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This pressurized hydrogen is used to run a internal combustion engine which turns an electric generator. This hydrogen powered generator is very quiet and puts off zero emissions.<br>Visit-https://www.ecosustainablehomedesigns.com/hydrogen-power-and-solar-thermal-collectors/
UnlockingtheFuture:HydrogenPower andSolarThermalCollectorsfor SustainableLiving This pressurized hydrogenis usedtorunainternalcombustionengine whichturns anelectric generator.Thishydrogenpowered generatorisveryquietandputs offzeroemissions. More importantly this system provides electric energy 24 hours a day all year long without the need for batteries to storeenergy. In moderate climates the most efficient use of this thermal heat is in direct heating water as the vaporized liquid.This providesdirectheat for domestichotwater andforwater source heatingfor thehomeeither throughradiators orinradiantcoils insidetheairhandler. In climates especially that have a high gradient temperature between day and night or climes which have manydays withoutsunor temperatures below freezing,then aliquid like glycolisthe absorbent liquid. The vaporized liquid rises to the condenser and the heat manifold and turns back to liquid and falls back to the solar exposed space. In such a system there is a built-in storage tank that maintainsthis cycle withnaturalthermal convection. In most closed loop systems,the heatedfluid circulatesthroughawaterheater andthrougha system of radiant tubes either in direct radiant heat or through coils in the air handler and returns to the ETSCusing a circulatingpump tosupply domestichotwaterandforwatersourceheatingfor the home.Werecommenda dedicated lowwattagecirculatingpumpsupplied by a photo-voltaic generator. Since the heat absorption tubes are protected within the evacuated tubes that prevent the loss of thermalenergy andmaintainthe maximumheatabsorptionandbecause the evacuatedclear tubesarecylindricalthissystem workseffectivelyfromsunrise tosunsetandevenon overcast days. Furthermore, the vacuum seal makes the system impervious to energy loss on cold days or theflowofairaroundthetubes. This systemusingcylindricaltubesoptimizesthe totalthermal surfaceareaforcollecting thermal energy. The vacuumsealalso preventscorrosion fromthe effects of the environmentor from collectionofcondensation.Thistranslatesinto continuous production ofthermalenergy everyday, everyseason foralifetime. This means this systemsavesyou in energy costs consistentlyformanyyearsdirectly usingthefree thermal energy of the sun. Now with solar thermal collectors surrounded by a clear cylindrical vacuum tube consistently provides heat for heating water for domestic hot water and for heating the homeis anobrainerfor thispurpose,butit can alsobeutilized foracoolingsystem through desiccantcoolingaswell.
A desiccantcoolingsystemuses a materialthatremovesmoisturefromthe air withresultingcooling ofthe spacewhere therelative humidity isextracted.A commonreadilyaccessible andinexpensive desiccant could be silica gel. Here is how a desiccant cooling system would work in conjunction with Evacuated TubeSolarThermal Collectors. The ETSC provides consistent heat through the heated liquid medium which is produced by direct thermalenergyofthe sun.Thisheatistransferredtoadesiccantwheelorrotor.Thedesiccant wheel rotates between the air flow and the heated fluid, which allows the desiccant material to absorbthe moisture fromtheair. As the desiccantabsorbs themoisturefromtheair itreleases latentheat,which cools theairpassing overit.The cooled dehumidified airprovideseffective coolingforyourliving space.In alloureco- sustainable plansweintegratethe useofEvacuatedTubeSolarThermalCollectorsasan integratedpart ofourheatingandcoolingsystembecauseitcapturesthe directthermalenergyof the sunasahighly consistent, energyefficient andinexpensiveheatingandcoolingsystemsfora lifetime. Furthermore, EvacuatedTubeSolarThermalCollectorsare designedto last a lifetimebecauseof theirlow maintenance.Ifa tubegetsbroken or thethermal sealbreaks itisjustamatter of unscrewing the affected tube andscrewing inanew one andyouare backinbusiness. Even though this system has not gained much public attention or been used as frequently as Solar Photovoltaic systemsitrequires less surfacearea thanPV”sfor theequivalentoutputandthecostofpanelsand installationare stilllessthanhalf thatofSolarPhotovoltaicsystems. It has now been nearly 50 years since President Jimmy Carter was president of the United States andwhoseadministrationshownalight uponourloomingenergycrisis.He pointedout thatour demandforfossilfuels exceedswhat wecouldproduceinthis country,andthis createdacrisisof dependency.His administration mandated an initiative to produce clean, sustainable and renewableformsofenergy toridusofdependenceonother nationstosupply ourenergyandto leadthewayawayfromenergyproducedbyfossilfuelstoalternatives clean energywhich would reduceairpollutionandtoleadthe worldingreenenergy technology. I ask you what grade would you give us on our progress toward energy independence and leading theworldingreenenergytechnology? It is my humble opinion that we surely should have been shed of Fossil Fuel by now to meet our energydemandslong before now. We can point fingers and cast blame as much as we want, but it comes down to you and me sheddingourignoranceaboutwhat fuelsourcesweshouldpromoteandapplyingpublicpressure uponourlegislatorstopassbillsconcerninggreenrenewable energytechnology. In 2009 I was contacted through my company website by Dr. Andrew Searcy.Dr. Searcy had a PhD in hydrogen science.He workedfor ConocoPhilipsfornearly 30 years.He toldme thathehad developed a protype automobilepoweredby hydrogen in1984andthatConoco Philips had secured thepatent forthis automobile,andtheysoldthe patenttoGeneralMotors Corporation.
