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The ICICI bank is one of the best lending firms in the country to begin your career as a DSA agent. Being a well-known firm, they offer generous pay, flexible working hours, and better networking opportunities. <br><br>
5FactorstoKnowBeforeApplyingforICICIDSA RegistrationOnline A direct selling agent (DSA) connects lenders to borrowers. They act as an intermediaryandhelp lending firms find new clients.Inexchangefortheirservices,theyearnapercentagefromthetotal loan amount they sell. DSA partners also help loan applicants with their documentation and ensure that the loan is sanctioned on time. The ICICI bank is one of the best lending firms in the country to begin your career as a DSA agent. Being a well-known firm, they offer generous pay, flexibleworkinghours,andbetternetworkingopportunities. 5 factors to note before applying for the role of an ICICI bankDSA ● Industryknowledgewilltakeyouforward To thrive as a DSA agent, you must have a good understanding of the financial services industry, the trending products that customers are loving, and the problem statements that these productsareaddressing.Ifyoucantapintowhatproblemsyourtargetaudience is facing and manage to address them with your products, you will make many successful sales. ● ADSAagent’sjobiscustomer-centric Customers should be at the forefront of every DSA agent’s decision-making. A DSA must know its target demographic, understand its needs, and tailor their products to meet its needs. They must always be available during official working hours to answer customer queriesandguideloanapplicantswiththeirdocuments. ● DSAagentsmusthavemarketingskills DSA partners must come up with innovative marketing campaigns to promote their lender’s products. They must cold-call, email, and text prospects to inform them about their lender’s upcoming launches.Althoughindividualswithanypriorexperiencecanwork as a DSA, a background in sales is beneficial, as it enables them to understand how to approachcustomersandsellproductseffectively. ● Networkingwithotheragentsgoesalongway A benefit of working in anestablishedfinancialfirmlikeICICIbankistheamazingnetwork of accomplished individuals you get to interact with daily. You can attend trade shows, industryevents,andproductlaunchestomeetotherseniorDSAagents.
● DSAagentsenjoyflexibilitybutalsoneedtomeetsalestargets Working as a DSA agent has several lucrative prospects. You havetheflexibilitytochoose yourworkstationandsetyourworkinghours.Thereisnolimittotheamountofmoneyyou can earn in a month, as your pay dependsonthenumberofproductsyousellmonthly.The more you sell, the more you earn. However, every lending firm hasafixedsalesquotathat youmustmeeteverymonth. EligibilitycriteriaforasuccessfulICICIbankDSAregistration Age:Youmustbeabove18yearsofagetobeginworkingasanICICIbankDSAagent. Citizenship: IfyouarenotanIndiancitizen,youcannotworkasaDSApartneranywherein thecountry. Qualifications: Although you do not need professional college degrees in banking, accounting, or finance to work as a DSA agent, you need to go through all their training modules to learn the tricks of the trade. These modules will help you to learn about their productsandhowtopositionthemtohighlighttheirbestfeatures. Credit history: It is not a mandatory requirement, but you must have excellent CIBIL scores to begin working as a DSA agent. If you do not have a good record of paying back debts,lendingfirmsmaynotbewillingtotrustyoutoofferfinancialadvicetoothers. Additional requirements: If you know the local language of your operating area, you can win over more prospects and make more sales. Knowing the language of your customers can also help you to connect and relate to them. Youmayfinditeasiertoestablishasense ofeaseandfamiliaritywithyouraudience. ● ● ● ● ● DocumentsrequiredforICICIbankDSAregistrationonline Identityproof:Aadharcard,PANcard,VoterID Addressproof:Passport,drivinglicense,utilitybills Income proof: Salary slips if you worked in a company, business address proof, bank statementsifyourunabusiness,andinvoicesifyouareself-employedasafreelancer Bankstatements:Yourmostrecentthreemonths’banktransactionstatements Taxdetails:Form16andotherincometaxdocuments Registration form: ICICI bank DSA registration form with all your personal details, professionalexperience,andincomeinformation ● ● ● ● ● ● HowtoapplyfortheroleofanICICIbankDSA? To register asanICICIbankDSA,headovertotheirofficialwebsite.Logintotheloanportalwitha username and a password. Look for their ‘DSA Partner Program’. Fill in theregistrationformwith all your personal details like name, contact number, address,educationalbackground,andincome
details. If you have professional work experience, make sure toinputallthosedetails.Youhaveto submit KYC identification documents, income proofs, and address proofs to complete your DSA registrationform. If the bank authorities approve yourprofile,youmaybecalledinforameeting.Inthemeeting,the ICICI bank authorities will assess your capabilities to check ifyoucanworkasaDSApartner.You can use that opportunity to clarify any doubts you may have about the role. Make sure to ask about their typical working hours, commission structure, and sales targets. If you agree to the terms and conditions, you have to sign their DSA agreement. It is a contract that details the pay structure, duties, and working hours to maintain clarity for both parties. You can also signupasa DSAloanagentwithAndromedaLoans.