Edelrid HMS Triple Lock Carabiner HMS aluminium carabiner with triple-lock gate. Ideal for belaying persons with Munter hitch.Triple-lock closure mechanism for extra safetyErgonomic shape https://www.adventuregears.com/edelrid-hms-triple-lock-carabiner
Edelrid Steel Oval Twist Carabiner Easy-to-handle steel carabiner for various applications, e.g. for setting up permanent anchors, for use with pulleys and in belay chains.Keylock closure mechanism for optimum handling when clipping and unclippingBrass sleeve ensures optimum gate strengthOval shape for optimum gear positioning https://www.adventuregears.com/edelrid-steel-oval-twist-carabiner
Edelrid Steel HMS Screw Carabiner HMS carabiner made of hardened steel for maximum protection. Ideal for top roping, outdoor centres, high ropes courses, climbing gyms or for other uses where a regular strain is placed on the carabiner.Keylockclosure mechanism for optimum handling when clipping and unclippingBrass sleeve ensures optimum gate strength https://www.adventuregears.com/edelrid-steel-hms-triple-lock-carabiner
Edelrid Oval Power 2400 Triple Carabiner Oval carabiner with a very slim locking sleeve Ideal for clipping rigging plates, pulleys, rope clamps, rope clamps and for positioning anchor points.Keylock closure mechanism for optimum handling when clipping and unclippingAvailable with either screw or triple lockOval shape for optimum gear positioning https://www.adventuregears.com/edelrid-oval-power-2400-triple-carabiner