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TECHAVERA Noida offers the best ERP SAP HANA training in Noida. With experienced SAP HANA professionals/trainers, who will help students to learn SAP HANA by making it a lightweight to the corporate standards that will help students to be prepare for the goal. We at TECHAVERA, the best institute for ERP SAP HANA Training in Noida help students to learn SAP HANA with the help of live base projects. It is one of the most credible ERP SAP HANA Training Institute in Noida offering hands on practical knowledge and full time job assistance with both basic and advanced training courses in the top most MNCs.
SAPHANATrainingin Noida& SAPHANA Training Institute inNoida TECH AVE R A Noidaoffers t he best ERP SAP HANAtraining course in noida. W ith experi encedSAP HANA professi onal s/trai ners, who wi ll hel p stude nts to l earn SAP HANA by maki ng i t a li ghtwei ght to the corporat e sta ndards t hat will hel p stud e nts to be prepare for t he g oal . W e atTECHAVERA, the best institute for ERP SAP HANA Training in Noidahel p studentstolearnSAPHANAwiththehelpoflivebaseprojects.Itis one of t he most credi bl e ERP SAP HANA Training Institutein Noidaofferinghandsonpracticalknowledgeandfulltimejob assistancewithbothbasicandadvancedtrainingcoursesinthetop mostMNCs. AtTECHAVERA,wehelpstudentstounderstandthefundamentaland advance d co ncept of SAP HAN A, we prepare them for a s uccessf ul career.WehavesuccessfullytrainedthousandsofstudentsinNoida and hav e bee n abl e to tur n o urs el ves i nto an i nsti t ute for t he best ERP SAP HANA Training Institute for ERP SAP HANA . At TECHAVERA SAP HANA Training in Noida i s cond uctedby professionalswithyearsofexperienceinmanagingrealtimeSAP
HANA proj ects. TECHAVERA offers SAP HANA Trai ni ng i n various di fferent modes i .e. ERP SAP HANA Online Training, Classroom Training, SAP HANA Corporate Training, Fast Track Training and one -to-one training. Our e xperiences professionshavedesignedourSAPHANATrainingsyllabustomatch withtherealworldrequirementsandleadingIndustrynorms. TECHAVERA impl ements a sweet bl end of a ERP SAP HANA learning program and practi cal sessi ons to gi ve our st ude nts optimumexposurethataidsintransformationofstudentsintoa professionals.Withworld-classinfrastructureandlatestfacilities,we are the best institute in Noida for ERP SAP HANA . W e prepare thousandsofstudentsfortheSAPHANAClassesinNoidaat reasonabl e fees t hat i s desi gned as per the st ude ntneeds. OurSAPHANATrainingsyllabusincludeserphanaoverview,erpin- memorycomputingoverview,erphanafeatures,lookandfeeloferp- hana,erp-hanaArchitecture,basicmodelling,reportingonhanawith bi 4.0, advanced data model li ng wi th sql scri pt, data provi si oni ng, dataservices,erplandscapetransformation,technicalrequirement andsystemset-upinformationforLTreplicationserver,keybenefits ofLTreplicatingserver,transformationalcapabilities,operations, securityandusermanagementinhana,SAPHANATrainingonreal timeprojectsalongwithSAPHANAPlacementTraining. BeginyourcareerbytakingSAPHANAclassesinNoidawithcertified professionalwith10+yearsofexperienceinrealindustry.Our Professionalsaresubjectspecialistsandareup-to-dateinthesubject they have t he abi li ty to deli ver the best knowl edge as t heyhave continuedtospendtimeintheIndustrysofar.Theyarewell connectedwithMNCsbyhiringHumanResourcemanagersfor providingtheplacementassoonaspossible.Ourprofessionalswill helpstudent/understudiestodeveloptheabilityofcurrentindustry norms a nd sta ndards to get t he s ucc ess for thei r dream job. W hil e there are a number of i nsti tute s offeri ng ERP SAP HANA Training in Noida, TECHAVERA i s one of the best SAP HANA training institute in Noida wi th 100% pl acement s upport. W e have adecentrecordforplacingourstudentsandhavebeenplacedin manyITfirmsandprogressivestart-uporganizations.Ourcourseis designedforbeginnersandgivehandsonpracticewherestudents
