8 Early Signs of Infertility That Every TTC Couple Should Know
Did you know that there are some glaring symptoms and signs of infertility that you can actually rectify even before you decide to start a family? The problem with most couples is that they don’t want to deal with the bridges early on; they wait until they get there. And sometimes, if not always they may be running against time when they actually get there. Keeping this is mind, it makes sense to take a note of these early signs of infertility that throw up, consult and get an “All ok†from your doctor so that whenever you try to get pregnant, conceiving is not a problem. Most couples try for a year at most and when they can’t get pregnant despite their efforts with unprotected sex, they panic. As already mentioned earlier, watch out and stay alert early on. Here are some of the early signs of infertility or signs of not being able to conceive:
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