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Ace of good charity organizations are working well for the financial assistance of the poor, old age homes, orphanages and many others. They collect donated money from the people and distribute this money to needy people. It is a good way to help others if we donate money to the organizations that have started various programs to help the needy people. Some has started programs to collect money for the education of orphan children, some help the old age homes, and some help the poor who don't have sufficient money to buy the things that they need to eat for their living. Some programs are started where the donors can also get benefits when they donate money to such organizations.
EmpoweringWomenWhen the Ace of Good makes our delivery trips, instead of bringing backpacks from the United States, we source them locally through our women’s empowerment programs. We sponsor free seamstress job-skills training and then offer our graduates employment to sew our backpacks. Our program offers women an opportunity for financial independence, eases poverty in their community, and crates beautifully made backpacks for children in need.
Hand Made Bags by Ace of Good America Collections MassaiCollections KissiColletions
THE KISSI COLLECTION THE KISSI COLLECTION Each Kisii Bag is hand made by a women of the Kisii village in Kenya. Because they have not had access to education and have no jobs skills, improving their lives for themselves and their children has been difficult. Ace of Good is proud to work with the women of Kisii, providing jobs skills training and offering them employment sewing our Kisii Collection of backpacks and messenger bags. The results are stunning. When you purchase a bag from our Kisii Collection not only are you helping to empower these Kisii women, but for every bag sold, Ace of Good delivers another bag, filled with school supplies, to a local child in need, making education possible. KissiBAG$59.00BUY NOW
THE AMERICA COLLECTION THE AMERICA COLLECTION The America Collection was born out of the Ace of Good mission to serve the children of our Military Families in the USA who are living below the poverty line and cannot afford school supplies for their children. The sequester and the recent government shut down has further adversely affected our Military Families. At Ace of Good we knew that our upcoming deliveries to Military Bases in the US would require a special collection: a backpack and messenger bag made in the USA. A bag that not only provides Great American Style, but also provided American jobs, and is sustainably produced, helping to realize positive social, economic and environmental change. So when you purchase an America Bag you are supporting those brave men and women who are deployed around the world putting their lives on the line every day so we can be free. You are supporting those first responders who run towards danger at times like 9-11 and natural disasters. We count on them to be there in an emergency, now they need our help. And as always, for every America Bag purchased, we deliver another, filled with school supplies, to a child in need. America Back Pack$59.00BUY NOW
THE MASAIICOLLECTION THE MASAII COLLECTION Each Massai Bag is hand made by Massai Widows in Maji Moto Kenya. When Massai women are widowed, in their culture they are not allowed to keep their home or their animals, nor are they allowed to remarry. As these women have historically been denied an education and have no jobs skills many are left destitute with their children. Many of these widows are barely more than children themselves. Ace of Good has provided jobs skills training to these women and offered employment to these widows to sew our Massai Bags. These bags not only provide financial independence to these widows but for each bag sold, Ace of Good delivers another, filled with school supplies, to a child in need, making education possible for hundreds of Massai children. They call the Massai Bag the bag that gives twice. MASSAI BAG$59.00BUY NOW
Contact US For More Information visit : http://aceofgood.com/