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Why are Laminates the Right Choice for Your Kitchen Countertops - Royale Touche

Choosing Royale Touche laminate sheets for kitchen countertops has several benefits.Here are top reasons to adopt laminate sheets for kitchen counters in order to improve usability and beautify your kitchen. Read more !

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Why are Laminates the Right Choice for Your Kitchen Countertops - Royale Touche

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  1. Why are Laminates the Right Choice for Your Kitchen Countertops? Introduced duringthelate1940sand1950sasasubstituteforstone or wooden surfaces, laminatecountertops,today,havecome full circle. Aesthetic, functionalandreliable,currently, theyaredominatingevery discussionsurroundingkitchencountertops. Andwhywouldn’tthey? Withstunningvisualappeal,awidearray offreshstylestochoosefrom andtechnologicallyadvanced solutions,laminatesgiveyouanopportunity to refresh yourkitchen andturnitinto a stunning,modernnewspace. So, without further ado, now let’s look at some of the benefits of using laminates for your nextkitchen remodellingproject– Aestheticallyappealing Availableinaplethoraof designsandcoloursthatcaneven mimicthe appearance of naturalstonesperfectly,the new, technologicallyadvanced laminates make a notable first impression. Once limited to simple, minimalisticdesigns,today,brandslikeRoyaleTouchégivetheir customers achancetoturn their kitchens into modern-stylehomeswith laminates that offer excellent dept and realism that was deemed impossible onlya fewyearsago.

  2. Stain& scratch resistantNotonlyaretheselaminatesstunning,but also very effective and functional as they are immune to the ill effects of moistureandscratches. Thismakesthem aperfect fit forkitchen countertops that are bound to see you and your family make many memoriesoutofeveryspill,scratchandscrape. Easyinstallation Laminatecountertopsforthe kitchen canbeinstalledwithin ashort period of time and it requires minimal effort and energy too. Thereby, giving you a hassle-freeexperienceand abeautifulspacetoenjoyandexperienceinno time. Lowmaintenance Thebest featureorbenefitof usinglaminatesforyourkitchencountertopis that they are easy-breezy to maintain. As kitchen countertops require frequentcleaningandscrubbingtoget ridof foodstainsor spills, laminates make itasuper simpleprocessforyou.Allyou havetodo isuseasoft clothand wipedownthe areausing a mildcleaning agent.That’sit! Awesome,right? Antibacterial and antiviralprotection Royale Touchéuses a very special resin formulation that is applied over thedecorativesurfacepapertoachievea high degreeof bacteriagrowth resistance.Thisletsyourkitchenstayhygienicandgivesyou and your familyachancetoenjoyeverymealtogether,without worryingabout your safety. Royale Touché Luxury Laminatesgo through some of the most stringent quality tests in the industry before they become a part of your home. So, if you aredreamingofgivingyourkitchena new andelegant makeover,let us helpyou makeyourdreamscometrue.

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