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In 2024, Indian students can expect to pay between $30,000 and $95,000 per year to study in the USA. The entire cost of studying in America is influenced by a number of factors, such as living expenses and university tuition.
CostofStudyinginUSAforIndianStudentsin2024 The cost of studying in the USA for Indian students in 2024 is estimated to be around $30,000 and $95,000 annually. Severalfactors including the university fees and cost of living influence theoverall expense of studying in America. If you are an Indian student aspiring to study abroad, you are not the only one. Every year thousands of eager students apply to universities in America. Studying in America is a dream for many because of the excellent opportunities availablehere,bothintermsofacademicandcareeradvancement scopes. Despitethe many advantages that studying intheUSAcanoffer,oneofthemajorconcernsthatIndianstudentsapplyingtoanAmericanuniversityhaveisthe cost of living in the USA. In this article, wewill attempt to break down the expense of living andstudying in USA. CostofStudyinginUSAforIndianStudents Now, let us look into each of the factors thatinfluence the overall charge of studying in America: USAUniversityFees If you are applying to graduate programs, you may need to pay around $30,000 to $95,000 per year as USA university fees.Similarly,ifyouareapplyingtoundergraduateprograms,bepreparedtopayanythingbetween$20,000and $50,000.Whilethese are broad figures, you need to understand the differences in tuition fees for specific programs. For example, tuition fees will be more expensive for MBA programs than for undergraduate programs or graduate programs in the Arts and Social Sciences domain. Besides, the cost of studying in the USA will automatically go up if youareapplyingtoprivateschools.Forinstance,theNationalCenterforEducationStatisticsstatesthatinthe academic year 2020 - 2021, the tuition fee for a private non-profit four-year college was around $38,000. AccordingtotheTrends in CollegePricing 2022, the expense of studyingand accommodation in America was around $15,000 for public two-year colleges, $40,000 for public four-year colleges (out-of-state fees), $22,000 for public four-year colleges (in-state fees), and $45,000 for private non-profit four-year colleges for the academic year 2022 - 2023.Forperspective,in2022-2023,thechargeofstudyingaone-yearprogramat Harvard University was around $85,000. Besides,pertheCollegeTuitionInflationRateReport,publishedbyEducationData,thetuitionfeesofhigher educationalinstitutions in America have an annual inflation rate of about8%. Letus look atthe cost ofstudying a fewof the popularprograms in America: AfewofthepopularprogramsinAmericaareMBA,computerscience,finance,economics,andmediaand communications.AnMBAprogramcostsaround$72,000-$90,000,afull-timemaster'sprogramaround$20,000- $35,000, and a full-time undergraduate course in engineering or technology around $56,000 - $65,000. Thefollowing table provides an overview of the university fees of some of the top-ranked colleges in the USA:
CostofLivingintheUSA Takinginto consideration your expenses in terms of food, lodging, transport, miscellaneous expenditures, type of accommodation, and lifestyle, the cost of living in the USA as an Indian student can very well range between $10,000 and$20,000annuallyor$900 - $2000 monthly. However, this expenditure also depends on the area that you are staying in. That is to say, the more developed and bigger the city, the higher the cost of living in the USA. If you are targeting the top-ranked universities in America, namely Princeton University, Columbia University, Yale University, and Stanford University, among others, you can expect the cost of living to be significantly higher as these universities are in big cities such as New York, New Haven, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, and Cambridge. Here’sa breakdownof the averagecost ofliving in USAas aninternational student: Inadditiontothesetwomajor expenses, many other factors also contribute to the overall cost of studying in the USA. Readon to have a better understanding of the same: Health Insurance - It is mandatory to get your health insurance if you are an international student traveling to Americaonacademicvisa.HealthinsuranceforstudyinginAmericawillbeanywherearound$500and $1500annually.Thevalueofthishealthinsurance, however, is largelydependent on the coverageyou opt for andthe provider you apply from. MiscellaneousExpenditure-TheoverallcostofstudyinginUSAalsoincludesothermiscellaneous expenditures such as textbooks, transportation and emergency expenses, food, supplies and utilities, and visa fees.These can further add a few thousand dollars per year to the total cost of studying in the USA. Besidesthesepost-arrivalchargesofstudyingintheUSA,youalsoneedtotakeintoaccountthepre-arrivalcostof studyingin America, which would include factors such as thefollowing: 1.EntranceExams -Applyingto auniversity in America mandates few test results such as the English Proficiency Level test, the GMAT/GRE for MBA programs, the SAT for undergraduate levels, and the MCAT formedical courses. Here’sa breakdown of each ofthese entrance exam fees:
SEVISFees - This is the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, which is essentially a database thatstoresthedetailsof allinternational students arriving in America, includingthe reasons for their traveling to America. Once you receive and accept an offer from a university, you will be sent the SEVIS number on the I-20 form by the university. You will then need to pay the SEVIS fee, which is $360. This fee has to be paid beforeyou can apply for your visa. VisaApplication - Yourtotal cost of studying in the USA will also include the VISA application fees, which is$156foranF1 visa. An F1 visa is commonly needed for studying at an American school. This is applicable to all students enrolled in any of the undergraduate or graduate programs that cover over 18 hours of total academichours each week. Application Fees - When you submit your application to a given program to a particular school, you are also requiredtopay anon-refundableapplication fee. This university application fee will vary from school to school.On an average, this application fee ranges between $65and $85. Counselling Fees - Many students opt for counselling sessions before making their applications to their dream program at their dream American school. This step, while not mandatory, can help guide you to make the right decisionasthestudyabroaddomainistoovast to be navigated alone and without expertise. Depending on your choice of program, the level of counselling you desire, and the counsellors that you choose to work with, counsellingfees can add another $300 to $6000 to your total cost of studying in the USA. Airfare – Depending on the dates, the airlines, the type of booking, and the place of your boarding, your flight toAmerica will be around $324 to $1320. HowtoFundtheCostofStudyingintheUSA Americaisthelandofdreamsandthecountryofopportunities.StudyingintheUSAwillensurethatyoureceivea qualityeducation, more access to resources, better exposure,and an amalgam of diverse cultures and interests. Here are a few options that you can try to fulfil this study abroad dreams without burning a hole in your pocket. 1.Personal Savings - Once you have decided on going abroad for further academic opportunities, budget and startsaving. Based on your income, expenses, and budgeting ability, you can save enough to fund the entire costof studying in USA.
Investments - If you have any investments, you can liquidate a part of the same to fund your study abroad dreams. EducationLoans-Severalbanksandfinancialinstitutionsprovideeducationloansthataredesigned particularlyforstudentswhowishtostudy abroad. Thus, these loans cover all the particulars of the overall costofstudyingintheUSA, including tuition fees, accommodation, supplies, and miscellaneous costs. The best way to select an education loan that seems a custom fit to your specific requirements is to compare the variousavailable options. Scholarships and Financial Aid – Almost all American universities provide interesting scholarship options and not all of them are merely merit-based aids. Hence, once you zero in on your list of favourite American schools, research the scholarship options available and your eligibility for the same. From reducing the tuition fees to waiving off the entire tuition fee, these financial aids are excellent options to help you meet your study abroadgoals. Work-studyPrograms– Depending on the program and the school that you apply for,you may be eligible forwork-studyprogramsthatallowyoutowork part-time while studying. These on-campus jobs are the perfectwayto earn extra money to fund your cost of studying in the USA. However,these programs are highlycompetitive and extremely limited, hence, you need to be aware and apply early. Tips forBudgetingYourCostofStudyingintheUSA BesidesthesesmartoptionstohandlethecostofstudyinginUSA,hereareafew other optionsto effectively budget theoverall cost of studying in the USA. Compare Universities - While you may have a list of dream schools, it is important to do your research well. Compare the academic resources provided by the two universities and the tuition fees for the same. Depending onthe opportunities, you can opt for a university thatfits your budget. Lookforalternativeboardingoptions - On-campus accommodations and even single-rent apartments can beexpensive.Exploreotheraccommodation options such as shared homestays so that you can cut down on rentoptions. Scholarships - As discussed above, you can look into the many scholarship options offered by your university tosave on the total cost of studying in USA. Part-timeWork-Besidesthe work-study programs offered by your universities, your visa allows you part-timeworkalbeitwithcertainlimitations.Althoughthismayseemalucrativeoption,it is also important toensure that you are able to balance both your workand academic commitments.
Tosum up, studying in the USA is extremely expensive. However, with the right guidance, proper planning, and realisticbudgeting,yourdreamofstudyingintheUSAcansoonbecomeareality. If you are planning on studying in theUSA, connect with our expert mentors at Manya - ThePrinceton Review. FAQs: WhatisthecostofstudyinginUSA? A:ThecostofstudyinginUSAforIndianstudentsin2024can range anywhere between $30,000 and $95,000 annuallydepending on your choice of program, school,location, and living arrangements. WhatistheaverageUSAuniversityfee? A: Depending on your choice of program, the USA universityfees will be around $20,000 to $90,000 per year. Whatisthe costof livingin theUSA asan Indianstudent? A:Asaninternationalstudent,yourcostofliving in theUSA will be around $10,000 and $20,000 based on your cost offood, lodging, transport, miscellaneous expenses, typeof accommodation, and lifestyle. Are there scholarshipoptionsavailableforstudyingintheUSA? A: Yes, all universities offer several scholarship options to help you fund your education in the USA. WhichfactorsinfluencethecostofstudyinginUSA? A:Fromyourentranceexams,visaapplicationfees,SEVISfees,andairfare,totuitioncostsandlivingexpenses, everydetail goes into determining the overall cost of studying in USA.