own officesandpartners.Ithasgrowninthe region through geographical expansion andcarefullycreatedjointventures. Madhavstates,"Ourbiggestoperation in the region is in India, with almost 700employees. Our strategyistotake globally benchmarked solutions into thekeymarketsofthe region, asapart of our geographical expansion." Hellmann has achieved market leadership in automotive spare parts logistics and healthcare. Its niche vertical operations also include chemicalwarehousingintheUAEand fashion in Sri Lanka. Its most recent innovationintotheE-commercespace has helped it to sign an exclusive partnership with Dubai CommerCity forwarehousingandlastmile. Madhav believes, "Our "first people – first" approach, and customer-centric solutions,havehelpedHellmanntobe among the top five global providers in theregion.” This approach is a part of a broader valuessystemingrainedinthebrand Hellmann and its every family member.Madhavtells us how? F.A.M.I.L.Y–OurCorporateDNA Hellmann is a 100% family-owned globallogisticsproviderwithmore than 150 years of existence. It has grown over the years through geographical expansion and carefully taken decisions. Madhav shares, "We are committed to what family means: integrity, understanding, trust, and cooperation. This is the basis of our corporateDNA.Ourcommongoalis toensurethelong-termdevelopmentof Hellmann so that the company can continuetooffermanyopportunities forfuturegenerations.

  11. “ promotes the interest of good employees.Through training, remuneration, and recognition, the companyencouragesitsemployeesto develop their talents in a climate of mutual respect and trust. They determine how the company is perceived externally. Madhav says, "They directly influence the satisfaction, enthusiasm, and loyalty ofourcustomersandweknowthat." Thatiswhypeoplealwayscomefirst. quality standards, Hellmann is continuously improving its organizational agility and operational efficiency. It uses every opportunity to increase efficiency by improving productivity and maintaining excellent supplier relationships. "As a result, we not only contribute to our results but also improve the added value for our customers.Inaddition,weconsistently live the Continuous Improvement Process(CIP),"saysMadhav. Innovation and entrepreneurship:At Hellmann, they promote creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial spirit in all areas and create an environment in which risks are allowed. It encourages its employees to develop unconventional ideas and to drive the adaptation of its services to its customers'wishes.Madhavstates,"We want to meet the constantly changing requirements and expectations of our customers." Livesustainability:"At Hellmann, we are serious about providing services on theprinciplesofeconomical, ecological and social sustainability to create opportunities for future generations.Wearesensitiveand responsibletopeople,communitiesand Wealwaysbelievein building long-lasting relationshipswithour customers through innovation and entrepreneurship. “ Allaboutthe customer, always: Madhav says that they are constantly looking for ways to expand and improvetheirservicessothattheycan exceed the requirements and expectationsoftheircustomers. Madhav adds, "It is our goal to offer our customers around the world the knowledge and experience they need most. We achieve this by listening to them and taking the time to get to know them better. The customer is always our focus. We ensure that all our tasks are handled with a view to ourcustomers.Thisleadstolong-term customer relationships, which we are rightlyproud of." Makingit workbetter,everyday: Throughbusinessprocesseswithhigh- Our number one priority has always been our people and our customers, andwealwayslivebythis across the organization globally.Wealways believe in building long-lasting relationships with our customers throughinnovationand entrepreneurship." Inshort:Hellmannmeans F.A.M.I.L.Y. First, people first: The success of a company depends on its employees. Thatiswhy,atHellmann,anattractive and professional environment is created,whichcaptivates,binds,and

