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Women choose this time-consuming hairstyle that takes hours for various reasons, and we will look at the top five reasons women choose box braids today.
5 ReasonsWhyWomenAreWearing Box BraidsHairstyle Youcan't go wrongwith theiconic protective hairstyleknown foritsbox-shaped parting box braids. Box braids are famous for their signature square-shaped boxes on the scalp worn with extensions tothicken thebraidswhile allowingyournatural hair to grow beneaththe extension.Thistraditionalbraidedhairstyleispopular amongwomenwhowanttogivetheir natural black wavyhaira breakandallow it to grow. Womenchoose thistime-consuminghairstyle thattakeshoursforvariousreasons, andwe will look at the top fivereasons women choose box braidstoday. Lowmaintenance Box braids require little to no upkeep. With a few touch-ups here and there, this hairstyle is ideal for women who are always on the go but don't want to sacrifice fashion. For up to 4–6 weeks, this low-maintenancehairstyle willsave youtime onhairstyling. Long-Lasting Aspreviouslystated,manypreferahairstylethatonlyneedstobe installedonceandcanlast forseveralweeks. According tohairexperts, Boxbraids shouldonly beworn for up to 6 weeksat a timebecausethey canstiflehair growth. When the roots ofyourhairseparate for weeksat a time, it is more prone to twisting and tangling.
Wearing yourbox braidsfor weekscanalsomakeitdifficult tocontrolthe frizz.For a polishedandimmaculateappearance,use a headbandor coveryourhairwithasilkscarf at night. 3.Protectivehairstyle Boxbraidsencloseyournaturalhair beneaththeextensions,protectingitfromeverydayhair damagesuchasheatstyling, pollution, and productbuildup. To keepyourbraids hydrated andhealthy, youshould moisturizethem regularly.Dryhairismorelikelytobreak than hydrated hair. 4.Growingyournaturalhair Whodoesn'twant tolet their natural hairgrow while wearing along boxbraidshairstyle with hairextensions?It's awin-win hairsolution because you canlet your natural hair growwhile rocking along hairstyle. Sometimes thebestwaytogrowyour naturalhairis toleave italone.Insteadofconstantly touching yourhair, you aretransferring bacteriafrom your hand to your hair andscalp, which canslowdownthe growthprocess.Theboxbraidshairstyle protectsyournatural hair while allowing you to run your handsthrough the braids. 5.Versatility Because boxbraidsare braidedindividuallyintosquare-shapedsections,theyprovideyou with various styling options. You canwear yourbraided hairin a top bun, ponytail, and variousother hairstylesjustasyouwouldyour naturalhair.Youcanrockyour boxbraids in shorthair,longhair, or shoulder-lengthhair inallhaircolors.Whenitcomes tostyling, box braids provide limitless options. Conclusion
Ofcourse,therearenumerousreasons why womenchoose boxbraids,andthefive listed above are justa few ofthem.Don'tforget togetthe besthair extensionforyour hair now that you knowhow greatboxbraidsare.LookthroughIndique'shumanhairextensionsandwigs collection tofindthe mostnatural-lookingboxbraids.Save onIndique'sSEACollection. Shop all bundles, wigs,andclosures with codeSEA30 for alimited time.