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JCILM Jesus Christ is Lord Ministries extend support and love to the people who need help to overcome the addictions and help in healing. Praise the Lord for His favor, and we thank God for the countless lives that have been transformed.
REMEMBER: Prayerdoesnotchange God, but it changes him whoprays.
The Bible is a collection of religious texts or scriptures sacred toChristians, Jews, Samaritans, Rastafari, andothers. Itappearsintheformofananthology,
TheBirth of JesusChrist FROM HUMBLEBEGINNINGS The birth of Jesus a miracle, but it was viewed by those who believedit as the first sign from Godin centuries. The last of the Old Testament prophets wasMalachi, and he lived about four hundred years beforeJesus.
The Lord's Day in Christianity is generally Sunday, the principal day of communal worship. It is observed by most Christians as the weekly memorial of the resurrection of JesusChrist,
Sharing ourBeliefs BRO JOHNSONSEQUEIRA Bro Johnson Sequeria MinistryTouched millions of hearts in the powerof the lord.Praise the Lord for His favor, andwe thank God for the countlesslives that have been transformed and touchedby the Word that is preached byBro JohnsonSequeira.
Our Ministries W HAT WE DO Orphanage Support Prison Ministry Scholarships
Contact Information PHONENUMBER 2222012308 EMAILADDRESS brojohnsonsequeira@gmail.com CHURCHADDRESS 15rd FlrKesar Bldg, PrincessStreet, Kalbadevi Mumbai,