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What are most critical things to look before investing ? How a first time investor can learn to start investing ? Process of investing. Investing in shares, Trading, Best shares to invest, Don’t put all eggs in one basket, SIP,Goal Planning, Risk profiling, Risk capacity, Risk attitude, Liquidity, Inflation, Risk of investing, Mutual funds, SIP,<br>
#5 Critical Things to check before ‘Investing’
Understand your profile 1 Risk Profile Investment Objective Conservative Protect investment from loss Check your Risk Attitude and Risk Capacity Moderate Capital growth along with capital appreciation Moderately aggressive Capital growth with calculated risk Know what is your objective in terms of Growth? Aggressive High risk for super natural returns
Calculate your Goals 2 Steps to calculate amount Step 1-List down all the financial goals of life with expected dates Step 2-Put the amount of money required to meet those goals. Step 3-Defining how much money should one invest today to achieve those goals.
Choose the Investment- Risk Matrix 3 Risk Profile Investment Style Mix of Debt Mutual Fund, Fixed Deposits, PPF Conservative There are different Products available for different investors. Mix of Balanced Mutual fund & Fixed Deposits, PPF Moderate Choose mix of products as per the risk profile and returns expected Mix of Shares, Diversified Equity Mutual Funds, Balanced fund, PPF, Fixed deposits Moderately aggressive Mix of Shares Diversified Equity Funds, Mid cap fund, PPF Aggressive
Check Right Portfolio , as per your Risk profile FREE Start Now Continue reading…
Choose the Investment- Liquidity Matrix 4 Liquidity means easy to sell a particular product A portfolio should consist of the right mix of liquid and less liquid products. Less liquid provide greater returns whereas as liquid ones may provide less returns in the short run Some part of your investments should be kept in liquid fund or maintained in your savings account to meet contingencies Shares/Gold Highly Liquid Debt / Equity Mutual Funds Highly Liquid Bank Fixed Deposit Highly Liquid Saving / Current Bank Account Equal to cash Corporate Fixed Deposit Moderate Liquid Property Illiquid
Choose the Investment- Tax Matrix 5 Tax on Income can take major chunk of the returns. Income from Products like shares and Equity mutual funds is Tax Free if sold after one year This makes it necessary to check the taxes on the returns earned from various products Shares Tax free if Sold after 1 year. 15% tax in case sold within 1 year of Purchase Equity Mutual Funds Tax free if Sold after 1 year. 15% tax in case sold within 1 year of Purchase Debt Mutual Funds 10% Tax if Sold after 3 years. If Sold within 3 years then as per Tax Slab of Investor Fixed Deposit Tax on Interest as per Tax Slab of Investor Bonds Tax on Interest as per Normal Income Slab For Detailed Analysis refer our Taxation page
We Offer Advisory Fees Rs. 365 Per Annum Customized advise only for you Regular Review and Rebalancing Customized , unbiased Wealth Management @Rs. 1 per day Unlimited Long Term Investment Advise Start Now Tax efficient portfolio design No Minimum investment Substantial Savings in Commission (Optional)
What You get@ Rs 1 Wealth Creation Advice Monthly Savings Advice Tax Saving Investments In case you want to invest Lump Sum In case you want to invest On Monthly basis In case you want to Make Tax Saving Investments Portfolio Restructuring Advice Online Transaction Goal Planning If you want to Restructure your portfolio In case you want to Plan your Financial Goals In case you want to Buy and Sell any product
Right Process 1 2 3 4 5 Financial Goals Knowing- Risk Profiling Knowing- Right Portfolio Buy/ Sell Regular Monitoring Investment Products right as per risk profile With least Brokerage & Commission Of Portfolio and Markets All Financial Goals of the life Risk Capacity- How much Risk you can afford to take The amount required to meet them Inflation adjusted Portfolio efficient which is tax With Nil hiddencosts Rebalance when required Investments Risk Attitude- How much Risk you want to take Know Best 5 shares for your Risk Profile Start Now
Why AdviseSure Our Simple and easy Personal Finance Tools & self-help process, ensures that you take Better control of your entire Finance in 7 Minutes , to your satisfaction. Simple & Easy Paperless Process Invest and Manage Online , on a Single Click. No need to Fill boring Physical forms and storing statements. Manage Your Finance with easy and simple back office.. Multiproduct We advice on almost all Financial Products except banking accounts. You can transact in all products through us. Our technology will ensure superior Experience We don't Push Products to our Customers Like Agents or Brokers, for commissions or brokerages. You can continue buying and selling with your current Broker or Agent. However you can also transact through us at substantial low Cost. Cost Effective Online Access You can manage your account from anywhere through multiple support points
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