  12. responsibility. Madhav adds, "A responsibility that gives us support in times whenwehavetorelyoneach other.'YouandMe!'alsostandsforcooperation whichencourages us tosupportothersandtomotivate us todevelopsolutions togetherfor ourcustomers.” Triumphing throughCrises byEstablishingPurpose Considering the current industry scenario, Madhav accepts that there are some key challengeswhichHellmannistriumphantlyencountering.Hereveals,"Thebiggest challenge facing our industry is attracting and retaining good talent along with the cultural change in the digital transformation process. The logistics industry has earnedsome level ofrespect during thepandemic by establishing purpose. Young people are looking for a purpose in their professional pursuits. Global organizations like us willcreateglobal talentpoolsto helpyoung talentstohave AtHellmann,weare seriousaboutproviding servicesonthe principles of economical,ecological andsocialsustainability tocreateopportunities forfuturegenerations. “ environments within the regions in whichweare active,"expresses Madhav. Through these principles of sustainable development, Hellmann ensuresthefutureofitsfamily-owned business. Youandme!:"Every day,wesetnew goalsand facenewchallenges. Whether it is a successful shipment, a change of work process, or new concepts that are still under development – You and Me!' makes it possible,"saysMadhav.Theguiding principle stands formutual

  13. international experience and seek to createsimilarworkingenvironmentslike otherfancier industries." AFuturistic Wisdom Madhav's advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the logistics space is ultramodern. He says that the industry is evolving as manyplayersareenteringthisspacei.e.: shipping lines, port operators, online marketplace operators etc. Be prepared to invest in technology and its people. NO shortcuts here. ShapingToday'sandTomorrow's Logistics Being an experienced leader, Madhav's opinion on how the adoption of modern technologieslikeAIand MLimpactsthe logisticsindustryandhowHellmannis adaptingtothechangeis noteworthy. He says that technology is already an important player in the scheme of things within our industry, though logistics generally is a very reactive industry to trends. The hype about emerging technology needs to be looked at more practically for its effectiveness. "I can safelysayAIandBCare already playing amajorrole in our digital transformationprocess,"saysMadhav. When probed on how he envisions scaling Hellmann's operations and offeringsin2022andbeyond,Madhav concludes, "We have expanded into Oman and Egypt and further established a solid E-commerce fulfilment center at Dubai Commerce City." Hellmann'sHallofFame Transport & Logistics Middle East award for Hellmann UAE in the categoryofFreightForwardingfor HeroesofthePandemic. "FMCGSUPPLYCHAINOFTHE YEAR2021awardforHellmann UAE. HellmannBDreceivedtheairline awards of appreciation by Qatar Airlines. Hellmann IN recognized as "The BestFreightForwarderoftheYear" in the 12th Express Logistics and SupplyChainConclave.

  14. LoefaMdodeersrnhip TheEmergence inthe GulfRegion 16|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  15. Wnoticeotherregional changes that vary from NovelPerspective henwetravel,therearealwayssomechanges weobserveclimate-wise.Concerningthose,we FourKeysofGulfCo-operationCouncil(GCC) The Gulf is varied with its unique cultures, which differ in every state. The leadership training in the education of the populationinculcatesteachingsofwesternideastoo.Some researchers adapt to different researchers with commonalities across the countries and are more salient than the differences while conceptualizing educational leadership. LetusknowmoreabouttheGCCanditsfourkeys ConceptofLeadership The differences among the cultures are cast from power distance,individualism/collectivism,uncertaintyavoidance, and masculinity withlong versusshort-term orientation with a fair amount of restraint. Research derived that the differences in mindset arise from a misunderstanding betweenmembersof differentsocieties. Gulfcommunitieshaveadifferentconceptofleadershipas proposedbymosteducationalleadershipresearchers. regiontoregionandevenchangesinvariousnormstoo. Amidst the pandemic, several kinds of leadership were observedinthedifferentareas geographically. The perspective of leadership also changes familiarly, be it inthesameregionordifferent.Leadershipgenerallymeans the authority to lead people and to direct and guide the actionsofsubordinates inan organization ora country. InArabic Gulf region is prominently known for theleaders who have the potential to conquer their goals. It was previouslyledbyconstitutionalmonarchies.Withtime,that was passed on to rulers who would monitor the economic goals of their respective nations. This region’s demographics depict why the leaders have immense influenceand powerover thepeople. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) was established in Saudi ArabiawithinBahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, SaudiArabia, and UAE, including unique relations with geographic proximity like political systems laid upon the Islamic beliefs. 