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CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com

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  1. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com

  2. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 1 DQ 1 Final Capstone Project Preparation (New) CRJ 422 Week 1 DQ 2 Criminal Justice Effectiveness (New) CRJ 422 Week 1 Journal Article Critical Analysis (New) CRJ 422 Week 2 DQ 1 Final Capstone Project Outline (New) CRJ 422 Week 2 DQ 2 Social Justice Through Criminal Justice (New) CRJ 422 Week 2 Resource Review and Synopsis (New) CRJ 422 Week 3 DQ 1 Criminal Theories (New) CRJ 422 Week 3 DQ 2

  3. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 1 DQ 1 Final Capstone Project Preparation (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Final Capstone Project Preparation. Review the Final Capstone Project in Week Five and select the issue in social and criminal justice that you will address. Identify and develop your thesis statement and your resolution for your chosen issue. This will be your initial version of the thesis statement for the Final Capstone Project, but expect that

  4. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 1 DQ 2 Criminal Justice Effectiveness (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Criminal Justice Effectiveness. The U.S. criminal justice system is in a constant balancing act between the rights of individuals and the need to protect citizens from harm. Most individual rights are found in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, as listed in Chapter 8.1 of your textbook. Review these individual rights and provide your opinion on whether or not the effectiveness of the criminal justice system is hindered by individual liberties. Provide at least

  5. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 1 Journal Article Critical Analysis (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Journal Article Critical Analysis. Utilizing the information gained from your reading of Chapters 4 and 5 of the text critically analyze one of the five scholarly articles found in Chapter 10 of the text. Choose an article that best relates to your thesis or could potentially be used to support your position in the Final Capstone Project. In a critical analysis of the article, complete the following: § Provide the formal APA citation of the source. § Summarize the

  6. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 1 Journal Article Critical Analysis (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Journal Article Critical Analysis. Utilizing the information gained from your reading of Chapters 4 and 5 of the text critically analyze one of the five scholarly articles found in Chapter 10 of the text. Choose an article that best relates to your thesis or could potentially be used to support your position in the Final Capstone Project. In a critical analysis of the article, complete the following: § Provide the formal APA citation of the source. § Summarize the

  7. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 2 DQ 2 Social Justice Through Criminal Justice (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Social Justice Through Criminal Justice. Examine the laws discussed in Chapter 9, which protect individual freedoms and the implementation of criminal justice policies. Provide at least three examples of how the U.S. criminal justice system simultaneously advances notions of social justice, while also protecting the rights of the

  8. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 2 Resource Review and Synopsis (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Resource Review and Synopsis. In this paper, present a synopsis of five scholarly articles you intend to use in your Final Capstone Project. In your synopsis, provide the formal APA citation for each source, along with a brief (one

  9. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 3 DQ 1 Criminal Theories (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Criminal Theories. Drawing upon course readings, your prior course work, and your personal experiences, which theory of criminal justice from the Criminological Theory Summaries do you believe best reflects how the U.S. criminal justice system functions? Point out the strengths and weakness of this theory and provide recommendations

  10. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 3 DQ 2 Landmark Federal Decisions (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Landmark Federal Decisions. Explain which of the landmark federal criminal justice cases below is the most significant for promoting social justice in our present day. You may use historical examples of “wrongs righted” to supplement your positions. Be sure to explain the basis of your position and why you find the opinion or case to be most significant. Reference the Landmark Supreme Court Cases website for summaries of each case. Mapp v. Ohio

  11. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 3 Recent Federal Acts and Social Justice (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Recent Federal Acts and Social Justice. The Patriot Act and the Homeland Security Act of the 21st Century form the foundation of the United States’ domestic response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Many legal and political voices have advocated that these acts have resulted in a reduction in the rights of citizens and a loss of civil

  12. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 4 DQ 1 Criminal Justice Careers (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Criminal Justice Careers. There are many careers available to people with criminal justice degrees. These career options extend beyond the commonly recognized police officer or social worker roles. After reading the required resources for this week, explain your plans for utilizing your Social and Criminal Justice degree from Ashford University. Consider this discussion board an opportunity for you to network with your classmates and help each

  13. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 4 DQ 2 Changing Views (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Changing Views. Reflect on your preparations for your Final Capstone Project. Detail at least one area of your research that either made you change a pre-existing position you held on a major criminal or social justice issue, or share something that surprised you in the course of your research. Explain why your viewpoints have changed and how you expect to use this new perspective in your career going forward. To help guide your reflection, consider how your perspective has cha

  14. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 5 DQ 1 Assessing Your Program of Study (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com Assessing Your Program of Study. Provide a detailed assessment of your program of study, correlated to the six learning outcomes in the Social and Criminal Justice program. Explain, in two to three sentences (at minimum) for each outcome, how your course of study developed your skills in accomplishing each of these program learning outcomes: Analyze criminal justice issues within the systems of law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections.

  15. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com • CRJ 422 Week 5 DQ 2 Resources and Recommendations (New) • FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT • www.crj422genius.com • Resources and Recommendations. Provide your overall assessment of the content and quality of your program of study at Ashford University. How do you plan to apply what you have learned to your future profession? If you have already used information gained from your course of study in your profession, share specific examples of the application of knowledge and skills. What suggestions do you have to improve the Social and Criminal Justice

  16. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com CRJ 422 Week 5 Final Paper (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.crj422genius.com The focus of the capstone project is to solve a contemporary social and criminal justice issue through the application of information from a variety of related fields, which may include sociology, law, psychology, and ethics. In developing a proposed solution to a modern social and criminal justice issue, you are encouraged to use scholarly and primary sources, multimedia, and interviews with professionals in the field (if possible) to identify

  17. CRJ 422 GENIUS Lessons in Excellence--crj422genius.com

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