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People management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. People management

  2. Intro

  3. About me My responsibilities: ● ● ● ● ● ● Technology leadership Sales support Processes improvement Client relationships Human resources Team building ● Head of Web Development @ Lemberg Solutions 7+ years with Drupal facebook.com/roman.paska twitter.com/T2LPR drupal.org/u/taran2l ● ● ● ●

  4. What this presentation is about? ● ● ● ● ● It’s not about project management It's not about the development process It’s not about tools and software It’s (almost) not a Drupal-specific session It’s all about people

  5. Recruitment

  6. Why should I care? Because you will be working with them!

  7. What do we do? 1. 2. 3. 4. Pre-screening and screening Technical and HR interview(s) Test task Cultural interview

  8. Pre-screening and screening ● ● ● ● First lines of defence Done by recruiter Ensure that this steps are present This step is not your responsibility

  9. Technical and HR interview(s) ● ● Create a questionnaire template (Google Docs/Spreadsheet) List of questions must reflect your and/or your company needs. Do not google for them. Create them Questions should be of different complexity levels Avoid more than a few logical tricky questions Share it with the team Educate every team member so anyone can do technical interviews Make notes during the interview Do not ask all the questions. Respect your interviewee’s time. Skip too easy questions, do not torture with too complex as well ● ● ● ● ● ●

  10. Test tasks ● ● ● ● Create test task(s) Better to have more than one Avoid any ambiguity in description Tasks must be relatively simple. Think maximum 8 hours of work. Respect time of the candidates Create spreadsheet for the results. Set weight for each task (e.g. 1-3). Set grades range (e.g. 0-5). Set pass rate (e.g. 75%) Share all that with the team, educate everyone how to use it Make sure that more than 1 team member checks the work ● ● ●

  11. Cultural interview ● ● ● ● ● This step is even more important than all the previous ones Allows filtering out candidates who do not fit your company Last line of defence. Do not skip it Invite candidate to your office Invite couple team members, e.g. 5 or 6. Ideally should be of various job roles: developers, QA engineers, PM etc Talk about everything, but do not ask any questions you might want to have in technical interview template. Asking about preferred OS is totally OK. However, how to create a block is completely not. Discuss with the team. Make sure to listen all the opinions. Decide whether to do an offer or not during this discussion ● ●

  12. 1:1 meetings

  13. What is it and why should I do it? ● ● ● ● ● ● Short regular private meetings with each team member Help to discover hidden issues Fix conflicts before they are starting to hurt your company Relatively easy way of organizing personal development Make your colleagues a little bit happier Help to build a stable and friendly teams

  14. What the format? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Meetings should be short (less than 15 minutes) Talk regularly (ideally each 2 weeks) Talk privately (nobody should ever know what you are talking about) No forbidden topics Check action items from the last meeting (if any) Proceed with a quick summary. Be open. Be honest Listen your teammate. Be attentive. Be careful Make notes of topics discussed (Google Docs works) Add action items (for you and/or for your team member) Repeat

  15. Automate everything

  16. Reduce amount of monkey job ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Create and polish internal processes Make them simple Automate as much as you can Reduce amount of boring administrative tasks Concentrate on interesting challenging tasks Find the most boring, complex, time consuming thing and simplify it Repeat

  17. Drupal ecosystem

  18. Make your Drupallers even better ● ● ● Educate your team about Drupal ecosystem Take part in local, regional and global events Organize events

  19. Educate your team about Drupal ecosystem ● ● ● ● Taking part in Drupal project is as important as doing commercial work Learn how Drupal ecosystem works Ensure that everyone has an account on drupal.org Give back: ○ Create an issue if you found that something is wrong ○ Add a comment if you can reproduce the issue ○ Post a patch (or reroll) if you fixed something ○ Add/edit a documentation page to share your investigations ○ Publish your translations Any contribution counts Encourage others to act the same ● ●

  20. Take part in local, regional and global events ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Events are not free of charge, but they're not that expensive Go to your local events. Meet people. Talk. Teach and learn Make presentations. Share your experience Ask and answer questions Go to regional and global events. Meet people. Talk. Teach and learn Meet different cultures. Listen. Talk. Learn Regional and global events are very inspirational Promote Ukraine Encourage your colleagues to do the same

  21. Organize events ● ● ● ● ● ● Organizing an event helps to develop soft skills Soft skills are as much important as technical ones Build a local community around Drupal Strong community attracts more developers (mostly, good developers) Strong community means broader visibility Strong community gives better projects

  22. Q&A

  23. Thank you!

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