17|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  16. Theextentofvariationwithinculturesdoeshaveanimpact on how leadership is defined now. Hierarchical forms of organizations are visible to the public.Research shows the conditions of inherent differences in values and mindsets; the decision-making local to that of the GCC countries is rooted in relationships and several individual forms of decision-making. The concept of leadership is viewed barely positively, while inotherareas,itisreligiouslyfamilialandhumble,andthey believefaithfully in it. LeadershipPipeline Leadership is generally positional and not personal. It rests inseveralsocialconceptsof organizationalpositions;some areconsequential dependingonthe hierarchy. Systemicresearchexploringtheimpactofgeneralfindings aboutthedifferencesinleadershipremainssparse. Leadership has a typology of forms that are instructional, managerial, transformational, moral, disturbed, student- teachers system, and contingent through a range of approaches given theoretically at the school principal’s disposal. Whether a school or any organization, it influences the future for a long time. Therefore, the replacement of leadership is inevitable. This brings us to squareoneofteachingsthroughcoachingandmentoringin schoolsand colleges. More significantly, centralized schools would protect the schoolsfromthedisadvantagesofhighleadershipturnovers thataffect the students. The most vital role of teachers here is to enhance the outcomesofstudentsandbringmoreeffectivenessthrough researching the different forms of teachings to make learning more fun and easier rather than simply believing theleaders with ablindfold.Ateacher is not only responsible for the development of the student but also for the overall advancement of the school as well. It improves the other factors like the economy with the adequate performanceof theirrole. ProfessionalDevelopmentviaCoaching andMentoring Coaching and mentoring are a child's first and most primitive forms of professional development. It is essential todiscardthethoughtsofleadershipandfixateonheadship. ThereislimiteddataaccessiblefromWesterntoGulf frameworks. Coaching and mentoring differ on many levels. Coaching is knownforunravellingthe student’s potentialandimproving performance. On the other hand, mentoring is done by experienced practitioners by sharing their expertise and knowledge with less experienced learners who aim to expertise with learning by providing direct assistance for skill and utilizing the knowledge—selecting one of those preferences will decide what to do next while giving a guideline for reaching the change and finally attaining success. Manyresearchersemphasizementoringandteachingfor thebettermentoftheprofessionaldevelopmentofthechild. Coaching is used for the performance management system forall school leaders. Leadership Efficacy Theincentiveandaspirationalchangesandimprovementas a leader would further be predicted on the extent to which an individual will have a sense of self-efficacy. It is often defined as internal recognition that one can succeed in a definitivedomain. Self-efficacy is determined depending on the potential for influence, or the management will see the teacher who is capableofprovokingchangeinothers.Theidealoneiswho simultaneously brings teams together with common goals thatinspire othersas well. TheGulf,mainlyperceivedascollectivistorrelationbased, has historically been known to dampen individualist approaches to organizational leadership in governmental institutions. Styles of leadership differ on a broad aspect based on the actions, approaches, and intents of leaders themselvestoo. EmbracingtheFuture The above-mentioned key did depict the way GCC had an impact on the principals of schools. When teaching, coaching,andmentoringwereintroduced,theyhelpedturn the lead into a conceptualized, selected, supported, and enacted critical cautions that needed attention. The implementation through understanding the way transformationcouldchangethefutureoftheGulfRegion. 18|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  17. IN D IA

  18. TheThumbay Group is a multinational business conglomerate with diversifiedinterests inoperationsin Education, Healthcare,Medical Research, Diagnostics,Retail andHospitality. AkbarMoideenThumbay, VicePresident ThumbayGroup

