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The EMR software was the answer to all their problems. It is the digital avatar of handwritten paper records. It is not a new invention anymore but advances in the programming of this software now help doctors and patients to understand and diagnose health conditions in far better way.
Medical technology has helped in saving millions of lives in the recent years. There is no doubt that as more research goes into it, diseases that have no cure now will soon be curable. One innovation that has nothing to do with medicines directly but still has a lot of value in the lives of doctors and patients is the Electronic Medical Records software. It has changed the way that patients used to get treatment for better. THE TRADITIONAL WAY Earlier, hospitals had to keep written notes about each patient. The visiting doctor would read it and understand the problem. Nurses would have a glance and know when to give them medicines. This method seems fine but it left open the risk of unauthorized access. Writings on paper were also difficult to understand at times. As the computerization of records began taking shape, healthcare institutes also needed to improve their way of keeping their patients’ health records.
EMR- DIGITAL RECORDS THAT SAVE LIVES The EMR software was the answer to all their problems. It is the digital avatar of handwritten paper records. It is not a new invention anymore but advances in the programming of this software now help doctors and patients to understand and diagnose health conditions in far better way. Whenever a person visits a doctor who maintains digital records of his/her patients, the doctor can immediately access all their past medical history. If the patient is regular, the doctor knows what action he/she must take just by a glance at their records. Another technological innovation that has proved useful is the EHR, which stands for Electronic Health Records. The EHR software has taken digital medical records to a higher level. Where EMR is applicable just with one doctor or health care center, EHR can store information about a patient’s medical history from every doctor they visit and every diagnosis they have. This compilation is encrypted and secure so that there is no unauthorized access to this data. Hospitals that take care of thousands of patients find it very helpful to get all the information they require at one touch.
Medical science is not only about new cures and new drugs. It would not have been possible for it to progress so rapidly if it had not depended on technology. Digital records have surely changed the way doctors treat their patients. Medical aid is now much easier to avail thanks to EMR systems that allow people to share their medical condition seamlessly. Thank You