So,Iaskwhyhavewenot seenthisautomobilewhenwe somuchneedzeroemissions,totally renewable, sustainable andenergy independentautomobiles? Dr. Searcy came to me with an urgent mission to see his life’s work in hydrogen fuel cells put into a practical application.Andrew wasatthe timeImethim inthe finalstages of esophaguscancer. He wanted to create a multi-use community powered by fuel cells and to develop a curriculum for a local technology college in alternative renewable and sustainable energy and construction.This program wouldprovidestudents withhands-ontrainingbyworkingonthe development ofthis community. He approached me because my company specializes in designing and building houses that are highly energy efficient,low maintenance and toserve the needs for many generations usingalternative renewable sustainable buildingmaterials andintegratingintoour designandconstructionhighly energy efficientheating andcooling systems. We specialized in designing and building with Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) and Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC).(Pleasesee my blogposts onAAC andICF.) I must tell you I was more than enthusiastic about meeting and working with Dr. Searcy.For more than30yearsIhavewatchedthe development ofhydrogen technology, whichIhave believedis the bestroutetowardtotallyrenewable, sustainableenergy. When I saw his proposal to develop such a community powered independently with hydrogen fuel cells,Iwas totallyonboardwithhelpinghim tofulfillhis dream andmine. After much deliberations and planning we decided to look for land for our proposed community in a small North Georgia town which had been in decline for some time that most businesses and shops had closed.We thought that building such a community would breathe new life into this town and putitbackonthemap. We looked at two properties on the edge of town. One was a beautiful property of 60 acres which had a large creek that runs through it, which thrilled Andrew. So, we went to the drawing board to design such a mixed-use community that would be totally energy independent using hydrogen fuel cellstopowerit. I went to work on first our concept for this small community and worked with surveyors to get a layout and topography for the property and its natural resources.A very nice surprise we discovered in this process is there were two deep water wells that could supply the community’s needs.The land was hilly but there were about 14 acres that could be graded level.My intention was to use this property for a small grocery store, a pharmacy and maybe a café and/or other smallbusinessespluslevellotsforsinglestorehousesonslabs. On the propertywasahillwhichhada southwestfacetoit.My plan was toterrace this hillanduse it for placement of EvacuatedTubeSolarThermalcollectors and solarphotovoltaics panels as wellas acommunity garden. In the meantime, Dr. Searcy was working on a design for a power grid to be powered by hydrogen fuelcells.He discussed withme aboutusingthreekeysourcesto power hiselectrolyzerswhich
would extracthydrogen gasfromalkaline waterandstore this gas in pressurizedtanks so thatthey could power one large electric generator fueled by hydrogen which would be able to power the communityenergy grid24hours adayandthroughdayswithoutsunlight.We haddiscussed whetherwewould needto usebatteries for storing electricity,whichwemutuallyagreedwedid not want togothisroute butconcentrateonproducingenoughhydrogen tostorepower. He proposedthathewoulddesign asophisticatedwater millthat wouldgenerateelectricity consistently24hoursaday. Secondly, he proposed designing a steam turbine generator powered by our Evacuated Tube Solar Thermalcollectors. ThirdlywewoulduseSolar VoltaicPanels to supply power forenergytosupplyelectricityfor some ofhiselectrolyzerstoproduceandstore hydrogen. His powerplantwouldsupplyelectricityforthe wholecommunityusingcompletelyclean,renewable andsustainableenergywithno causticbyproducts. Yes, Andrew’s power plant would be very expensive, but he did a projection of how this plant would be paid over a 10-year term by