  19. TheMostProminentBusinessLeadersInGulf AKBar MolDeenTHuMBaY ACourageousTransformerofDreamsintoReality Wdream intoreality, there is nothingthatcan stop eareliving proof thatwhenhumanbeingshave Please, brief us about your journey as a professional and how you have made Thumbay Group excel in its niche. The Thumbay Group is a multinational business conglomerate with diversified interests in operations in Education, Healthcare, Medical Research, Diagnostics, Retailand Hospitality. Driven by a passion for automobiles, I started my higher studiesbypursuingMechanicalEngineering.Iwasamain teammemberintheAUSEngineeringTeamthatbuiltan FSAE race car that would later race in the United States. The highlight of his course was the internship I undertook atMercedesBenzHeadquartersinBerlin,Germany. Havingjoinedthefamilybusinessataveryyoungageand undergoing the rigours of learning and understanding the basic essentials of the business, awoke my concealed business acumen, prompting me to pursue my Master's in Managementstudies. Aftercompletingmystudies,Ispentthefirstfewmonths interning with a leading New York-based consultancy, getting exposure to healthcare, insurance coverage and lifestylemanagement principles. Later IjoinedThumbayGrouponafull-timebasisand came to grips with the regular operations and day-to-day challengesofthe organization. I was laterentrustedwiththe responsibility of managing the Healthcare and Retail Divisions of the Thumbay Group, as a reward for my relentlessdedication andhard work. The Healthcare Division deals with the operations of all its hospitalsandclinicsinAjman,Fujairah, Sharjah, Dubai, India as well as the Thumbay Labs. Seeing the opportunity through UAE's growing number of medical tourists, and evolving the division's goals with the vision of the Government of Dubai, I launched the award-winning initiative, Thumbay Medical Tourism (TMT). TMT is a full-fledgedunitthatcaterstoextendinghealthcareservices tothegrowingnumberofinternationalpatientsatThumbay Group's hospitals. Under the banner of the retail division, I initiated the conceptofNutriPlusVita,healthnutritionandwellness thecourageandcommitmenttotransforma them,"famouslyproclaimedH.H.SheikhMohammedBin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister, and Minister of Defence of theUnitedArab Emirates (UAE) as wellas theruler of Dubai. Amanbrimming with theself-beliefto follow his own dreams,AkbarMoideenThumbay isnotoneto treada path chalked out for him. Driven with the passion to succeed, he is highly encouraged by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum's inspirational leadershipand pearlsof wisdom. Akbar was born to Dr Thumbay Moideen, a third- generationbusinessentrepreneurandMrsZohraMoideen,a renowned artist in Mangalore, India. Residing in the serene city of Ooty, he completed his secondary education at the city's elite academic institution, The Lawrence School, Lovedale. After moving to the U.A.E. as a teen, he continued his studieswiththeInternationalSchoolofChoueifatinthe UAE and completed his graduation in Mechanical Engineering from theAmerican University of Sharjah (AUS). He later went on to continue his postgraduate studies in Hospital Management at the renowned SDA BoccioniSchoolofManagement, Milan,Italy. Presently, Akbar is serving as the Vice President, Healthcare Division of Thumbay Group, U.A.E. Delving furtherintoAkbar'snature,he is anenthusiastic workaholic, adimensionofhimselfthatheisquiteproudof.Besideshis professional life, he actively pursues his hobbies of driving, engaging in various indoor sports and travelling to foreign countries.Currently,heliveswithhislovelywife, Nousheen Salmaandthree young sons,Ahmad (10), Omar(8)and Rashid (6). In an interview with CIOLOOK India for its edition of 'The Most Prominent Business Leaders In Gulf,'Akbar spoke about his and Thumbay Group's professional journey and howheisleadingittonewheightsofsuccess.Highlightsof theinterview aregiven herein. 21|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  20. rangeatoneofitsretailbrands,Thumbay Pharmacy,togo along with the expansion of the division which also includesZO and MO Opticals. • Pleasebriefouraudience aboutThumbay Hospitals,its USPs,andhow youarecurrently positioned as one of thebestservice/solution providers inyourniche. • ThumbayHospitals,overtheyears,hasbecomeoneofthe • largest healthcare providers in the private healthcare sector offeringqualityandaffordablecaretoallsectionsofsociety inthe U.A.E. • One of our key initiatives has been to promote Thumbay Hospitals in the medical tourism segment in an aggressive manner. The hospital's international quality healthcare services and well-equipped facilities have brought in patients from as far asAfricaand Southern Europe, seeking treatments from executive check-ups to complicated surgeries. • MybiggestaiminlifeistoestablishThumbayGroupasthe largest Healthcare provider