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Every day of the year, people are making money from niches much smaller weirder than yours. <br><br>Just one example: "The Digestion Sessions", a 25-expert virtual summit dealing with topics like gas, bloating, and constipation. <br><br>This summit was created and produced by Sean Croxton, who's known for bringing in upwards of 6-7 figures in extremely narrow markets. <br><br>If he can make that much talking about diarrhea, what could you do in YOUR market? <br><br>And Sean isn't alone. <br><br>Dozens of forward-thinking entrepreneurs are RAKING IT IN, building massive email lists and staking their claim by creating virtual summits in some of the most random markets you could think of, from calligraphy to scrapbooking and from RV travel to Frank Lloyd Wright fanboys. <br><br>That's why I went out to do the research and show you that virtual summits can work in literally any niche. <br><br>I get emails every day from people asking me "can a summit work in X niche?", so I thought it was time I put together a brand new guide that includes a list of 50 PROVEN and TESTED successful virtual summit ideas you can model for your own summit. <br><br>Download it here now with one click (no opt-in needed).
Guide 50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit Business & Money 1. The Branding Summit - thebrandingsummit.com My very first summit that took my business to the next level. The largest personal branding conference in the world. 88 world-leading online entrepreneurs reveal their biggest personal branding secrets to help you make more impact in your business and life. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass + pilot program. Grew my list with around 3,000 people and generated $20k in profit in just a few weeks. 2. Self-Publishing Success Summit - selfpublishingsuccesssummit.com I was the summit strategist and partner behind the Self-Publishing Success Summit. 47 world-changing authors and entrepreneurs reveal how to write, market and publish your first book and use it to get to 6-figures. Learn how to build your brand, business, or following through the process of writing and publishing a book, from experts who’ve done it. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass + high end program Self-Publishing School. Almost 30,000+ opt-ins and $370k+ in revenue, and even more after the initial launch. Read full case study here. 3. The Influence & Impact Summit - influenceandimpactsummit.com Join Michael Hyatt and 20+ other leading authorities at this free online event as they help you discover how to maximize your influence and impact. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass (plus back- end sales). Partnership with Evernote and ClickFunnels. virtualsummitmastery.com ?1
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit 4.The LinkedIn Success Summit - linkedincubator.com 30+ proven entrepreneurs reveal how to generate leads, convert sales and profit from LinkedIn. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass. The host, Liam Austin, got over 15,000 people registered and 100’s of sales from following my proven Virtual Summit Mastery system. 5. The WP Summit - thewpsummit.com 28 world-leading WordPress experts and online entrepreneurs share how you can build an impactful WordPress site. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass and sponsors. Jan Koch grew his list by 600% and became the-go to expert in his industry after hosting The WP Summit. Check out the full case study here. 6. The Appreneur Summit - appreneursummit.com Stop struggling on the App Store. 30+ of the world’s leading app marketing experts and successful app developers share their best secrets to help you level up your mobile success. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass. This was Charlyn Keating’s very first virtual summit, and she grew her list by 15x, earned $5,000+, became a #1 Amazon Best-selling author and she is now seen as an influencer in her field after her summit. Check out the full case study here. 7.Webinar Mastery Summit - webinarmasterysummit.com The Webinar Mastery Summit by Virtual Summit Mastery students Jon Schumacher and Michael Bloom brings together 25 world-class webinar experts who share their best kept secrets for creating, promoting and monetizing your next webinar. Learn how you can become a recognized authority, create unbelievable freedom and build a life changing income by hosting profitable webinars. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass. The hosts grew a highly engaged and targeted email list of around 3,000 people from virtualsummitmastery.com ?2
