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The explanation behind deferral in marriage can be seen Astrologically and under the influence of planets. <br>Different elements affecting late marriage:<br>Ascendant: character of the native - Houses/masters: The second, fourth, fifth, seventh, and the eighth houses/rulers are answerable for hitched life. <br>
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Planets Responsile for Late Marriage! • The explanation behind deferral in marriage can be seen Astrologically and under the influence of planets. • Different elements affecting late marriage: • Ascendant: character of the native - Houses/masters: The second, fourth, fifth, seventh, and the eighth houses/rulers are answerable for hitched life. • Saturn: offers hindrances in the life. • Venus: is the significator of marriage for guys • Jupiter: the significator of marriage for females
Moon: mental abilities and tendency of the local • seventh house/master and late marriage • Situation of Sun/Saturn/Mars in seventh house shows deferred marriage. • Master of seventh house placed in sixth house, cause delay in marriage. • Ascendant/seventh house is hammed between malefic planets. • Master of seventh/ninth house put in sixth/eighth/twelfth house. • Master of seventh is retrograde or a retrograde planet is put in seventh house. • Master of sixth/eighth/12 set/consolidated/viewpoint the seventh house/ruler demonstrates deferred marriage. • As per Ajatt Oberoi the Best Astrologer in India these all are the Yog responsible for late marriages.
Saturn and late marriage • Saturn set in ascendant/third/fifth/seventh/tenth house, makes delay in marriage. Any sort of connection among Moon and Saturn structures Punarphoo yoga. There will be a few deterrents present during exchange as well as at the hour of obsession and even at the hour of festivity of the marriage. Saturn consolidates/viewpoints Sun/Moon/Venus, postponed marriage is demonstrated. Sun is set in ascendant and Saturn is set in seventh house, postponed marriage. Saturn and Moon consolidates in seventh house. Rahu/Mars set seventh from the Saturn, show postponed marriage. Saturn angles master of ascendant/Venus/Sun/Moon, deferred marriage is demonstrated. Saturn joined with Moon and Sun or in angle demonstrates delay in marriage. Saturn and Moon consolidated in seventh house of Navamsa horoscope deferred marriage is shown.
Venus and late marriage • Venus is related/perspective to Sun/Moon show late marriage. Venus put in Cancer or Leo signs show late marriage. Venus put in Cancer/Leo sign and aspected by Sun/Moon, shows delay in marriage. Venus and Sun are at in excess of 43 degree separated in the natal diagram, demonstrates deferred marriage. Ascendant and Venus put in Gemini, Leo, Virgo or Sagittarius sign, deferred marriage is demonstrated. second house/master and late marriage. Master of second joins with the ruler of eighth house, showed late marriage. Master of second house is retrograde or a retrograde planet is being placed in second house, sign of postpone marriage.
Malefic planet present in second house and the master of second house is set in twelfth house, deferred marriage. Sun and Moon consolidated in second house shows late marriage. Rahu/Ketu and Saturn impact the second house, demonstrates delay in marriage. Others blends liable for late marriage. Rahu with a malefic, placed in fifth/seventh/ninth house., indicates late marriage. Rahu/Mars placed seventh from the Saturn, show postponed marriage. • Ruler of seventh/ninth house set in sixth/eighth/twelfth house. • Ruler of sixth/eighth/12 placed/consolidated/angle the seventh house/master shows postponed marriage.
Ruler of ascendant and Moon sign joined with a malefic in seventh house and master of seventh house is set in twelfth house, super deferral in marriage is shown. • Master of sixth/seventh/twelfth house is put/angle in seventh house, late marriage is shown. • Master of fifth house and seventh house are connected and are related of malefic planets, marriage will be postponed because of some resistance. • To get the solution on delayed marriage consult the best astrologer in Mumbai Ajatt Oberoi.