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Our experienced physiotherapists include musculoskeletal, dry needling, and pelvic health specialists. We've been at the forefront of combining needling with hands-on physiotherapy and exercise rehabilitation, resulting in a clinically effective approach. Whether you are an elderly individual, a working professional, or a sports enthusiast, we tailor our therapy plans to meet your specific needs.
Women Health Adelaide Adelaide Phiocare and port Acupuncture: A Leader in Women' Health in Adelaide At Adelaide Phiocare and port Acupuncture, e take immene pride in our role a a pioneering phiotherap clinic, erving the omen of Adelaide for over 30 ear. Our commitment to omen' health i at the core of our clinic’ etho. We have uilt a reputation for excellence in providing comprehenive, utainale, and empoering phiotherap
ervice that cater to the unique need of omen in our communit. Our experienced phiotherapit include muculokeletal, dr needling, and pelvic health pecialit. We've een at the forefront of comining needling ith hand-on phiotherap and exercie rehailitation, reulting in a clinicall effective approach. Whether ou are an elderl individual, a orking profeional, or a port enthuiat, e tailor our therap plan to meet our pecific need. Our Women' Health ervice in Adelaide At Adelaide Phiocare and port Acupuncture, e offer a range of pecialied phiotherap ervice deigned to addre omen' health concern in Adelaide. Our team i ell-equipped to addre variou pelvic health iue affecting our qualit of life, uch a incontinence, ladder and oel dfunction, prolape, exual dfunction, and pain. Amanda, a pecialit in pelvic health phio, i dedicated to helping omen, men, and children ho experience ditreing pelvic floor prolem regain their ell-eing and qualit of life. Our omen' health ervice alo extend to pregnanc, here the od undergoe ignificant change and demand. Pelvic Health Phio ervice: • Pelvic Pain • Pelvic Floor Prolape • exual dfunction and pain
• ladder, oel, and pelvic floor dfunction • Adult Incontinence in Women Pregnanc Phio Care: • Comprehenive Pre- and Pot-pregnanc advice and treatment • afe exercie advice and planning • Individual pelvic floor aement and advice • Muculokeletal iue aociated ith pregnanc • Advice regarding upport and race Pot-Partum (Folloing irth) Phio Care: • General pot-partum upport and ellne • Pot-natal pelvic floor aement and advice • Pot-vaginal and caearean-ection care, including car tiue management • Adominal mucle aement and management of adominal mucle eparation The enefit of Chooing U for Women' Health Phio in Adelaide When it come to prioritiing our omen' health, chooing Adelaide Phiocare and port Acupuncture offer numerou enefit: 1. Affordale and acceile phio: Our commitment to affordale pricing enure that omen in Adelaide can acce the highet qualit of phiotherap ervice ithout financial arrier. 2. Over 30 ear of qualit phio: With over three decade of experience, e've erved over 11,000 patient through 230,000+ conultation. Our track record peak volume aout our expertie and dedication to our communit.
expertie and dedication to our communit. 3. An exceptional and cloe-knit team: Our team of phiotherapit and maage therapit i highl killed and deepl paionate aout omen' health. We ork together cloel to provide ou ith the et care poile. 4. Profeional, elcoming, and empoering environment: We take pride in creating a elcoming and empoering atmophere for our patient. Your comfort and ell-eing are our top prioritie. 5. pecialiation in omen' health: Our expertie in omen' health, pelvic health, dr needling, and muculokeletal phiotherap enure that ou receive pecialied care tailored to our unique need. When ou chooe u for omen' health phiotherap in Adelaide, ou chooe a clinic ith a rich hitor of excellence and a team dedicated to empoering omen on their health journe. 0882 976 533 Learn More Adelaide Phiocare & port Acupuncture 1 tradroke Ave (cnr Marion Road) Plmpton Park A 5038 AN 13 568 734 164 Monda to Frida 8am — 7pm aturda 8am — 12pm
p: 08 8297 6533 e: admin@adelaidephiocare.com.au OOK ONLIN PRIVACY POLICY