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit the summit. They also generated around $16,000 from selling the all access pass, and $10,000 right after the event, upselling people on their Webinar Mastery Academy coaching program. 8. Video Superhero Summit - videosuperherosummit.com Captivate and convert your audience by the thousands. 10 video experts reveal how they get more traffic, convert it, and make more money using online video than anything else. List building summit. Revenue from selling the all access pass and promoting speakers online courses/products at the end of their presentations. 9. Traffic Superhero Summit - trafficsuperherosummit.com 10 brand new strategies from the world’s 10 superheroes on traffic generation. List building summit. Revenue from selling the all access pass and promoting speakers online courses/products at the end of their presentations. Post- summit, Marisa Murgatroyd continues to grow her list by offering a free report from the landing page. 10. Author, Speaker, Coach Superhero Summit - ascsuperherosummit.com Your roadmap to more income and greater impact as a bestselling author, a booked-solid speaker, or high-paid coach. List building summit. Revenue from selling the all access pass and promoting speakers online courses/products at the end of their presentations. 11. Authentic Business Success Summit - authenticbusinesssuccesssummit.com Learn the inside secrets to growing a highly profitable, rewarding online business straight from 6-, 7, and 8-figure earners! Get access to 15 extremely successful entrepreneurs and their best mindset and business strategies. Paid summit. Revenue from selling the summit interviews (and bonuses), sponsors and affiliates. 50% went to charity. virtualsummitmastery.com ?3
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit 12. The Movement Marketing Summit - movementmarketingsummit.com You’ll get 45+ hours of step-by-step training to build your brand and start a movement from ELITE game changing entrepreneurs. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. Aj Amyx grew his email list by 2,400+ people and earned over $16,000+ in revenue. Check out the full case study here. 13. The Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Series - socialentrepreneurempowerment.com Discover how these fascinating people came up with brilliant ideas, and against all odds, succeeded at creating humanitarian products, services, and organizations that dramatically improve people’s lives and make a healthy profit. 15,000 people registered for the last summit. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. Health & Fitness / Personal Development 14. The Food Revolution Summit - foodrevolutionsummit.org Annual event, in its fourth year. Join 150,000+ healthy food lovers in this summit. Speakers include Dr. Mark Hyman, Paul McCartney and Tony Robbins. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. 15. Women’s Strength Summit - womensstrengthsummit.com This awesome summit is by Virtual Summit Mastery student Steph Gaudreau. She was actually very skeptical about creating a virtual summit in the very competitive health and fitness space at first, but she decided to go for it anyway, and joined VSM. Instead of creating a more broad and general “health summit” that wouldn’t stand out in a crowded market, she went extremely specific, and created The Women’s Strength Summit - The #1 online strength conference by women, for women. virtualsummitmastery.com ?4
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit 30+ world-class experts reveal their biggest secrets to help you get a stronger body, develop mental fortitude, and become radiantly confident. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. Steph grew a highly engaged and targeted email list of almost 20,000 people from the summit. She also generated over $51,000 in revenue from selling the All Access Pass, and even more in the backend from selling her own coaching program. 16. SharpBrains Virtual Summit - sharpbrains.com/summit-2014 The SharpBrains Virtual Summit features over 40 of the world’s top scientists, innovators and practitioners working on evidence-based and scalable ways to define, measure and promote brain fitness. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. 17. Paleo Summit - paleosummit.com 23 presentations from doctors, researchers, and diet experts that will give you the scientific and practical information you need to make the best decisions about your diet and lifestyle. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. 18. Unleash Your Greatness Summit - greatnesssummit.com Lewis Howes’ book launch summit for School of Greatness, which became a NY-times bestseller. List building summit to create more awareness for his book, and keep the momentum going. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. 19. Functional Health Summit - functionalhealthsummit.com Over 31,000 people registered for this summit. Post-summit they are still selling the All Access Pass (both a digital access only version for $97 and a digital access + flash drive for $137), which consists of over 35 hours of life- changing & health-boosting content from 36 world-renowned experts in health, fitness, nutrition and medicine. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. virtualsummitmastery.com ?5