in the Middle East. We are now developing plans to start Thumbay Healthcare and Diagnostic facilities across the UAE while venturing into otherGCC countries. • Whatwouldbeyouradviceto buddingentrepreneurs who aspire tobe future leaders likeyou? • Whileworkinginafamilybusinesshasalotofadvantages, • I believe in the philosophy that, every individual involved in the business must strive hard to ensure that the business survives, flourishes and is well protected especially in the current scenario of a competitive market. I personally feel thatafamilybusinesslikeanyotherbusinessrequirestotal dedication,perseveranceandaboveallhardwork. • While it is my father that I look up to for helping me acquiretheartofdeterminationandperseverance,Iamalso highly influenced by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai as well as Warren Buffet, all of whomhaveuniquestylesofleadershipandfunctioningthat isworth emulating. • Please give us a list of achievements/awards/recognitions that accurately highlight your prominent position in the Gulf region. • Achievements: • AkbarMoideenThumbayhasbeen • RecognizedbyH.H.SheikhHamadanbinMohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai for efforts to combatthe COVID-19 pandemicin theUAE. • Recognized by H.H. SheikhAmmarbin HumaidAl • Nuaimi, Crown Prince ofAjman for efforts tocombat the COVID-19 pandemicin the UAE. • InductedintotheAmerican University of Sharjah • AlumniWallofFame2017. • Featuredinthetwenty-fiveyoungBusinessLeadersin UAE, profiled in a coffee table book GEN NEXT INDIANS, publishedbyExponentMedia,Dubai. • FeaturedintheMagazineMasala'Hot20Under30.' • ReceivedawardfortheBestMedicalTourismHospital in the Middle East by the New Economy in 2013 by a leadingnewspaper inthe UK. • Honoured as "Champion of Change" at7thAnnual • MENAHRExcellenceAwards inrecognition of his leadership. • OwneroftheCricketTeam"ThumbayKasargod • Leopards"atKCL,UAE. AkbarMoideenThumbayhasbeenasought-afterspeaker at various conferences and seminars held in the Middle East and Europe which includes: • InvitedasapanellistforHealthcareCEOPanelatDubai CyberWarriors Conclave 2022. • Invitedspeakeratthe"InternationalMedicalTravel • Exhibitionand Conference" heldin Oman inApril 2013. • InvitedSpeakeratthe"BorderlinesinHealthcare"event inMay 2014inAustria. • InvitedasaspeakeratMohammedbinRashidSchoolof • GovernmentfortheLeadership&Entrepreneurship Series2016. • Invited as speaker atAUSEnterprisingYouth Forum at • theAmerican University of SharjahinApril 2016 InvitedasaspeakeratSharjahChamberofCommerce &Industry Majlis2016. • InvitedasapanellistforMiddleEastHealthcare • InsuranceConference2016. • InvitedasapanellistforHealthcareDesign& InfrastructureConference2016. • Invited as apanellist forAUS -TMI'sFamily • EntrepreneurshipSeminar2017. • InvitedasaspeakerforHarvardCrossroadsSummer Program2017. 22|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  21. theDigital HowBusinessLeaders Can Embrace Transformation ofIndustry4.0? TIntelligence (AI), MachineLearning (MI), andotheradvanced hewayprocessofdigitalizationhasbeentakenoverbyaninevitable realityinevery industry.Astimeadvances,Automation,Artificial technologieshavequicklycapturedthe synced form of enhancedtechnology.A quickanalysisoftheweatherofdatagivesapreviouslystructuredformofwork. The challenge is moving to the next phase and changing how we think, comprehend, and move to the next phase. While forming a need for further assistance to findings obtained through advanced technologies. The fourth industrialrevolutionisknownasIndustrialInternetortheDigital Factory, i.e., Industry4.0 Industry4.0keepstrackofthedigitalecosystemamendingthelinebetween Physicaland Digitaltechnologies asthey blurout quickly. Letus indulgeinthewaysthatbusinessleaderscanembracethedigital transformationof Industry 4.0. SmartBusiness Decisionsaredriven by Data Decisions of business are majorly driven by supply chains, suppliers, and manufacturerstogetherinawaythatallowsthemtobemanagedmore efficiently. It enables the pace of the information to run quickly within the organization. It helpsimprovethequalityofdecision-makingwithouttheneedtorelyontherest ofthe organization when the situationwarrants it. 24|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  22. IndustryInsights 25|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  23. Collect real-time data from anywhere, including deriving actionable data insights through advanced analytics in an easy-to-use,mobile-friendlymanner,impactingday-to-day operations. Monitor performance and navigate through the right decisions at the right time. It aids in building