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Important Things You Need To Know About Ayurvedic Medicines - 20 Microns Herbal

Being one of the oldest forms of medical practice of all time, thereu2019s a lot more to know about Ayurveda and the way it works.<br>

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Important Things You Need To Know About Ayurvedic Medicines - 20 Microns Herbal

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  1. Important Things You Need To Know About Ayurvedic Medicines - 20 Microns Herbal Being one of the oldest forms of medical practice of all time, there’s a lot  more to know about Ayurveda and the way it works.  Every human being has a unique Dosha or Energy Type and it plays a  significant role in the overall health conditions of the humans. Basically, there  are three types of Doshas or Energy Types associated with the human body: 

  2. ● Vata: the Air and Space Sign, which is associated with the body  movements.  ● Pitta: The Fire and Water Energy, which controls digestion and  metabolisms.  ● Kapha: The Earth Energy Type that controls growth and maintenance of  the body.  All these three energy types need to be in balance with each other in order to  have a healthy well being, however, if any or all of these three Doshas are out  of balance, one may feel some health issues.  The term ‘Ayurveda’ is a Sanskrit word made from joining ‘Ayur’ that means  Life and ‘Veda’ that means Knowledge or Science. Let us know more about  Ayurveda and how it works towards better life and well-being.  You Are What You Eat  When it comes to the Ayurvedic Treatment for better health, you will never  want to compromise with your diet as the food that you eat plays an important  role in shaping your life. Ayurvedic Doctor or Practitioner may prescribe to  include or avoid certain herbs or type of food to bring your body back into the  balance rather than merely prescribing some medicines. Including some of  the best Ayurvedic Medicines or herbal supplements in your diet can bring a  huge change in your health.  Patient-Oriented Treatments 

  3. While allopathic treatments focus mostly on the disease, treatments in  Ayurvedic practice are patient-oriented. The Ayurvedic practitioner considers  your lifestyle, genetics, history, physical, mental and even spiritual state before  prescribing the treatment that suits you​r ​requirement well.  Lifestyle: The Key To Better and Balanced Life  Along with the proper diet, you may need to practice meditation and yoga as  well. According to Ayurvedic Philosophy, Yoga and Meditation play an equally  important role as much as the Ayurvedic medicines and diet in improving the  overall health of not just the body but also the mind.  Its Way Beyond Maintaining The Body Weight  People often choose Ayurvedic Medicines for weight loss or weight gain but  practically is way far beyond just the body weights. A study found that using  Ayurvedic Medicines or herbal supplements for digestion, inflammation, and  immune system, can also treat severe conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure,  PMS, Cholesterol and depression as well. Another study found that herbal  medicines are as effective as traditional pain relief solutions in dealing with  rheumatoid arthritis.  Ayurvedic Medicines For Stress  Your health may further deteriorate if you are feeling depressed therefore,  feeling less stressed can really help in improving your health. Most of the  Ayurvedic treatments and medicines are found to have a direct or indirect 

  4. effect on the stress level in the body. It is really effective to use herbal  supplements for stress and a healthier life. While following the Ayurvedic  principles, one may expect lower anxiety and stress level, better and healthier  sleep, enhanced immunity and higher energy level. Ashwagandha Extract  Supplement is one of the best Ayurvedic Medicines for reducing stress and  leading a happier and productive life. Know more only at,  https://20micronsherbal.com/ashwagandha-stress-relief-extracts/  Ayurvedic Medicines And Western Medicines  Ayurvedic Medicines can work well even while taking it along with your  existing western or allopathic medicines. Even if you are undergoing a  western style of treatment, Ayurveda can be complementary to the treatment  of any illness and bring your body back to its most possible stable state.  Having no side-effects at all, Ayurvedic medicines are often considered to be  the safest and the best for any kind of treatments, however, it is highly  advisable to consult your family physician before starting with any herbal  supplement of Ayurvedic medicines.  Ayurveda is more than just about a treatment and  medicines, it’s a Lifestyle.  There are numbers of benefits and advantages of Ayurvedic medicines over  other available medicinal practices. Most of the Studies have often found the  positive effects of Ayurvedic medicine on the health and life of people with  many health conditions. Make your diet an Ayurvedic Diet by including some 

  5. of the essential herbal supplements in your lifestyle, click to know more,  https://20micronsherbal.com/  Original Source : https://20micronsherbal.com/important-things-you-need-to-know-about-ayurvedic -medicines/

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