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit 20. The Healthy Gut Summit - healthygutsummit.com Discover how your digestive health is intimately linked to your immune, endocrine, circulatory and central nervous systems. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass plus sponsors. Now available as an evergreen product. 21. The Children’s & Teen Health Summit - childrenshealthsummit.com Awesome niche summit! The Children’s & Teen Health Summit is for parents, caregivers, and the children and teens they care for. This summit addresses a diverse buffet of topics with leading expert interviews in many health fields. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass plus sponsors. 22. The Digestion Sessions - digestionsessions.com The Digestion Sessions is a summit by Sean Croxton, who has created many 6- and 7-figure health summits. 25 experts team up to reveal how you can resolve your digestive issues, including gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, IBS and more for good, so you can move on with your life. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. Now evergreen product. 23. The Thyroid Sessions - thethyroidsessions.com The Thyroid Sessions is a summit by Sean Croxton, who has created many 6- and 7-figure health summits. Everything your doctor didn’t tell you about thyroid problems. Finally learn the formula for healing your thyroid from 24 of the world’s most renowned thyroid experts, so you can move on with your life! List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. Now available as an evergreen product. 24. The Depression Sessions - thedepressionsessions.com The Depression Sessions is a summit by Sean Croxton, who has created many 6- and 7-figure health summits. 22 experts reveal the truth about depression and how to boost your mood naturally, without prescription drugs. virtualsummitmastery.com ?6
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. Now evergreen product. Now available as an evergreen product. 25. Sexy Back Summit - sexybacksummit.com The Sexy Back Summit is a summit by Sean Croxton, who has created many 6- and 7-figure health summits.Experience the best sex ever (and most incredible orgasms) while taking control of your health and supercharging your sex drive. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass for $49. Now available as an evergreen product. 26. Real Food Con - realfoodcon.com The Real Food Con is a summit by Sean Croxton, who has created many 6- and 7-figure health summits. is summit by Sean Croxton who has created many 6-7 figure health summits. List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass for $49. Now available as an evergreen product. 27. The Transformational Nutrition Summit - transformationalnutritionsummit.com Get access to 24 of the world’s to health experts who cut through the confusion so you can finally discover the secrets to take back control of your health and happiness and leave the pain and struggling behind! List building summit (Free gift for registering - A personal health assessment and symptom decoder). Revenue from selling the All Access Pass. Now available as an evergreen product. 28. The Gluten Summit - theglutensummit.com 29 experts and opinion leaders gathered to prove to the world that it MUST ask, “Could health issues be caused by gluten?” List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. Now available as an evergreen product. virtualsummitmastery.com ?7
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit 29. The Diabetes Summit - thediabetessummit.com The Diabetes World Summit can help prevent and reverse the complication of this deadly disease. List building summit (free gift for registering). Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. 30. The Pain Relief Project - painreliefproject.com Stop the endless cycle of excessive medications that aren’t reaching the source of your pain at The Pain Relief Project! List building summit. Revenue from selling the summit All Access Pass. Now available as an evergreen product for ongoing opt-ins and sales. 31. Evolution of Medicine Summit - evolutionofmedicinesummit.com Let the Evolution of Medicine Summit help you avoid chronic diseases to keep your family healthy. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. Now available as an evergreen product. 32. Holistic Oral Health Summit - holisticoralhealthsummit.com 34 of the world’s top experts will show you the best ways to improve oral health, prevent and reverse disease symptoms, and save you thousands of dollars in unwanted medical expenses. By attending the Holistic Oral Health Summit, you’ll learn how to identify, prevent and eliminate the roots of disease. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. 33. Glowing Skin Summit - glowingskinsummit.com Discover the natural secrets to glowing skin and vibrant health. Learn an integrative and natural approach to look and feel your best from the inside out. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. Now available as an evergreen product. virtualsummitmastery.com ?8