a foundationfor activity andflexibility. StartSmall andMap out thepath When working to build a digital space, set targets for the next five years.Accordingly, prioritize measures thatwill bring more value to the business. Make sure targets are alignedwiththeentirestrategyofthebusiness.Startsmall andchoosea target with adesignatedscope. DefineyourCapabilities Business usually knows the capabilities needed to achieve theirvision.Mapoutthedetailsandaimtocompletethem inthegiventimeline.AllotanalertITinfrastructure,the right talent, and a cross-functional analytics team and improvethebusiness fundamentally. Work in partnership with digital influencers outside the organizations and schedule programs with start-ups, universities,orindustryorganizations toacceleratedigital transformation. Expertise in DataAnalytics and Cybersecurity Inculcate an in-house digital analytics team by recruiting cross-functionalexpertsinanalytics.Usethedataprovided by data analyzers to build better links to decision-making andintelligent systemdesigns. Safeguard trust across the digital ecosystem and shield the deception techniques to protect the network from cyber- attacks.Enhancetheongoingproductsandservicesandset upnew offerings DiverseinDigitalEnterprise Torunafull-fledgedperspectiveofIndustry4.0,establisha tone for company-wide transformation. Nurture the digital culture, where all the employees will think and act like nativesof thedigital forum. Jot downan EcosystemApproach Create an ideal horizontal integration of suppliers, customers, workers, and partners.Accompanied by vertical integrationsofmarketing,logistics,production,andothers inthebusinesssystemwillyieldflourishingbenefits. Businessneedstorevampwiththechangingtechnological infrastructure and enhance their capabilities at faster rates andstay aheadof the game. RoleofIndustry4.0inBusinessTransformation In times of major changes, businesses go through disarray, collapse,andreformatoryphasethatareledbyIndustry4.0. Each aspect of business goes through a transformation and continuestoexperience creativemishaps. Some knacks to consider in Industry 4.0 are that 75% of data factory is generated on the edge, less than 5% of data collecteddataisusedresourcefully,and80%ofthetimeis spent collecting. In comparison, 20% is spent on taking action on the collected data. Understand the way it pivots the enhancement and expansion of the traditional business models. ChallengesfacedduringIndustry4.0Execution Execution of Industry 4.0 deals with more than just upgrading technology on the floor but also in the field. It is even broader than the factory backdrop. It deals with customerconnectedness,valuechain visibility, andbusiness models. Businesses go through a criterion process, establishing platforms, collecting basic data, and then moving ahead to decision-making. Integrating data in management systems andeventuallymovingtopredictablecapabilities.Withthe currently reforming industry and focus on digitalization, pioneers have already moved phase of the digitization phase. InaBrief Industry 4.0 is an aggregated process to help business to produce smarter offerings. The challenge is knowing how and where to start and benefits of the roadmap, and whom topartnerwith.Understandingtheimportancelaysoutand dignifies the business to become smarter, responsive, and simple. 26|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  24. RizwanSajan AResoluteLeadershipCharisma Gcuriosityratherthantheirintelligence drives them to undertake the responsibility of the family – my mother, sister, and my younger brother. We are a closely-knit family living with our humble means. My father’s untimely death pushedmetolookforearningswhileIwas stillincollege. My late father’s colleagues offered me part-time employmenttohelp us,andIthenstartedworkingintheir company after classes – to make both ends meet. Since I was underaged, I could not travel abroad for employment when my uncle offered me a job to work in his building material shop in Kuwait. So, I had to wait till I was 18 when I joined his business as a full-time employee – my firstproper job. It was a great learning experience for me, and I was a quick learner. I undertook more responsibilities to help the business grow–to such an extent that my uncle gave me enoughfreedomtomakedecisionsonhisbehalf.Undermy leadership, the business continued to rise. This was when I realizedthatIhadanunderstandingofbusiness.Thencame the Iraq-Kuwait war – that forced us to shut the business andleave Kuwaitfor good. So,I was backtosquareoneafterastintofnearlytenyears. In 1993, I took a flight to Dubai to try out my luck and