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Getting ready for the GMAT while managing your job can be difficult and exhausting. When choosing to follow that path as a working professional, there are a lot of factors to take into account. To put it mildly, juggling GMAT preparation with a demanding, high-profile career can be challenging. On the other hand, the appropriate direction combined with excellent time management abilities may be just what the doctor ordered.
GMATStudyPlanforWorkingProfessionals|BalancingWork& GMAT PreparingfortheGMATexamwhilejugglingworkcanbetiresomeandchallenging.Asa workingprofessional,thereismuchtoconsiderbeforeyoudecidetotreadthatpath.Balancing GMATprepsimultaneouslyalongsideahigh-pressurehigh-profilejobcanbeatrickyaffair, to saytheleast.However,acombinationoftherightguidanceandtop-notchtimemanagement skillscanbejustwhatthedoctorordered. WhetheryouareanewbietothewholeGMATsagaorarejustlookingtoimproveyourprevious score,wehavegotyoucovered.It'stimetojumpinandaddanotherdimensiontoyourGMAT prep. 1.GMATExamStructureandScoringPattern: As the old Chinese saying goes - “Knowing your enemy is half the battle.” Nothing truer canbesaidwhenitcomestotheGMATexam. Beforeyou jump intothe whole affairhead first, youneed to familiarizeyourself with the
insandoutsof theentireGMAT exam,structure,andsyllabus. Howmanysections are there in the exam? What are those various sections - the various question types and • whatexactlyisbeingtested? What’sthescoringrange? What’sanadaptivetest? How doesitplayoutintheGMATexam? • Youneedtohaveagreatunderstanding andagoodresponsetothe aforementioned questions. Since the primary focus of this blog is on the strategic side of the GMAT prep,wewon’tgointothoseparticularspresently.However,ifyou’rekeento know aboutallthingsGMATFocus edition,pleasereferto theblogsmentionedbelow for those minutiae/details: • GMAT Exam–AComprehensiveunderstandingofthe GMAT Focus edition • GMATFocusEditionSyllabus 2024|What isitandhow topreparefor it? • Acingthe GMAT FocusEdition:EverythingYouNeedtoKnow • Preliminary Self-Assessment: • Onceyou arewell acquainted withall things GMAT,it’s time fora reality check. Any prep must start with an unbiased dispassionate self-evaluation. Putting your best foot forward will save time and a whole lotta heartache. • KnowingwhereyouarenowwillhelpyoutobuildamoreeffectiveGMATstudy plan. It is essential that you take a mock/practice/diagnostic test before you embarkon your test prep journey. Go tomba.comand make a free account to take GMAT OfficialFocusPracticeTest1.Oryoucancheckouttestsfromother reputedtestprepcompaniessuchasThePrincetonReview.Allthebesttest prep companies have at least one free mock test available. • The reasons for starting the prep with a diagnostic test are manifold: • Youwillgettohavethetestexperiencealbeitasimulatedone. • Youwillunderstandyourcurrentabilitiesinvarioussectionsandquestion types. • Youwillknowexactlywhatit’sliketotakeanadaptivetest. • Youwillgettoknowyourweak areasandinturncanpersonalize your GMATstudyplan. • And it will help you set realistic targets.
3.DefineYourTarget: Once you know where you stand, you have to figure out where you want to be. When andhow you reach your destination is contingent upon where you are on the journey. Insteadofpickingatarget GMATscorethatisconsideredparorabovepar,youneedto knowtheaverageGMATscore oftheprecedingintake ofthepossiblebusiness schools thatyou aretargeting. Alignyour preparations accordingly.You shouldalso consider the possibilitythattoget intoanyschool, GMATscoresarethe be-allandend-all. Having saidthat,agreatGMATscorecanseparateyoufromthe herd. Whentheride isarduous,it isimperativethat youdividethe entireGMATprep journey into manageable milestones. Establish a timeline especially if there is a huge chasm between your diagnostic test scores and your target test scores. Instead of thinking aboutthefinalGMATscore, thinkofimprovingat everystage.Hitthose milestones consistently. StrategicGMATStudyPlan:
Timemanagementisabsolutely crucialforanyworking professionalwhowishesto ace this exam. In this section, we will walk you through the entire process of creating an effectiveGMATstudyplaninawaythatwill fityourdailyroutineandhelpyouto stay motivated throughout the preparation process. Assessyouravailability:Firstofall, toscheduleyourGMATprep,you should analyze your daily and weekly schedule. Mark out slots of time intended specificallyforstudy. Theseshould matchyourenergy leveland reduce distraction. Choose early mornings or early evenings, when you usually don't feel tired. For example, if you feel more creative during lunch times, consider doing it then. Prioritizeyourstudygoals:WritedownyourtargetGMAT scoreandthedate you plan to take the exam. Put both of these on your vision board. Break down the preparation into smaller milestones and designate enough time for various sections of the exam. Most test takers allot a set number of study hours in a day or week, and when they surpass it they feel that they are on the right track. That’sarookiemistake.Yourentire GMAT studyplanshouldrevolve around
