Bed Bug Exterminator: When's It Time To Call A Professional - Did you know, bed bugs arenu2019t associated with just filthy conditions? They can very well thrive in clean places such as top hotels, hospitals and even beautifully maintained homes. Few Bed Bug Facts Bed bugs are very tiny, which is why they can easily move from place to place in luggage, clothing, etc. and quickly take up residence. Bed bugs are active mainly at night and usually bite and feed on peopleu2019s blood while they are sleeping. Detecting their presence is challenging; they can go unnoticed for hours and even days before the signs of bed bug infestation are noticed. Consider These Signs to Know Itu2019s Time To Call A Professional Sudden itchy rash areas on your body when you wake up Bloodstains on sheets/pillowcases Rusty excrement spots on sheets, mattresses, bedclothes and walls Eggshells or shed skins in corners of the room and the edges of walls/furniture An intolerable musty odor secreted from the bugsu2019 scent glands
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