Grow Your Business With Proximity Marketing Beacons Grow Your Business With Proximity Marketing Beacons. Today, your customers all use smartphones. From the very old to the very young, technology has become easier to learn, and so has connecting with your customers in real-time.
A Bluetooth signal delivered at your store location or outdoor event proximity can alert nearby smartphones and tablets that have Bluetooth switched on with an ad message, like a coupon offer.
Think of a Beacon as a text message personalized for only interested customers. These messages are displayed to the wireless device of the customer through broadcasting radio signals on a constant basis.
However, there’s no need to worry about bombarding your customers with multiple messages. The technology knows which devices have already gotten a message at least once.
You may have a coupon to let shoppers know about, a discount at your store, website or outdoor event, or a special greeting to remind customers about a future event.
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