various topics or concepts. Instead of hours spent studying, make lessons your goal. Createastudycalendar:Makeuseofadigitalcalendaroraplannerto chartyourstudyschedule.Planyourstudysessionsbyestablishingclear studygoalsforeachoneandallocatingspecifictimeperiodswithinwhich youwillworkondifferent GMATareasandquestiontypes. Balanceyourworkload:Yourstudyscheduleshouldtakeintoaccount suchthingsasworkobligationsandpeopleresponsibilitiesyouneedto coverwhilestudying.Createyourtimetablearoundyourworkschedule. Watchoutforthoseperiodsoftime whenthework getshectic andplan for lighter sessions accordingly. Flexibilityiskey:Lifeisunpredictable,bothpersonalandprofessional. YoushouldtakethatintoaccountwhilepreparingyourGMATstudyplan should any extenuating circumstances occur. Breakitdown:Youdonotwannaspendanentiredayatthelibrarynor shouldyousplitthestudysessionsintodays.Onthecontrary,divideyour studyingperiodintoeasierparts,whereyoufeelabletosetfocusona particulartopicorsectioneachday.Thisoptionkeepsthemindfrom getting bored and helps with understanding and information retention. TakeBreaks:Ensuretohaveshortbreaksinyourstudyroutinestoan extentthatyourmindcanrecover.Forsomeminutes,everynowandthen, stepawayfromyourbooksandcomputertorechargeandrefreshtobe more productive. Staymotivated:Insteadofsettingunrealisticgoals,startout small. Every goalthatyouhitwillgiveyouasenseofaccomplishment.Thisis going to becrucialtokeepyourselfmotivated.Celebratelittlevictorieswhich,in turn, will keep your spirits up. Trackyourprogress:Studyingandpreppingmaynotbeenoughifyou arelostinthewilderness.Ifyoudon’t know where you are going, you may notendupattherightplace.Taketestsatregularintervalstogaugeyour progress. Identify the areas that you need to improve. Eliminatetimewasters:Identifyandavoidactivitiesthattakeupalotof yourtimewithoutaddinganysignificantvaluetoyourqualityoflife.Stay offthe grid.Limit distractionssuch associal mediaor web surfing. Utilizecommutetime:UseGMATaudiobooklessons,flashcards,and otherresourcestoreviewGMATcontentduringyourdailycommute.It givesyoutheopportunitytoexploitthenon-productivetimethus embracing even the time which would otherwise remain stagnant.
Moreimportantly,keepinmindthatpeoplearedifferentandwhatworksfor someoneelsemaynot work for you. Everyone has his/her own learning style and philosophy.Trynewstudytimetabletypesandroutinestofindthepatternsthat willbethemostproductiveforyou.Committoplanninginadvancehowyouwill usethegivenamountoftimeforthispurpose,andalsosticktoyourroutineto achieve the desired outcomes. Select the Right Resources: Thereisaplethoraofalleged GMATprepmaterialsavailablebothonline and offline.Youmustbecarefulaboutwhatyouchoose.ThereisanoldIndian saying,andIhopeittranslatesintoEnglish.Anyway,itgoessomethinglike ‘Wisemenlearnfrom someoneelse’smistakes,smart peoplelearnfrom their ownmistakes,andthenthere areidiotswhoneverlearn.’ Youwouldwannabe in the former two categories of people.
GMATtestprepmaterialincludes butisnotlimited to,practicetests,study guides (for concepts and fundamentals), and question banks (so that you are never out of practice). • Whenyou’re just starting, stay within the more conventional resources. Official Guideandthevarioussection-wiseReviewBooks(Verbal,Quantitative,and Data Insights) are very reliable sources. There are also two free practice tests availableontheGMACofficialwebsite,alongwiththepaidones.Youshould definitely check out those. • Butapart fromthe officialresources, there aremany testprep companies such as The Princeton Review that have been in this realm for a very long time and arevery muchtrusted fortheir content. Ifyou havetime andmoney, you should refer to those. • If you're a little light on the budget, then there are several community blogs and websitesthatareentirelydedicatedto theGMATprep.Amongthem,the GMAT Club is one of the more popular ones. • Conclusion: • Agoal-drivenapproachtoGMATpreparationisnecessarytoprovide work-life balance and also allow you to achieve your goals. • UnderstandthestructureandscoringsystemoftheGMATpriorto building a study plan. • Takeadiagnostic GMAT testtoaccuratelyassessyourscoreandknow what to improve. • Come up with reasonable goals and outline the deadline so as to be engagedandgoal-orientedthroughoutthe GMATpreparationperiod. • Learn how to manage your time in such a way that you can create a GMAT studyplanthatfitsinwithyourworkcommitments. FAQs:
Q1. I wonder if my schedule is going to allow me to make time for the GMAT prep while working full-time. Yes,workandpreparationcan beharmonized.Implementinga comprehensive GMAT studyplanandapplyingefficienttimemanagementtechniqueswillallow youtoreachyourgoalsfortheGMATandbalanceyour work. Q2.HowandwheredoIbeginmyGMATprep? Knowingtheformatandstructure oftheGMATtest istheinitialstep toward following a successful preparation plan. Acquaint yourself with each part, the types of questions, and how you are scored in order to heighten your knowledge base of the subject. Q3.HowdoIsetambitious butrealisticmilepostsformyGMATstudy schedule? Setting achievable goals is surely as important as maintaining your motivation alongthe GMAT studyingprocess.Determinewhat GMAT scoreyoushouldaim for,breakitdownintosmallmilestones,andtrytoadaptyourstudyschedule around your work availability. Q4.HowdoImanagework andGMATprepwithoutphysicaland mental exhaustion? Asuccessfulimplementationofworkduties andpreparationfortheGMATcan be tiresome, keep in mind that it is necessary to have the right work-life balance. Put self-care first, give yourself much morethan is necessary, and perfectyour time-management skills so as to minimize burnout and maintain the motivation for success. Q5. How do effective study tips work in preparation for the GMAT? Learning and retention can also be greatly enhanced by implementing good study techniques. Experiment with involved learning methods including problem resolution,doinggroup study,and applyingflashcards tohave thebest GMAT preparation.