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You have tried stopping yourself from drinking alcohol for up to seven days, however, can't make it past a couple of days<br>You will not be able to quit drinking if you start<br>You identify you need to stop drinking<br>
All You Need To Know About Alcohol Abuse Call- 1800-270-1279 What is Alcohol Abuse? Alcohol Abuse is a perilous problem that is spreading all over the nation. It is having alcohol repeatedly in a short span of time or consuming alcohol too often. It starts to interfere in your daily life. You are suffering from alcohol abuse when you consume too much of alcohol at one time in short moment of time. It will also create huge problem if you don’t stop drinking. This habit of drinking can harm your relationship with family, friends and relationships. It will restrict you to function at work and in any other area of your life and if you don’t stop drinking that will definitely create problem for you in future. Intaking too much of alcohol will lead to physical dependency on alcohol. Excess of alcohol intake frequently will cause alcohol poisoning. One drink of alcohol is known as 1, 12-ounce bottle of beer;1 5-ounce-glass of wine or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits such as whiskey, rum, tequila. You are under the influence of alcohol abuse: ● When a female consumes 7 drinks per week or more than 3 drinks per occasion. ● When male drinks more than 14 drinks of alcohol per week or more than 4 drinks per occasion. ● When a male or female older than 65 years consume 7 drinks per week or more than 3 drinks per occasion. ● Intaking these quantity of drinks can harm your health, relationship, work, or may cause any legal problem.
Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse ● You have tried stopping yourself from drinking alcohol for up to seven days, however, can't make it past a couple of days ● You will not be able to quit drinking if you start ● You identify you need to stop drinking ● You are unable to maintain a balance between work and home or your performance is being affected by drinking alcohol ● You feel culpable after drinking excess alcohol ● People start criticising you. ● You have to put down your hangover in the morning after drinking too much in the night. ● You have unknowingly hurt someone or yourself physically after getting boose. ● When you take a step and start hiding your alcohol or the habit of drinking ● After drinking excess of alcohol you experience blackouts and memory lapses. ● You feel lazy and depressed ● You start drinking in the morning ● You under the influence of alcohol and drive then you get driving tickets. ● Your habit of drinking is destroying your relationships
● Your body shiver Excess intake of Alcohol affects your health in many ways. It has a negative impact on your body and much on your liver. It causes Cirrhosis, a disease of the liver which can cause serious health issues, injuries, deaths, etc. If a woman who is pregnant is consuming alcohol will damage the baby’s health. It also causes irritation in the lining of stomach and can bleed ulcer. The adverse effects of alcohol are weight gain, feel sick or lazy, bad breath and break out your skin. Alcohol Abuse Treatment In the event that you are the one experiencing alcohol abuse, the initial step is remembering you require help. Numerous examinations demonstrate that individuals battling with alcoholism can benefit from some type of treatment. In any case, everybody is extraordinary. There are many cures available in market that help people to be sober, Addiction Killer is one of them. It is the ayurvedic remedy that is made up of combination of several herbs that help people to get rid of the addiction. Addiction Killer help people to be sober within 30 days by inhibiting craving and remove toxic substances from the body of the addict.