sale of the lots, and the residents would pay a flat fee each month for powerandwater.Hisprojectionshowedthatthe systemcouldbe paid foratanaffordable rate to the residents and after the plant was paid for then a small fee would be charged for replacement partsandothermaintenanceofthe system. I cannot think of any project I have worked on planning and building throughout my career that I had more confidence, gratification and exuberance that I was genuinely fulfilling my dream of participating indesigning andbuilding a houseor communitythathasalowimpactonthe environment,usingalternativerenewablesustainabletechnologiesto buildan energyindependent communitywith zero emissionsandnowaste byproduct. Witha welllaid outplanforthiscommunitydevelopmentandadetailedcomprehensiveproposalfor this project we went to the county development authority to present our plan.They received our planwithmuchless thanenthusiasm.They sawnovalueinsucha community. After this rejection we both felt deflated, and I think Andrew’s condition declined more quickly.He succumbedtocancertwomonthslater. WhatI learnedfromDr.Searcywasthathydrogen power is possible anddoable andisindeedthe route weneedto pursue forenergy independence thatiscompletely cleanrenewable and sustainable. With public interest and pressuring our legislators to support bills that promote and fundcompanies workinginresearchanddevelopmentof hydrogen technology. ReadAlso:-WhatIsA Comprehensive BuildingPlans?6Steps ToHelpYourCity Hydrogenscienceisby nomeansnew.Itwasnearly 250yearsagothat hydrogeninwaterwas discovered.In 1804Francois Isaac deRivazaSwissscientist obtainedapatent fora hydrogen poweredvehicle.His prototypewas a4-wheelvehiclewith aninternal combustionengine.The vehicle waspoweredwithhydrogenandoxygenproducedthroughthe processofelectrolysis
whereoxygenandhydrogenareextractedfromwater.Forhisprototypehecapturedthis gas mixture in aballoon.Theignitionwasachievedthroughanelectricalstarter knownasavolta. By the endof the19thcenturythere grew a greatinterestanddemandfor hydrogenforfilling zephyrs withhydrogen forairtravel. Ironically the same simple process of extractinghydrogen and oxygenfromwaterthrough electrolysisisstilltheleading process ofproducing thisgas. Alkaline water electrolysis is a type of electrolyzer which uses a liquid alkaline solution, commonly usingpotassiumhydroxideorsodiumhydroxide.Therearetwo electrodesthatdeliver electricityto this solution.Thetwoelectrodesareseparated by a diaphragmwhich separatesthehydrogenand oxygen which transportsthehydroxide ionsfromone electrodetothe otherwherehydrogen and oxygen are extracted fromthealkaline water solution. I must say that I am becoming more alarmed that all the car manufacturers are all going to the production of electric automobiles. I thoroughly believe we need emissions free cars and trucks and yesterday would not be too soon, but I do not see how this could be sustainable.The other issue is electric filling stations to meet the demand for charging these vehicles is drawing off the presentgridthatisstilllargely producedwithfossilfuels. I am also concerned about so large a part of our moving to green energy is towards photovoltaic panels. The issue that concerns me and should you is that electric vehicles and photovoltaic panels must storeenergyinLithium Ionbatteries.EVbatterieshavea life expectancy of5-7years andPV batterieslast3-5years.Besides the factthattheyareveryexpensivetoreplace andI havereadthey are recyclable but little attention has been given to this task.The main thing I have read is they are very expensive torecycleandresourcesforthis process arefew.Sonow depletedbatteriesmustbe storedastoxicwastebecause ofthe rareearthmetalsusedin them.Furthermore,wearebecoming awarethatLithium batteries canoverheatandcombust. If these issues are not enough to alarm you, then consider the issue that these rare earth metals are rare and there are few places on earth they can be mined, but my greatest concern is that we are tradingouroncedependenceonfossilfuelstomeet ourenergy demandsfrom foreign countriestoanotherenergy dependency.