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Guide to buy a new home - GP Homes


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Guide to buy a new home - GP Homes

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  1. Guideto Buy a NewHome

  2. One of the best decisions pertaining to the real estate investment or that of a house to stay in is buying a fatright away. Read on to know what things are to be kept in mindwhile finalizing ahome.

  3. Location The location you finalize for your dream house has a lot to do with the value at which you wish to resellthe house if you have any such plans in thefuture. Considering the resale value ofyour house is always advised by everyone around.

  4. Loan Right from the age of theapplicant to the eligibility, repayment capacity, income, etc. – all are taken intoaccount. Moreover, the rate at which theloan is sanctioned is notconstant. The repayment structure becomes volatile which might not workin favor of theapplicant.

  5. Insurance Getting your property insured is one of the bestpractices tofollow. What serves to be anadvantage here is that the cost is relatively low and the insurance provides coveragein case of problems with the property title, certain damages, or any legalissue.

  6. Budget Taking note ofthe budget is notonly important to finalize thehouse that falls under the limit butalso to know how much money will beleft each month tomeet yourexpenses. A property is a huge investment which is why being sure that the investmentproperty takes care of all your needs and is well within the budget iscritical.

  7. AdditionalCosts There are a lot of other costs as well which need to bepaid. real estateagents lenders or mortgagebrokers homeinspectors landsurveyors lawyers or notary stamp duty charges registrationcharges maintenancecharges Fees or service chargesby

  8. ContactUs! sales@gphomes.co.in +91 9344481444 www.gphomes.co.in

  9. ThankYou!

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