can foc us o n sol vi ng ERP SAP HANA concepts easil y. W e have manage d to stay i n t he top posi ti on. Our motto i s to foc us o n creati ng alearningenvironmentwithcomparativelylessfees,throughwell- definedcoursestructures,wellequippedTraininglabs,world-class i nfrastruct ure t hat overal l hel ps students for a b etter l earni ng. TECHAVERA is the l eader in pl aci ng stude nts i n t he topMNCs. W hat are you wai ti ng for? Get i n touch wi th us to day to book yo ur seatandknowmoreabouttheavailablecourses! COURSE SYLLABUS FOR ERP SAP HANA MODULE THROUGH TECHAVERA SOLUTIONS PVT.LTD: ERPHANAIntroductionandArchitecture ERP HANAOvervi ew ERPIn-MemoryComputingOverview ERP HANAFeat ures Look and feel ofERP-HANA ERP-HANAArchitecture ERP-HANA Landscape StructureofERPin-memoryComputingstudio RowstoreandcolumnstoreArchitecture Multi-VersionCurrencyControl(MVCC) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. PersistenceLayerinIn-memoryComputingEngine Back up &Recovery High-Availability DistributedSystem DataProvisioningoptionsinERP-HANA ReportingoptionsonERP-HANA Securi ty opti ons i n HANA ERP-HANA Appl iance Model How ERP HANA Appl i ance i s delivered SizingConsiderations ERP HANA - Li censi ng Opti ons ERPHANAProjectImplementation Overview:KeyActivities Key Roles Key Poi nts to keep i n mind Administration BasicModelling
ModellingOverview Terminology ERP HANA St udi oFeatures InformationModellerOverview InstallationandConfigurationofHANAStudio PrerequisitesforModelling ModellingConsiderations Level s of Modelling AttributeViews 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. AnalyticViews ModellingConsiderations Joi ns: Di fferent types a nd w he n to usewhat WhereClassVsConstraintFilters HANAStudioPreview(usewithCaution) ImpactofQueryExecution Demo ModellingSuggestions TroubleshootingModellingIssues Export a nd Import Models Reporti ng o n HANA wi th BI4.0 HANAReportingLayer&ConnectivityOptions ReportingonHANAClients ReportingonHANAOpenInterfaces PrerequisitesforreportingonERPHANA IMDBclientinstallation Settingupnewconnection ERP Busi ness Obj ects BI4.0: Overview & tool comparison AnalyticalReportingonHANA RelationalReportingonHANA 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ReportingonHANADemoIncluded Nati ve Excel Interface vi aODBO ERPBusinessObjectAnalysis(OfficeEdition) ERPBusinessObjectExplorer Semanti c Layer Approach IDT Vs Uni verse Designer ERP BOBJ W ebI ERP BOBJ Xcel sius ERP Crystal Reports Enterpri se Vs2011 Front-endtoolreportingconsiderationsontopofHANA Troubleshootingcommonreportingissues
AdvancedDataModellingwithSQLScript: ModellingOverview CalculationView:Overview&Types SQLScript:Motivation SQL Scri pt: Overview SQL Scri pt Processing DataTypeExtensions Scal arDatatype Tabl etype FunctionalExtension 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Concept Procedure ProcedureCalls ImplementingFunctionallogic Operators SQLScript/Built-inFunction DebuggingandtroubleshootingSQLScript RestrictionsforSQLStatement DataProvisioning:DataServices: DataProvisioning:Overview DataProvisionOptions TriggerBasedReplication ETL-BasedReplication Log-BasedReplication ERP Busi ness Obj ects Data Servi ces 4.0 andHANA ODPenabledExtractorSupportinDataServices4.0 HANA and Data Servi ce Process fl ow for ERP a nd no n-ERPdata How i t works for ERPSystem 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. How i t works for Non-ERP System AdvancedDataServiceoptions Columntablecreation Bulkloaderoptions&configuration Bulkextractingoptions&configuration Log-basedreplicationoverview Techni cal system landscape Useradministration Authorization InstallingLog-basedreplication Updati ng t he ERP host age nt o n so urcesystem InstallingSybasecomponents
22. DeployingtheERPHANAloadcontrollerandrelated components 23. 24. 25. 26. ConfiguringLog-basedreplication Confi gure ERP HANA l oad control l er on ERP H ANA system InitializingreplicationusingERPHANAsystem InitializingreplicationusingERPHANAloadcontroller ERP HANA 6: DATA PROVISIONI N G: ERP LANDSCAPE TRANSFORMATION(SLT): Dataprovisioningoverview ERPlandscapetransformationset-up OptionsforSLTlandscapeinstallation Post-installationstem ConceptofSLTreplication Architectureandkeybuildingblock Technicalrequirementandsystemset-upinformationforLT replicationserver Key benefi ts of LT repli cati ngserver Transformationalcapabilities 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Operations SecurityandusermanagementinHANA Creati on ofusers Creati on of roles Assignmentprivilegestoroles Assi gnme nt of users to roles TOP 20 REASONS WHY TO CHOOSE THE TECHAVERA INSTITUTE INNOIDA ERPSAP HANA Training in Noidai s especi all y ai med to ai d the trai nees so as to provi de the be s t ERP SAP -HANA Trai ni ng i n Noidainnotimeinthecomprehensive,concrete,andinteractive manner. TheERP-SAP-HANAtraininginNoidaisexclusivelydesignedtobeat the c urre nt ITmarket. TheERP-SAP-HANAtrainersarewell-equippedwiththetechnical skills,knowledge,andexpertise. Techavera’sERP-SAP-HANATrainingInstituteinNoidaoffersthe excellentservicesrangingfromtheITtrainingtodevelopmenttothe placementservices.
