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Decision makers are no longer solely in the control room. They’re located at remote desks or<br>conference rooms, in the field and even, in some cases, working for other collaborating agencies.<br>Regardless of their location, they all need to be able to share critical operational information (on<br>video walls, desktops and mobile devices) and collaborate in real-time when an event occurs.
Control Room Information Sharing and Collaboration Decision makers are no longer solely in the control room. They’re located at remote desks or conference rooms, in the field and even, in some cases, working for other collaborating agencies. Regardless of their location, they all need to be able to share critical operational information (on video walls, desktops and mobile devices) and collaboratein real-time when an event occurs. Information Sharing Sharing information is paramount to for organizations to maintain effective communications and true situational awareness. Activu delivers the critical information that decision maker’s need. Our softwaregets the right information to the right people wherever they are, enabling universal information sharing. Collaboration Activu’s enterprisecollaboration tools allow teams to share visual information, collaborate on what they are viewing, communicate easily and ultimately reach a resolution more quickly. Users have real-time visibility of the same information and can use tools such as white boarding and instant messaging to engage in discussions and make optimal collaborative decisions. From the Video W all to User Desktops and Mobile Devices Activu delivers critical information to decision makers on video walls, desktops and mobile devices. Users have easy access to visual information on any type of networked display, whether it is the control room video wall, a workstation, a conference room display or a tablet being used in the field. Event Drive Visualization Control room operations rely on efficient and accurate assimilation of information to produce timely, decisive action. More and more data sources are available in the control room, leaving decision-makers with the daunting task of sifting through increasing amounts of information. ActivLink, Activu’s dynamic event-driven visualization tool, automatically displays visual information on the video wall or any networked display when an event occurs that meets certain pre-determined parameters. Decision-makers know about events more quickly, enabling faster and better operational decision-making.