joined a building materials shop as a salesperson. I quickly found my feet on the ground and helped the business grow. Butthecompany’sstockandcapacitywerelow.ButI didn’t want to say no to a contractor just because my company didn’t have the stocks. So, I used to source them from others and supplied them to the contractor with a margin. This is how I generated some funds, which I invested in setting up my business–Danube Building MaterialsCo., in 1993. Itwas atwo-memberteamoperationinwhichmywife was the only employeemanagingthe office.At thesametime, I used to run around in getting contracts and supplying buildingmaterials.SinceIusedtoensurethecontractors reatleadersarenotrequiredtobethemost intelligentpersoninanorganization.Their tofindinnovativesolutionstolong-understoodproblems. Whenthetimecomestoimplementasolution,theyknow the strategies and their expertise to bring their vision to fruition. Transformational leaders use their keen perception to look towardabetterfutureandseethesmallobstacleshindering smooth execution. They intuitively sense where the direction their organization needs to move in order to competewithin their sector. These personalities are key players because they care and recognize that even the smallest detail can cause a significantsetback.Thereisno ordinary pathto innovation. Thereisnosaferouteleadingthroughdisruptivechange. Thesestalwartpersonalitiescomprehendthatcalculated risk-takingisanecessaryandintegralpartoftheirjob. These adept leaders lean on their innate curiosity to seek novel approaches; they rely on research and act assertively when opportunities are discovered. Mr Rizwan Sajan’s leadershipacumenexcelsasastalwartleadershipcharisma with exceptional abilities and a broad vision inspiring him toestablish theDanubeGroup. In an interview with CIOLook India, Mr Rizwan, the FounderandChairmanofDanube Group,shedsthe spotlight on the significance of the Danube Group—highlighting his journey and opinions on the company’sfuture. Mr Rizwan, please enlighten our readers about your journey as the Founder and Chairman of Danube Groupandhow youreffortshavemadethecompany excel as a leadingbuilding materialssupplier. My entrepreneurial journey started when I was 16, right aftermyfather’ssadanduntimelydemise,whichforcedme 28|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  25. RizwanSajan Founder and Chairman DanubeGroup 29|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  26. TheMostProminentBusinessLeadersInGulf gotallthesuppliesontime,withtherightqualityandprice, I had started getting more orders and hiring more people to support the business. Then we set up warehouses and retail stores and began to import products directly from the internationalsuppliers.This ishowwe grew. Then we shifted our headquarterstoJebelAli Free Zone–where we used to import, re-export and stock our products for local and regional distribution. The development of the real estate and construction sector helped us grow our business fast, as Dubai’s real estate sectorpoweredthegrowthof Dubai’seconomy.Webecame the most prominent building materials supplier in the UAE andthenexpandedthroughouttheGCCcountries. As we grew our business, we also invested in our people, processes, and systems in order to become more efficient. So, now we are a diversified business conglomerate active in more than ten countries and real estate, construction, buildingmaterials,homefurnishing,bathandkitchenware, manufacturing, joinery, hospitality solutions, etc. The business is currently run by a team of 1,800 well-trained professionalsspreadacrossallthebusinessunits. Please brief our audience about Danube Group, its USPs,andhow you arecurrently positioned as one of thebestbuilding materialssuppliers? Weareverygoodatmarketingandsellingourproducts. Danubehas,foralongtime,beenabuildingmaterials supplier. However, we had built a household brand in the region.Nobuildingmaterialssupplierbuildsitsbusinessas a brand – as it is a business-to-business operation, not a household or consumer product business. However, we are perhaps the only building materials supplier to have established a household brand, so much so that even housewivesandchildren knewour name. Thisreflectsourmarketingprowess.Irealizedthisearlyon. So, when we entered the retail space with Danube Home, it was an instant success. Today, Danube Home is the largest homefurnishingandhomeimprovementbrandintheGCC –spreadingworldwide.Our brandpopularity wasso strong that when we entered the real estate business with a cluster of 171 townhouses under the Dreamz project, it was sold outatlaunchina few hours’time!This wasduetothe publictrust in ourbrand. Following our success in the first project, we launched 17 projects in the next eight years and delivered 11 of those projects.Thisisthehighestlaunch-to-deliveryratio–which reinforces buyers’, brokers’and investors’confidencein our properties.Inaneconomicsectorwheredelayindeliveryof homes has been a chronic problem, Danube Properties has so far successfully delivered 4,556 units with a combined sales value of Dh3.63 billion – nearly two-thirds of the entireportfolio value. With thesell-outofourlatestprojectGemz,Danube Properties’developmentportfolio now exceeded 30|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

