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Top Ten Wedding Color Trends for Weddings in 2015

“Wedding” is not about just a single day it’s about a whole life. Wedding is the first step into a new life & so it has its own importance .The bride and Groom are so over occupied in the preparations that they often miss out small festivities.

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Top Ten Wedding Color Trends for Weddings in 2015

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  1. TopTenWeddingColorTrendsforWeddingsin2015 “Wedding”isnotaboutjustasingledayit’saboutawholelife.Weddingisthefirststepinto anewlife&soithasitsownimportance.ThebrideandGroomaresooveroccupiedinthe preparationsthattheyoftenmissoutsmallfestivities.Thepreparationsforthemarriagestarts days&monthsbeforeandpickingthatperfectweddingColorisoneofthemostdifficult& challenging choices in the arrangements throughout. Colors play a very vital role in a wedding. They encourage emotions and feelings. For a getting married couple, its very special to pick their wedding things such as wedding invitations, décor, flowers, cake, attires,accessories,gifts&moreinacoloroftheirownchoice&itsevenmorebestifthat wedding color is very much popularin that season!

  2. TheWeddingcolorsgiveanoutlineofthebigdaybyincorporatingvariouscolorschemes intotheevent.Theygiveabeautifulandeyecatchingappeal&appearancetoyourwedding party&functions.AlthoughIdon’tstandoutforthisknowledgemuchbuttherearecertainly some of the ideas that I am going to share here & that may assist & inspire you in your preparations.Havingacolorcomboisaninterestingthingwhichwillshowyourcreativityin yourBigDaydecoration.So,choosesomeeye-catchingcolorsasyourweddingthemeand give a“Wow” to yourwedding decor by picking up thetrendy colorsas thecolors reflect traditionandstyle ofa wedding. NowherearesometrendyWeddingColorcombinationswhichyoucanincorporateinyour Wedding Elements tomake itlavish& memorable: Marsala Pantone Already famous a lot, theMarasala wedding colorneeds no Introduction ! The shade has alreadybeenawardedasthePantonecoloroftheYear2015andisindeedoneoftherichest& luxurious wedding colors. You never need to give a second thought when it comes to pickingMarsalacolorforyourwedding.Ifyouwanttofollowtheweddingtrends!Ifyou want to be a Star & your wedding a hit amongst your family & friends then combine this color with acomplementary light color shades and give your wedding a perfect look.

  3. Navy Blue , Off White& Blush Navyblueandoffwhiteisacoolcolorpaletteandisthemostpopularcolorintheweddings thesedays.Thiscolorpaletteisconsideredasthemoststylishweddingshadesoftheseason. Itssovibrant&fulloffestivefeelthatoftenthedecorationsseemincompletewithoutthis color in the marriage. This color scheme can be utilized in table settings, floral decoration,WeddingThankYouCardstoaddahintofthiscolorthemeinmainelements& carry forward its feeltillthe end ofyour weddingevent.

  4. Black withshade of gold& burgundy Backwithshadesofgold&burgundyisthemostpickedupcolorfortheweddingshowers. Thiscolorcombinationcanbeaddressedinmanywayssuchastheblackoutfitsofgrooms. Besides, allthe ladies can add a goldtouch totheir outfits viajewelry, shoes, etc.

  5. Dark Purple & Tiffany blue Darkpurpleisthemostluxurycolorthatsignifiesroyalty.Thevenuedecorationcanbedone with purple color or by mixing shades of purples. The dinning arranged with purple color gives a beautiful look. The coloris flexiblein allaspects.

  6. Scuba Blue, Coral & White Scubablue,coralandwhiteisacolorcombothatgivesadifferentviewtothewedding.It seemslikearefreshingcolorandsoothestheeyes.Italsogivesanoutstandinglooktothe venueview&tablesettings. Additionofthiscolorwillgiveaneye-catchingappealtoyour nuptial ceremony.

  7. Titanium &cream&blush Titanium,creamandblushisthehottestcolorpalettewhichthebridewouldlovetohavein herjewelryortheweddingaccessories.Youcanalsoincorporatethiscolorpaletteinyour wedding bouquets, décor flowers and centerpieces to give a fantasticlookto your wedding.

  8. Kelly Green, Lime Green& Cream Kelly green and cream is also one of the most popular color palette this wedding season 2015.It’sthefirstchoiceofmanycoupleswhoarehavinganeco-friendlywedding.keeping this color palette in your wedding themewill givea natural look to your wedding.

  9. Gray, yellow& light purple Grayandyellowistheatticcolorfortheweddingtheme.Youcanalsousesomemoretrendy colors with this exclusive gray- yellow color combination. It gives a stylish look to your weddingwithjust itssimplegrayand yellowcolortonesin thethings@ weddingliketieclip, shoe lace, bouquet.

  10. Shades of Pink Color Pink is the most romantic color and it is mostly loved by girls. This is considered as the evergreencolorwhichisflexible&all-timehitinallweddingseason.Theweddingbouquet havingshadesofpinkcolorflowersgivesaromanticfeeltothemarriage.Even,alightpink coloredweddinggownaddsawowfactortothebridalattireandgivesagorgeouslooktoher so much that All eyes geton to the bride when she arrives inthis color outfit .

  11. Red& white color Redisthemostattractivecolorwhenitcomes tofloraldecorationandbridesmaidsdresses. When mixing it with white, it becomes the most elegant & appealing color palette. It symbolizeslove&passion&isamustshadeinweddingceremoniesfromCenturiesinmany culturesaroundtheworldsuchasaTraditionalIndianWedding.So,let’snotforgetthis “Love”color.It’samust&youcandefinitelypickthiscolortoaddaromanticfeeltoyour wedding ceremonies. Hope that these ideas will brighten upyour wedding with theirvibrance &positivity! HappyWedding Color Picking!

  12. Connect withus @ http://www.a2zweddingcards.comhttp://www.a2zweddingcards.com/blog/https://twitter.com/a2zWeddingCardshttps://www.facebook.com/a2zweddingcardhttps://plus.google.com/+A2zweddingcards/postshttps://www.pinterest.com/a2zweddingcards/https://instagram.com/a2zweddingcards/

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