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The Atkins diet is a healthy lifelong approach to eating as part of a plan, and it doesnu2019t even require you to feel hungry or deprived. There is 4-phase in the Atkins diet plan; there is no time limit for the phases; it depends on the personu2019s weight. <br>However, it is most difficult to follow the first phase.
AtkinsDiet:ABestLowCarbDietToLose Weight Eating alimitedamountofcarbohydratesisthefirstsignoflosingweight.The Atkins diet has beendesignedkeepingthisinmind.AmericancardiologistDr.RobertAtkins promotedthe dietinthe1970s,andhewrote abookonthissubject. However, it was a type of ketogenic dietthat emphasized the consumption of proteins and fats.Thatdietis structuredintwo phases,oneforweightlossandtheotherfor maintenance. Inaddition,Dr.Atkinsdefendedthatrestrictingsugarsinthediethashealthbenefits,such as reducing the risk of developing diabetes. So it limited the presence of fruits, vegetables, grains,andlegumes. The Atkins diet approach supports that you can lose weight if you eat fewer carbs and more proteinandfat. Proponentsclaimthatlow-carbdiets(withoutcountingcalories)arequicklyeffectivefor weightlossandare toutedasahealthylifelongapproach. Thisdietplanhasgivenbetterresultsinmanycases;henceithasbecomeverypopularin thelastdecade. Althoughtheclaimissurroundedbycontroversy,itwasconsideredunhealthyduetothe diet's highsaturatedfatcontent.
The AtkinsDietIsA4-PhasePlan. The Atkins diet is a healthy lifelong approach to eating as part of a plan, and it doesn't even requireyoutofeelhungryordeprived. There is 4-phase in the Atkins diet plan; there is no time limit for the phases; it depends on theperson'sweight.However,itis mostdifficulttofollow the firstphase. Phase1(Induction) In this phase, you have to remove carbohydrates almost completely from your diet, and in a day,only20gramsofcarbscanbeobtainedonlyfromvegetables. You should includeprotein like cheese, fish, shellfish, meat, and eggs in every diet during thisphase.Also, you don't need tostay away from oils and fats, but you can't consume mostfruits,sugaryfoods,bread,pasta,cereals,alcohol,etc. Phase2(Balancing) Inthis Atkinsdietphase, youshould consumeatleast 12to15gramsofcarbsasa vegetable. You should also avoid consuming foods with added sugar. When you start losing weight gradually, you can consume some nutritious carbs like berries, nuts, and seeds. You stayinthisphaseuntilyouare4.5kg awayfrom yourtargetweight. Phase3(Fine-Tuning) In this phase, dieters can gradually increase their intake of foods, such as fruits, starchy vegetables, lentils and beans, and whole grains. You increase your diet by 10 grams of carbs every week, but if you have stopped losing weight, you will have to stop this amount again. Youcanstayinthisphasetillyoureachyourtargetweight. According to Dr. Atkins, this diet plan should be for 2 to 3 months. This diet plan mainly, peoplewhoadoptitaremeanttokeepthepace betweenthemselvesandthediet.
Phase4:(LifetimeMaintenance) Its fourth phase, i.e., the last phase, has to be followed throughout life; hence this phase is called Lifetime Maintenance. By this stage, you have decided which diet you like the most. Eachdietcontains10to20gramsofcarbohydrates,soyoucaneasily chooseyourdiet. You can include food according to your choice in breakfast, lunch, and dinner in this phase. Due to eating a certain amount of eggs, meat, cheese, and pasta, you cannot gain weight again. Conclusion Themost current versionsoffer adailycarbohydrate intakeofup to50 grams.Aswe discussed earlier,theAtkins dieteffectivelypromotes weightlossand achievesbetter health. However,more flexibleprotocolsarebeing proposed,withsomemodificationsin carbohydratecontentthatprioritizetheconsumptionofvegetablesoverfruits. SourceLink:https://submitafreearticle.com/atkins-diet-a-best-low-carb-diet-to- lose-weight/