  27. 8,272units,withacombineddevelopmentvalueexceeding Dh5.65 billion. In the building materials and home furnishings business, we hold more than 50,000 types of productsatany giventime withinour inventory. What professional qualities and values do you think yourclients,colleagues,andemployeesadmireinyou themost? I am very hands-on, straightforward in my work, impartial, and fair. I like to empower people – allow them to make decisions, make mistakes, correct themselves, and develop leadership within the company. I believe in transparency andaccountability.Allmycolleaguesareaccountabletothe company for their activities, and transparency is built into oursystem. Beingan experiencedleader, shareyouropinion on how adopting modern technologies likeAIand MLimpacts your industry and how your firm is adapting to the change? Buildingmaterials,constructionandrealestatearehardcore brick-and-mortarandtraditionalbusinesses.Technology has little room other than the introduction of newly improved and technically advanced products. Otherwise, it isaconcrete–cement,re-bars–alabour-intensive business. Considering the current industry scenario in the Gulf region,whatkind of challenges do you face, andhowdo you drive yourfirm to overcome them? I think inflation–higher cost of construction materials and higher shipping costs–is a serious concern. It is a global problem–notalocalissue.Highoilpriceisadouble-edged sword as it is good for the oil-exporting countries, while it hurts consumers as gasoline prices increase, so transport costsincrease. Whatwouldbeyouradviceto buddingentrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the businessarena? My pieces of advice are effortless - don’t chase money. Develop a habit of dreaming and dreaming big. Link your dreamwithasocio-economiccauseoraproblemandcreate a business to solve that problem. Chase your dream. Your dreamwill bring youmoney. Thinkbigbutactsmall.Thinkglobalbutactlocal.Don’tbe scaredto fail. Think digital but act physical to deliver the digital dream. Developdigitalstart-ups.Butdon’tlosetheage-oldvalues. Your value system will keep you going. You might keep failing–but the most important thing is–don’t lose faith. Be brave.Admitmistakesandtake ownership of mistakes.But learnfrom each mistake.Failure is really thepillar of success. Respectpeople–includingyourcustomers,colleagues,and suppliers. Be genuine. Identify problems or try to foresee thembeforeoccurringandtakepreventivemeasures. Remain humble. Some people can’t handle success. They becomearrogant—theirattitudechangeswithtime.When success comes, don’t let it affect your thoughts. Remain humbleand grounded. HowdoyouenvisionscalingDanube Group’s operationsandofferingsin2022andbeyond? Thisyearisayearofgrowthforus, andwearegrowingon all fronts – real estate, home furnishing, building materials andhospitalitysolutions.Weareexpanding horizontally–across new territories and vertically–in all the businessverticals thatwe operate. Please give us a few testimonials of your clients/customers and a list of awards/recognitions that accurately highlight Danube Group’s position as a leading name in building material suppliers in the industryin Gulf. Wehave won – including Mohammed Bin RashidAl Maktoum (MRM)Award, Dubai QualityAward, Dubai Government ExcellenceAward, Forbes MiddleEastAward, andArabian BusinessAward, amongmany others. However, the most significant award for me is customer happiness. Nothing beats the happy smile on a customer’s face when they tell us how glad they are with our products and services – be it a home, furnishing, a decoration piece boughtfromDanubeHome,orwhenacontractorexpresses hishappinessafterinstallingourproductsinthebuilding. Nothing can beat their happy smile. That’s the most prominent award or reward for myteamandme.At theend of the day, we work for our customers, and we strive to achievetheir happiness... 31|August2022|www.ciolookindia.com

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