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit 34. Mental Wellness Summit - mentalwellnesssummit.com The solution for mental wellness may not involve a pill - explore healthier options! Learn why at The Mental Wellness Summit! List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. Now available as an evergreen product. 35. Abundant Energy Summit - abundantenergysummit.com The Abundant Energy Summit is based on the world renowned psychologist and philosopher Ken Wilber’s “Integral Theory,” and therefore provides the most radically inclusive, comprehensive roadmap to dealing with the true root causes of fatigue in existence today. Whether you’re in the midst of chronic health crisis or committed to improving your daily health and energy, this summit will be exceptionally useful to you and your goals. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. Now available as an evergreen product. 36. The Healthy Traveler’s Global Summit 2015 - healthytravelerssummit.com 35 highly-acclaimed medical and travel experts share how you can travel consciously, build a super immunity and gain extraordinary energy! List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. Now available as an evergreen product. 37. Tapping World Summit - tappingworldsummit.com Are you ready to tap away your problems? Join 20 of the world’s leading EFT and Tapping Experts in this free online event as they show you step by step how to improve your finances, health, emotions and much more. List building summit and revenue from All Access Pass. Over 500,000 people attended online in 2013 and 500,000 in 2014… insane numbers! virtualsummitmastery.com ?9
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit 38. The Sex & Medicine Summit - sexandmedicinesummit.com Discover the hottest topics in health and sexuality that are not being discussed anywhere else. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. 39. World Fitness Business Owners Summit (WFBOS) - wfbos.com World’s biggest online event for fitness business owners. Discover the secrets to running a 6- or 7-figure fitness business from 14 speakers. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. 40. The Yoga Day Summit - yogadaysummit.com From ancient roots to modern transformation. Honoring United Nations’ International Day of Yoga. Immerse yourself in your own personal yoga retreat with 55+ sages of India, leading teachers, musicians and modern yogis. List building summit. Donation/charity based. Now evergreen but they are giving away all recordings for free. 41. Healing With The Masters - healingwiththemasters.com Soul-awakening health, wealth and evolution are yours. Join 26 masters of healing for live, personal and interactive workshops. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass and other offers on the back end. 42. Vaccine World Summit - vaccineworldsummit.com Five doctors reveal lifesaving news about vaccines, infectious diseases and immunity. List building summit. Revenue from selling a monthly (online) subscription to NaturalHealth365 Inner Circle featuring over 300 exclusive audio/video programs (and counting!). virtualsummitmastery.com ?10
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit 43. The Mindfulness Summit - themindfulnesssummit.com Learn how to live with more peace, purpose and wisdom from the best teachers in the world. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus partners/ sponsors. 100% went to charity. Various Other Niches 44. Cine Summit - cinesummit.com The world’s largest free cinematography event. Nine hand-picked world-class cinematographers reveal how you can create superior looking films, instantly set yourself apart from the competition, and amaze your fellow filmmakers. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass and sponsors. Over 52,150 cinematographers attended CS4. 45. The RV Summit - rvsummit.com The RV + Travel Summit features interviews with over 30 travelers. Learn from experienced travelers and gain invaluable insights on how to make your retirement travel plans come true. Hear stories, tips and hints for part-time to full-time traveling around the country or the world. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. Now available as an evergreen product. 46. Modern Calligraphy Summit - moderncalligraphysummit.com Learn modern calligraphy and brush lettering online. It’s a virtual conference that takes place over two weeks where you can learn from nine world-leading instructors. Paid summit… the first one did 6 figures in revenue! 47. Scrapbooking - layoutaday.com A big part of Lain Ehmann’s success has come from her virtual conferences where hundreds of scrapbookers gather online to connect, trade ideas, and learn from invited instructors. virtualsummitmastery.com ?11
50 Successful Virtual Summit Ideas You Can Model & Steal For Your Own Summit Paid summit. Very narrow niche, so getting a few hundred people is a massive win, especially considering that this summit was paid. Each event generates between $20,000 - $30,000 in sales. 48. Cowboy Champions Summit - cowboysummit.com Discover the keys to becoming an exceptional horseman and fearless competitor. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass plus sponsors. 49. Wright Society Summit - wrightsocietysummit.com This event was the first of its kind - an opportunity for 2000+ geographically dispersed Frank Lloyd Wright enthusiasts to gather online and conveniently watch daily expert interviews (for free) over the course of two days with well- known scholars. 50. Dance Teachers Unite Virtual Summit - danceteachersunite.com Learn from 30 dance, business and marketing experts to help you accelerate the growth in your dance studio and take it to the next level. List building summit. Revenue from selling the All Access Pass. virtualsummitmastery.com ?12