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Here are some tips to prevent extended wrist pain during your exercises. It controls sensation, movement, and blood flow to the soft tissues inside the wrist. Make sure consideration should be given to correct any misalignment that is affected during normal yoga postures before starting your yoga postures.
Wrist PaininYoga?TipstoAvoid Wrist Pain Unfortunately, inadvertently putting too much weight on your wrists when practicing yoga’s weight-bearing and handstand poses such as Downward-Facing Dog, Upward- Facing Dog, andPlank Pose can leadto wrist strainor wrist problems. However, the right support of your body weight provides opportunities to strengthen your hands and fingers muscles. For beginner yoga students, wrist pain can only be a pain but not a strain. We can prevent extended wrist strain or pain by following some basic guidelines, especially whilepracticingthe pose likepush-ups,andhandbalancing. Here are some tips to prevent extended wrist pain during your exercises. It controls sensation, movementandbloodflowtothe softtissues insidethewrist. Make sure consideration should be given to correcting any misalignment that is affected duringnormalyogaposturesbeforestartingyouryogapostures. How to Treat Yoga Wrist Pain: Tips for a Pain- freeYoga Practice Ifyoualreadysufferfromwristpainorinjuryduringyouryogapractice,youmayneed toseeadoctororphysical therapist,but ifyouareexperiencingpain duringyoga practice,thefollowingtipsaddress wrist painin yogapractice. Warm-upGently Before PracticingWristsYogaPoses Manypeopleignorewarm-upyogaposes.Warmingupbeforestartinganyyogaposeis amust forallof us,especially if youhaveahistoryofwristissues. Actually, by warming up, the body becomes warm and the muscles open, so that when you exercise, it does not put pressure on your muscles suddenly. It not only helps in stretchingandlooseningthemusclesandtissuesbutalsoimprovesthelubricationof
the joints. Surya Namaskar is a very effective method for the body and your wrists to warm up. StrengthenandStretchtheWristsMuscles When the wrist joint muscles are balanced and Strengthened, it considerably not only reducestheriskof physicalstressbut alsopain,sprain,strain,orfracture. Poses such as slow and controlled hand balancing is a very effective way to strengthen themusclesaroundyourwrist joint andbuildstrength. Openthe shouldersandstrengthenthe arms The lack of strength in our shoulders and chest will weaken your forearm muscles and create unhealthy pressure in the lower wrist joints. Therefore, consider shoulder, arm and chest strengthening exercises. You can also practice folding your arms behind your back, bowpose, or with eagle arms tostrengthen your wrists soyour body is also considered todoexercisesthatareeasy onthewrists. Embrace propsandmodifications Many people ignore propsandamendments. If we have ahistory of wrist issues, we need to embrace props and modifications. The props and modifications allow you to enjoy allthebenefitsof carryingyourfullloadonyourhands. Hardwood blocks will provide proper alignment for your hands and make it easier to focusmore. Modifyposes If you’re doing yogaafter a pain or injury, or you’re building your strength on a weak wrist, try hand-balanced yoga poses like Downward-facing dog and plank pose with somemodifications. Spreadyour FingersandGrippingtheFloor To increase sensitivity in the hand balancing pose, consider extending the fingers and lightlygrippingthefloor.Thistechniqueprotects yourwristsand isessentialfor balancein adjustingtoweights.
BeMindfulandDistributeyourweightevenly • Avoid putting too much pressure on either end of your palms. To do this correctly, press all the knuckles of the fingers and the heels of the palms equally on the ground in the rightway. • Quickwristacupuncture • Acupuncture is one option to help relieve natural wrist pain. A small orthopedic doctor mayreceivethetreatmentseveraltimesaweek. • ElevatetheHeelofthePalm • People with tight and sensitive wrist conditions can greatly benefit from using some support, suchasamat or foldedblanket, undertheheelofthepalm. • Wristcompressionglove • If yourwristhurts orstrains duringclass,youshouldconsiderwearing awrist compression glove or wrap before continuing your practice. Restand icing to reduce pain orswellingwillalsohelp. • The strength and flexibility of the rest of your body can also contribute to achieving pain-free wrists inyoga practice.However, the above tips help in yoga practicewith mild wrist discomfort. • Wrist-friendlyyoga • Awrist-friendly yogapose willwarmup andstretches yourwrists’ musclesbefore headingintohandbalanced. • CommonYogaPosesthatcanCauseWristPainor Injury • Usually, all weight-bearing or handstand poses lead to wrist pain or an injury. Here is somecommonasana that stressesthewrists. • Mayurasana(PeacockPose) • Chakrasanaor UrdhvaDhanurasan(WheelPose orUpward-FacingBowPose) • Bakasana(CranePose) • Tolasana(ScalePose) • Bhujangasana(Cobrapose)
Conclusion Likeallphysicalactivity, push-ups,and practicinghandbalancingposessuchas Handstand Pose and Crow Pose are many more beneficial than you might think for wrist pain andinjury pain likecarpaltunnelsyndrome. SourceLink:https://7pranayama.com/what-is-yoga-history-yoga- importance-of-yoga/