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What Is Panchakarma Treatment and How Can It Help You?

Panchakarma Treatment is the best therapy method of Ayurveda. This process is used to cleanse the body of toxins released by diseases. In this therapy, five types of main processes are used to remove the diseases and causes of disease in the body and to restore the three doshas (ie Tridoshas) Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

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What Is Panchakarma Treatment and How Can It Help You?

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  1. WhatIsPanchakarmaTreatmentandHowCanItHelp You? TherearemanyancientpracticesforrejuvenationinAyurveda,outofwhich Panchakarmatreatmentisvery important. Panchakarma isthespecialty oftheAyurvedamedicalsystem,whichisnotinany medical procedure. Many complex and incurable diseases that cannot be treated with meremedicinecan beeasily cured withPanchakarma. WhatIsPanchakarma? Panchakarmaisanancientpurificationtherapy methodofAyurveda.Inthis, purification is done by taking out the irritating doshas of the body. In this Ayurveda Chikitsa karma, diseases are removed by bringing the imbalanced Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshasintoan actualstate.Panchakarmais alsocalledPanchakarma-Chikitsa. Theliteralmeaning ofthe namePanchakarma is"FiveKarma," whichmeans this techniqueremoves toxinsfromthebodyby usingsuitablemedicinalsubstances by performing Five Karma. Panchakarma treatment technique purifies the body and brings all the three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, into an actual state, and the irritable doshas getoutofthe body. Inshort:Panchakarmatherapy purifies theblockedsources ofthebodyand equilibratesthefire,therebyimprovingthe body andincreasinghealth. Panchakarma isoneoftheexcellentmedical methodsofAyurveda.Medicine in Ayurvedacan bedivided intothreemainparts.

  2. DaivaVyapashrayaChikitsa(TreatmentthroughdivineVedicmantras) Yukti-Vyapashraya Chikitsa (MedicinaltreatmentorRationalTreatment) SatvavajayaChikitsa(Ayurvedicpsychotherapy) Panchakarma isapartofYuktiVyapashrayaChikitsa,whichincludesmanyKarmas.But mainlyforpurification therapy,Panchakarmaisperformed. FiveKarmas • InPanchakarma,fivekarmasaremainlyusedtopurifythewholebody,calledprime Karma. • Thesefivekarmasareasfollows: • Vamana(therapeuticemesis) • Virechanam(purgation) • Anuvasana(enemausingmedicatedoil) • Nasyam • AsthanaVasti (TherapeuticDecoctionEnema) • AcharyaSushruta(fatherofsurgery)hasincludedRaktmokshanainPanchakarma insteadof AasthanaVasti. • HowCan PanchakarmaTreatmentHelp You? • Panchakarmatherapypurifiestheblockedbodychannelsandequilibratesthefire, thereby improvingthe body andenhancingphysicalandmentalhealth. • Thereisathree-stepprocessinAyurvedicPanchakarmatreatmentthatcan helpyou. • Poorvakarma • PradhanaKarma • PurvaKarma(Snehana,Swedana) • The process done before the main action of Panchakarma is called Purva Karma. The personcan removethetoxicsubstances(ama)fromthebodybylubricationand sweating.Amaistheprimary causeof alldiseases. • PradhanaKarma(Panchkarma) • When a person becomes capable of performing Panchakarma after performing Snehana Swedana,then themain action (Panchkarma) isperformedafterthat. • TheFive Karma inPanchakarmaisasfollows.

  3. Vamana (EmesisorVomiting Therapy) ThisKarmaismainlydoneforKaphadiseasesandVataKaphadiseases.Itisnecessary tocorrect variousphlegmdiseasesarisingin thehead, bone,joint andmucousplaces. Virechanor Purgation In the Virechana process, the contaminated doshas are removed in a controlled manner fromtheexcretorytract. Thatisespecially doneinthediseasescausedby the dysfunctionof pitta. AnuvasanBasti (OilEnema) Putting any medicine in the anus is called 'Basti Karma'. Basti karma in which only ghee, oil, or other lubricatingsubstances are used in large quantity is called 'Anusana' or 'SnehanBasti'. Nasyam Through this action of Panchakarma, the doshas located in the head are removed from the nostrils, and the patient is benefitted, which are selected and used according to the diseaseandthepatient. Aasthapan BastiorNiruh The Vasti therapy method is mainly used in Vata Vyadhis (nervous disorders). In this, medicines are prepared from medicinal herbs, in which honey, salt, lipids, and other drugs are given inside the rectum. "Niruh" indicates "elimination of morbid dosha or disease from the body. And "establishment" indicates "establishment of life span and age". Asthan Vasti is beneficial in constipation, kidney stones, back pain, abdominal cramps andpainandothertypesof joint pain(VataVyadhi). Raktamokshan In this Karma, the blood is purified. Bad blood is the root of many diseases. In such a situation, the bad blood present in the body is cleaned through this process. Eczema, acne,skin diseases,etc.,canberemoved withthis. Panchakarmaissaidtobeusefulforboththehealthyandthesick.Accordingtothe season, we should do Panchakarma (refinement) so that the irritable doshas in our body continuetodotheirnaturalworkin the samecondition.

  4. Conclusion Panchakarma treatment leads to better health, is free from toxins and imbalances, and has a major role in rebuilding the body. It recommends using remedies such as Vamana, Virechana,Basti,Nasya,andRaktamokshan tocorrectdeep-rooted imbalances. Apart from Panchakarma, other medical methods only pacify the virulent doshas in our body, due to which the diseases get alleviated, but there is a possibility of re-occurrence ofthedisease. SourceLink: https://techarrives.com/panchakarma-treatment/

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