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Meditating at night is a great way to promote better quality sleep. It can reduce stress, hyperactive mind, depression, and pain levels. Bedtime sleep meditation uses conscious breathing, Inane Mantra, mindfulness, yoga Nidra, and visualization techniques to help you let go of tension, ease into deep rest and fall asleep in 10 minutes.
Bedtime Meditation: Why ItWorksandHowto do It? Regularbedtimemeditationpracticeworksinharmony withdeepsleepandcanbe a powerful toolforpoweringyourmind andthoughts,clearingoutnegativethoughts, reducing stress, and connecting with you. A bedtime meditation practice to enhance your daily performance can be a pleasant way to end the day. There are many great tips and simple techniques for a pre-bedtime meditation ritual. However, it is not always easy to meditate whentiredorover-stressedfromabusy dayofwork. This bedtime sleep meditation uses conscious breathing, Inane Mantra, mindfulness, yoga Nidra, and visualization techniques to help you let go of tension, ease into deep rest and fall asleepin10minutes. WhyYou Should PracticeBedtimeMeditation? An evening meditation practiceis an ideal way to rejuvenate your body and mind. It is also believable that the practice of meditation before bedtime is much more than what many people think who do not fit into the practice during daytime hours due to uncontrolled routines.Additionally,ifyou findyourselfstrugglingwithinsomnia,anxiety,and stress, practicingmeditationbefore sleepinghasatherapeuticeffectonthebrain. According to researchers, when you meditate in the evening, many physiological changes occur. Some of these changes help you release stress and reconnect with yourself, others helpyouincrease serotoninandthe sleephormone melatonin.
HowtoMeditateBeforeBed? The benefit of bedtime meditation is only when you do it in the right way. It will give you peace and good health, both physically and mentally. Here we are the easiest way to start meditating before bed. These simple tipsare just aseffective forabedtimemeditationexperience: Find a quiet place: You need a quiet place to meditate. So choose a nice quiet place where you won’t be disturbed by noise, light or other people. A calm and peaceful environment makes meditation more relaxing. If possible, have less activity around you during meditating atnight. Turn off phones or devices: We have to be disconnected from the outside world like mobile phonesandTVs.Thiscanmakeit difficultforyoutoconcentrate. Using relaxing music: Try using some relaxing music such as nature sounds, it helps you to calmdownandworks stress. Choose acomfortableposition:Sittingcross-legged,andkeepingthewaiststraightis considered the right position for meditation. Due to this, your ability to focus and breathing system increases easily. However, some people prefer to sit in a chair while others prefer to lie onthebed.Andclose youreyes. Breathing: Breathing is very important to do any kind of meditation. Breathe in and out slowlyandfocusonyourbreathing,that is,focusonone focuspoint. Keep your mind on one thing only: Do not let extravagant thoughts come into your mind during meditation. Instead of being distracted by thoughts or external stimuli, chant Om and focusonmeditation. BedtimeMeditationTechniques Choosing a meditation method to sleep better and enhance your daily performance can be difficult.Only one ortwoofthe followingmeditationoptions willbe effective foryou. ConsciousBreathingMeditation To do the Conscious Breathing Meditation or Constant Breathing Meditation exercise, you canfocus your attentionon your breath. Keepyour mind calmandstopthethoughts runninginyourmind.Bydoing thismeditationexercise beforesleepingatnight,youwillget
better rest and your anxiety and stress will also end. Becauseof this, you will get instant sleepat night. InaneMantraMeditation To do this meditation, before you go to sleep, sit comfortably and repeat a few syllables like take-le-le ormu-mu-mufor10minutesuntilyourmindstartshearingnewsounds. WhateveryouhavetopronounceinInaneMantraMeditationwillbeanewlanguageword. It should be something that has no meaning, that doesn’t let you remember anything and thatdoesn’t evenbelong toyou. GuidedMeditation Guided Meditation is “Meditation with the help of a guide”. It is the easiest way to enter a state of deep meditation and inner peace. It is one of the most powerful ways to eliminate stress andbringabout positive personalchanges. Guided meditation, also known as guided imagery, is where you try to visualize images or sounds.Youcanalsolistentoarecordingofaguidedmeditationin this technique. YogaNidra Yoga Nidra is a process of yoga, which is also called Spiritual Sleep. Yoga Nidra is such a state between sleep and wakefulness, in which you go into a mental state of concentration for some time,andyourfullfocusisonallthe partsofthe body. In simple words, there is neither sleeping nor waking up in the activity of yoga nidra. In the practice of Yoga Nidra Meditation, one has to concentrate on the sequence of breaths and different parts of the body by lying straight on the ground, this is the simplest and easiest way ofyoga. Conclusion Meditating at night is a great way to promote better quality sleep. It can reduce you stress, hyperactive mind, depression and pain levels. Trying a few minutes of meditation at the end ofthe day works bestforyourpersonalityandexperience. SourceLink: https://www.otherarticles.com/health/womens-health/186905-bedtime-meditation-why-it- works-and-how-to-do-it.html