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Expansion joints contain a separation in the wall with a special material like bond breakers consisting of materials like sprays, liquids, etc., or sealants. These are crucial to break the existing bonds between the desired sections to ensure that these can separate at ease. Since the material of the expansion joint is compressible, it helps to ensure that these can accommodate the movement of the sections easily. For closing the joints, openings and moisture from seeping into the flexible rubber expansion joint
TopReasonstoChoose QualityFlexibleRubber ExpansionJoint www.afsjoints.com
Expansionjointscontainaseparationinthewall withaspecialmateriallikebondbreakers consisting of materials like sprays, liquids, etc., or sealants. These are crucial to break the existing bondsbetweenthedesiredsectionstoensurethat thesecanseparateatease. www.afsjoints.com
Sincethematerialoftheexpansionjointis compressible, it helps to ensure that these can accommodatethemovementofthesections easily.Forclosingthejoints,openings.and moisture fromseepingintotheflexiblerubber expansionjoint 4 www.afsjoints.com
SelectingFlexible ExpansionJoint Choosing Flexible Expansion Joints is important to compensate for fluctuationsintemperature,moistureinfiltration,orhandlingissuesthat can impact the working of the sections. Similarly, contraction and thermal expansion may be common issues in regions with variable temperatures or seasonal fluctuations. Deformity and stress can impact the performance of the selected sections resulting in cracks or problems. Choosing the best pipe expansion joints manufacturer can help to overcomesuchinternalstressorsandensurethatthedeformationofthe materialiscontrolled. 4
Metallicvsnon-metallic expansionjoints There are numerous differences between a metallic and non-metallic expansion joint. Until the beginning of the 20 century, cylindrical joints were used to join the pipes and fittings.However the same was impacted byextreme climatic conditions or fluctuations. This caused problems withconcretestructures,pipes,etc. 4 www.afsjoints.com
Expansion joints help to control the situation and deliver stability to the structuresandsystems.Theseareusedto ensure the stability and safety of systems like- • Buildings • Bridges • Roadways • Pipingsystem • Petrochemicalindustries • Powergenerationsector,etc. 6 www.afsjoints.com
Suchelastomerjointshelptosmoothenjoint movement and ensure efficiency and effectiveness. With quality joints, it is easy to get the following benefits– • Reducednoise • Compensatingformisalignment • Relievingmovementstress • Isolatingvibrations,etc. • Similarly, the fabrication from synthetic elastomers is reinforced with metals having high temperatures andpressureresistanceof200psig. 6 www.afsjoints.com
Choosingbetweenrubber andmetallicexpansionjoints • Metallicjointswereoncequitepopularbuthavebeenslowlyreplacedby rubberversions.However,thesehavethefollowingproperties- • Whencomparedtostandardjoints,theseneedexpertmaintenanceand replacements.Thesearepronetofrequentbreakdownswhicharedueto dropsintemperatureandpressure.Ultimatelyithelpstosavecosts. • Installingtheseisfasterthanelastomericjoints. • Thesecanwithstandhigherpressureandthussavetimeandefforts • Thesejointsalsohavehigh-temperatureresistanceandnoisereduction • Suchexpansionjointsareresistanttocorrosionandabrasions • Metaljointsalsohaveaspecificfatigueorcyclelifewhichcanimpact theiroutcomes • 6 • www.afsjoints.com
AdvancedFlexibleSystems,Inc Website: www.afsjoints.com/ Phone:01-843-795-6800 Email: info@afsjoints.com Address:940FollyRoad– SuiteE Charleston,SouthCarolinaUSA29412