Thetraineewouldhavethesimplistictrainingmodulessoasto comprehendtheconceptinaneffectivemanner. FacilitatoroftheERPSAP-HANATrainingInstituteinNoidaalways triestoprovideallkindsoftechnicalrequirementswhichneedtobe availedinordertofulfillallthereal-timeessentials Highlyconducive-cum-chargingenvironmentonecanhaveinthe ambi ence of t heTECHAVERA. Theworkingprofessionalsorcorporateclientelecanputuptheir queriestoourcorporatefaculty. 24x7labfacilities,thetraineesarecompletelyfreetoaccessthelab illimitably. ThesmartERPSAP-HANAclassesinNoidaareexcitingly equippedwiththedigitalpads,Wi-Ficonnectivity,liveracks,and projectors.TheERPSAP-HANAclassesinNoidaarecustomizableas percandidate’sdesiredtiming. Thesmartlabsareequippedwiththehi-fiequipments,andhigh- end tools. 12. Thetraineescanoptforthemajor,minor,oronlineliveprojects aspertheirconvenienceandease. 13. The ERP SAP-HANA Co urses are a n effi caci ous so urceof learningasthesecontainthewell-definednumberofcoursemodules whicharespeciallydesignedwiththehelpofcommunicative,pictorial charts,graphs,anddiagrams.TheERPSAP-HANACourses’content iscombined,mergedwiththeleadingindustryvendors. 14. 15. Agreatersourceofassistanceintoday’scognitiveera. An ease of accessi bili ty as the fastest the metro st ati on conveyanceisall-availableinfrontofthetechaverainstitute. 16. 17. Thetrainingfeeaffordability. ERP SAP-HANA Trai ni ng Noi da, at techavera, i s t hemost suitablespottovisitasthemetrostationisrightinfrontof the techavera institute. For those who are l i vi ng at t hedi stant placewillfindtheERPSAP-HANAtrainingNoidaasthemostsuitable spot. 18. ManageabilityaseverysingledepartmentsuchasHR, accounting,lab,trainingclasses,managementorlotsmoreis anonymouslysystematized. 19. Thetraineescanhavethesilent/discussionzoneaspertheir desi re andease. 20. 21. Extra ti me sl ots (E.T.S) for practi cals are absol utely free. There are a number of payme nt o pti ons t hat o ne ca n go for— cash,credit,cheque,debitcard,andnetbanking.
THE PROFILE OF THE TECHVERA TRAINERS The trai ners, at Tec havera’s ERP-SAP HANA training institute inNoida,havethelong-servedandhands-onexperienceinthe technicalfield. Gettheexpertconsultationatyourfingertips. Thetrainersarehighlycertified,qualified,andproficientexpertswho have8+experiencesinthetechnicaldomain. Getthesmartconsultationwithinaleastpossibletimeframe. Thetrainershaveworkedinthewell-knowncompanieslikeIBM,HCL, Birla,sapient,Agilenttechnology,TCS. TheyarequiteconnectiblewiththehiringHRsofthemultinational companies. PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE AFTER THE ERP-SAP HANA TRAINING TechaveraistheBestERP-SAP-HANATrainingCenterinNoida,and isprovidingawidearrayofplacementservicesindifferentpartofthe worldintheshortestpossibletime. Techaveraassiststhejobseekerstoimprovise/updatetheirresume justtomeetthecurrentstandardofthemarketinthebestpossible manner. PlacementtrainersconductthePDS(personalitydevelopment sessi ons) to t he j obseekers so as to get the de si red j ob shortly. Techaverahasbeendedicatedlyplacingitsstudentsinthereputed IT-firmslikeTCS,HCL,IBM,sapient,orBirla. For more information just Visit :- http://www.techaveranoida.in/best-erp-sap- hana-training-in-noida.php