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What Are The Risk Factors for Cerebral Palsy?

Premature birth and the mother's health problems during pregnancy are risk factors for cerebral palsy. These elements may result in irreversible brain or nerve damage that causes cerebral palsy. Being subjected to one or more of these risk factors doesnu2019t always indicate the child will be diagnosed with CP. Similarly, even if a child has no known risk factors, cerebral palsy can still strike during infancy. Parents can take preventive measures before, during, and after birth if they are aware of the factors that could place their child at risk for cerebral palsy.

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What Are The Risk Factors for Cerebral Palsy?

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  1. WHATARETHE RISKFACTORSFOR CEREBRALPALSY? Premature birth and the mother's health problems during pregnancy are risk factors for cerebral palsy. These elements may result in irreversible brain or nervedamagethatcausescerebralpalsy.Beingsubjectedtooneormoreof theseriskfactorsdoesn’talwaysindicatethechildwillbediagnosedwithCP. RISKFACTORSBEFOREPREGNANCY There are a number of events that can happen before birth that can raise the child'sriskofdevelopingcerebralpalsy.Inreality,themajorityofcerebralpalsy cases are brought on by problems that arise while the kid is still in the womb. Approximately 85–90% of CP cases occur before or during pregnancy as a result of underlying or inherited conditions. Congenital cerebral palsy is the medicaltermforthis.

  2. RiskfactorsthatcanleadtoCPduringpregnancyinclude: Thyroidproblemsinmother Bacterial/viralinfections Toxinexposure Seizures RISKFACTORSDURINGBIRTH Whilepregnancy-relatedissuescausethemajorityofcerebralpalsycases,the conditioncanalsoariseduringlabouranddelivery.Brainornervedamagecan resultfromfactorslikelowbirthweightandababy'slocationinthewomb. RiskfactorsthatcanleadtoCPduringpregnancyinclude: Oxygendeprivationinthedevelopingbrain Breechdelivery(babybeingdeliveredfeetorrearend first) Prematuredelivery Lowbirthweight Theplacenta's inability to deliver nutrition and oxygen

  3. RISKFACTORSAFTERBIRTH After a kid is born, there are a few risk factors that may raise their chances of getting cerebral palsy. About 10-15% of cerebral palsy cases arise more than 28daysafterdelivery.Thisisreferredregardedas"acquiredCP." Some children acquire cerebral palsy right after birth, while still in the labour ward.OtheroccurrencesofCPmightemergeduringthefirstfewyearsoflife. Followingbirth,riskfactorsforCPinclude: Severejaundice Infections Vascularissuesshortlyafterbirth Ascarcityofoxygen(asphyxiation) Headinjury

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