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Earrings are the best option to makeover, earrings gives you to unique look on your face, and dressed up. many types of color and designed earrings
The Right Drop Earrings for Your Face Shape R O U N D F A C E E A R R I N G S you’llwanttoselectangledorlongdrop designs. Finditemsthatcomplementyour beautiful, fullfaceandavoidcirculardrops, chandeliers, orhoops. Ourtoppicksare MakeMeaDeal H E A R T F A C E E A R R I N G S Chandelieranddropearringsarealwaysperfect fortheheartshapedface. Stayclearofangular designsthatmaycompetewithyourshape. Our favorites? TrytheBlowmeaKiss, Perfectionist, O V L F A C E E A R R U N G S Ifyouhaveanovalfaceyoucanprettymuch wearanytypeofearring. Checkoutthese beautiesforyourovalface: DataPoint, Zenand Relaxation (picturedbelow), andPlumesof Perfection. R E C T A N G L E F A C E E A R R I N G S Yourperfectly-shapedrectanglefaceneedsa smaller, circulardesign. Ourpicksaddsoftness andcircularcharmtoyourdefinedangles. CheckouttheOfficeHours, Selfless D I A M O N D F A C E E A R R I N G S Lookforearringsthatarelong, dangly, orhoop. Avoidanyangularordiamond-shapedsets. GiveourFeisty (picturedbelow), PolarPomp andCircumstance, https://www.7charmingsisters.com/